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Monday, March 21, 2022



Russia continues to target buildings occupied by civilians. Targeting the facilities with missiles and bombs. This is wrong - Russia is fostering genocide and must be indicted - crimes against humanity.

Russian Armored Personnel Vehicle destroyed. 

It is a shame in the year 2022 - a rogue nation under a rogue leader who rules Russia - with a heavy hand - Russia and Ukraine are warring with one another.

Yet, the rogue Vladimir Putin insists - Russia is just conducting some battle exercises.

Vladimir Putin must be ashamed of himself - killing infants, children, youth, innocent women and men, our Elders. 

Targeting residences, schools, churches, hospitals, recreation centers, museums - locations filled with Ukrainian citizens - who are not military. 

Russian forces have attacked innocent Ukrainian citizens standing in line to procure food.

P U T L E R 

Russians have attacked innocent Ukrainian in cars waiting in line - to leave Ukraine - to enter Poland or other cities - fleeing Ukraine - fearing their lives.

Russia has lost over 15,000 soldiers.

It is a shame thousands of Russian soldiers have been left on the battlefield - their bodies rotting. 

Far from retrieving Russian soldiers left dead on the battlefield, Russia has disgraced themselves and Russia, having no regard for those who led to fighting in a war that is not justified.  

Six Russian Generals have been killed - hundreds of tanks left in the field - tanks that run out of gas.

General Vitaly Gerasimov - First Deputy Commander of Russia's 41st Army - is one of many dead. No one knows - why there are so many Russian Generals each doing their own thing - on the battlefield - the left hand not knowing what the right hand is doing?

Thousand of Russian soldiers have surrendered to the Ukrainian military. The common thread related - the conscripts were told - they participated in some military exercises.

Vladamir Putin is a liar - putting thousands of soldiers - in harm's way. Over and above this fact - the soldiers did not have food and water - they were starving.

The Russian soldiers - mostly conscripts -  had no clue the battle would take weeks - they were told the so-called military exercises - would last - a couple of days. 

Russia has been held at bay by the Ukrainian military. Thousands of Russian soldiers were killed on the battlefield. Russia does not have the decency to pick up their dead and has left Russian soldiers to rot on the battlefield. This is a disgrace to the human race. For all the talk - Vladimir Putin is a coward -  soon he will be dealt justice - his time has come.

Mariupol will not surrender. In the last couple of hours, the Ukrainians have destroyed four Russian tanks. Captured twenty-five Russian soldiers - destroyed other Russian war equipment. Mariupol citizens love their city - not so the Russian soldiers who were lied to by Vladimir Putin. Russian soldiers have no keen intentive to fight a losing battle. The fortitude and tenacity of the Ukrainian soldiers are so intense and profound - that the Russians are fleeing and backing off. From a distance, they fire hypersonic missiles; from the sky, the Russian jetfighters bomb civilian targets.

 Glory to Ukraine! Glory to Ukraine! Glory to Ukraine!

Glory to Ukraine!

It is a shame that the Russians cannot defeat the spirit of the Ukrainians.

It is a shame that Russia continues to target infants, children, Elders, innocent women, and men.

Those with compromised health - Vladimir Putin is a loser and what is more - cannot be trusted - he is evil - a consummate liar.

The world is watching, and the United States and NATO - keep on watching. 

Today, not long ago - a Shopping Mall in Kyiv was destroyed - most probably destroyed by a hypersonic missile.

8 Ukrainians were killed.

The Ukrainian soldiers in Kyiv - fired up - and ready to take on the cowardly Russians - who are backing off - firing hypersonic missiles - from far off.

The United Nations is impotent - and cannot do anything but throw arrows in the air.

NATO is at its wit's end - they had no actual blueprint for handling the situation.



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