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Thursday, March 17, 2022



NATO largesse - its slow response to act quickly and STOP the genocide - crime against humanity - while millions suffer and thousands die in Ukraine.

All over the world, we have witnessed " genocide " crimes against humanity - again and again - so much so that we have become immune to such crimes - we look the other way.

Today, the Taliban in Afghanistan - thousands dying of starvation - the United States invaded Afghanistan -stayed for 20 years plus - then left abruptly -signing some fake agreement the Taliban- they are no nation - and known for corruption of the highest order. Afghanistan and its 40 million population are in dire straits.

The mess we witnessed at Abbey Gate in Afghanistan - we forget scenes like this - as we will forget locations in Ukraine - and with months from now - it will be business as usual. Do we really care about genocide and crimes against humanity?

Our U.N. Security Council is a JOKE - the Veto power has been used to favor - those nations that use it - for their own selfish benefit. Never, ever for what is right. Recently - Russia used it - so many times - forcing the General Assembly - to vote 141-4 against Russia and its invasion of Ukraine. Today - thousands dying in Ukraine. 

Innocent children uprooted - thousands traumatized from the bombing, missiles target residences - Vladimir Putin has BLOOD on his hands. Million uprooted seeking refugee status - away from Ukraine - to save their lives and make sense of life.

Afghan refugees fleeing Afghanistan in a hurry.

Ukrainians waited for days before boarding a train to flee to Poland and other NATO nations.

Today millions of children are slowly dying in Afghanistan - the world has forgotten Afghanistan - that is how quickly we change our mind and focus - from issue to issue - oblivious of death, suffering - lacking empathy and compassion.

Yesterday - March 16, 2022 - President Zelensky - addressed the United States Congress and Senate. Speaking of leaders, he asked them to address - " peace. " He pointed out after knowing about the death of hundreds of children - his heart STOPPED. He said - he feels as if he is dead. President Zekensky is with his Ukrainian people. President Zelensky - told the world - he does not need a ride - he needs ammunition. He has visited the trenches, the hospitals, addressed the European Union, the English Parliament, the Canadian Parliament, and the United States Congress and Senate.

As one who has monitored the situation at hand linked to various wars for the last 45 years - I have witnessed a lot.

The many genocides - we have seen Cambodia, Dafur, Viet Nam, Myanmar,  East Timor, El Salvador, Guatemala, Syria, Iraq, Kurdistan, Yemen, Afghanistan, today in Ukraine - many others that the world has chosen to look the other side - kicking the can down the street.

At Standford, we have so-called think tanks - what the fuck are they doing - pretending to know some - but failing to inform the United States Congress and the Senate - genocide and the crimes against humanity.

The Internation Courts must be given empirical data - to address the upcoming issues - linked to genocide - talk is cheap - good actions matter.

Antony Bilken has failed us - in Iraq, Libya, for sure in Afghanistan, and now in Ukraine. Antony Bilken - has been unable to make a sound needs assessment - before the situation happens. Antony Bilken failed in Afghanistan and created the Ukraine situation - then, instead of having a solid blueprint - he started kicking the can down the street.

The United States - Department of State has failed us in Syria, Iraq, Lebanon, Afghanistan, and even today in Ukraine - the temporary refugee status given to refuges is utter - nonsense.

Read the link below to understand some about the Hungarians that were accepted as refugees in the United States: 

We can go to the time thousands of Hungarians came to the United States. Some thirty thousand plus Hungarians have contributed so much - to this nation.

Never in Hungary today - Hungary has not been kind to Syrians and others - most people of color.

Over three hundred thousand Ukrainians came to the United States after World War I.

We have thousands of Ukrainians living in the United States - most of the Ukrainians - citizens.

Helping today's refugees can be quickly resolved by creating Liberty Cities - Ukrainians in the United States can fund the baseline requirements.

Similarly, the United States can create Liberty Cities or towns for the Afghans - billions of dollars - have been amassed by the United States government - money is frozen that belong to the Afghans - all this and more is known to a chosen few - but not for long.

We failed the Syrians, the Iraquis, the El Salvadorians, the Guatemalans, Peruvians -  those from East Timor, Mynamar - and so on.

It is not too late - to think creatively - even as we lack good workers - train and invest in making computer chips, car parts, even making shoes, clothing, and other things - we have been importing from China.  

These fucking politicians are given a pass - and it is time to call a spade a spade.  

For decades, we have been assassinating the leaders and creating banana republics. Congress had to stop this nonsense. It still continues - be it - clandestine.

Today we do not have the decency - to say we are sorry and make restitution to the nations - we have with intent - adversely impacted - stealing their resources.

Chief Sitting Bull - he united the Lakota Nation.

Chief Joseph - Nez Perce Leader.

The United States was once better known as Turtle Island.

Turtle Island has an area of 3,717,812.8 million square miles.

Each and every square foot was stolen from the indigenous people.

The indigenous people on Turtle Island lived for over twenty-three thousand years (23,000) - carbon-dated - artifacts and human remains.

The Whites came here some four hundred years ago - and within two hundred years wiped out the Buffalo - plies of flesh heaped - creating a stench for miles.

The Whites enslave Blacks and continue to exploit people of color - it is called discrimination - they shoot first and ask questions later - under a law name " Qualified Immunity " - the rogue officers who do this - get a slap on their hand. 

White citizens of the United States make decisions to create banana republics - most Whites ultimately decide to invade nations that have not attacked us - Iraq and Afghanistan come to mind.

Even though the United States is not known as a colonizer like the British, Belgians, Portugues, Spanish, French, Germans, Dutch, Italians - others.

The United States has been involved in the Philippines, American Samoa, Hawaii, Banana Republics, Puerto Rico, Guam - other places that we may not know - operating airports and bases - in the name of security.

The United States could have done better with the North Atlantic Treaty Organization - the failed.

The United States helped move over 1900 nuclear weapons from Ukraine to Russia.

Putting nothing in writing that it would come to the rescue of Ukraine - if attacked.

The United States participated in the disarming of Ukraine and today have created the way - to bomb the living hell and adversely impact Ukraine by Russia.

Without - any direct action - taken - leaving  Vladimir Putin - to attack from the sky - from Russia itself and Belarus - with long-range missiles - killing thousands of Ukrainians.

The United States knows this and looks at the ongoing carnage, the killing of innocent infants, children, youth, elders, mothers, and fathers - and we think - we are doing well - waiting for the eleventh hour to help Ukraine.

Can the United States do better? 



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