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Monday, March 14, 2022




It is three weeks, and Vladimir Putin - thinks he can maintain some credibility - the world looks at him as an egotistical maniac - a pariah - of the worst order. He must - go.

The world leaders underestimated Ukrainians in their quest to be FREE.

History has shown us again and again - those that who have their heart in the right place - will win. God is with the Ukrainians.

Early on, America promised to rescue President Zelensky from the Russians.

President Zelensky replied that he did not need a ride and sent him the ammunition. President Zelensky is a leader, not a blind follower. 

 President Joe Biden must learn from him - and those others who have failed the United States.

Those of us who know something about history remember 1939 - we remember the Third Reich, then, Lennin, and how he starved the people of Ukraine.

We remember the fall of the Soviet Union and how Ukraine remained free for thirty years.

We remember 2019 - and then again 2014 - when Vladimir Putin flexed his muscles - and was kept at Bay.

We remember the take over of Crimea by Vladimir Putin and that of Georgia - the Donbas area in Ukraine.

Intimidating - Belarus, Georgia, Crimea and sending intimidating signals to other neighbors that Vladimir Putin should have had good relations with - but - instead made a pariah of himself.

Glory to Ukraine!

The free world is watching this horrible mess that Vladimir Putin has inflicted on Ukrainians.

Ukrainians - the infants, the children, the youth, our beloved Elders, those with compromised health - with intent - are adversely impacted and suffer.

The warrior Ukrainians are known warriors -  Ukrainians - will fight for their freedom - their heart in the right place.

We have seen the United Nations meet and kick the can down the street. 

The United Nations - Security Council met many times - failing to send a strong signal to Russia - that it had indeed invaded - Ukraine.

Russia used the Veto Power - in a nonchalant manner - much like the United States used its Veto  Power during the Iraq crisis.

The United Nations General Assembly had to meet - one hundred and forty-one members voted against Russia - and its illegal invasion of a member nation - Ukraine.

Four rogue nations voted for Russia and its illegal invasion - North Korea, Syria, Eritrea, and Belarus.

The North Atlantic Treaty Organization - thirty nation strong - talks but cannot walk. Ukraine - keeps asking for a no-fly zone over Ukraine. Russia continues - firing miles from the Baltic Sea and from Russia itself - knowing well the sky is free of encumbrances.  

Russia is now begging China for help - weapons, and ammunition. 

Russia has suffered heavy losses - soldiers, tanks, and other military assets.

Thousands of dead Russian soldiers left to die - rotting - where is Vladimir putting on this - issues.

Russia will be defeated - there is no doubt about this fact.

Vladimir Putin has become a pariah - no one wants to have anything much to do with this pariah.

War is not pretty, and it is worse when the Geneva Convention -rules and regulations are not followed:

President Joe Biden could have done better - but - as we know from observations of what happened in Iraq, Syria, Libya, and Afghanistan.  

We forget Yemen, Sudan, Ethiopia, Myanmar, aka Burma, the Uyghurs in China.

Millions of Uyghurs were sent to camps - organ harvesting and other atrocities inflicted. The Uyghurs were forced to learn Mandarin. When we see such blatant atrocities - we must lead - and not jump - from the frying pan into the fire.

The  United States - could have done better - when we the United States looked the other way - autocrats such as Vladimir Putin take advantage. 

President Joe Biden is weak in the knees - his side-kick Kamala Harris cannot make a decent speech, throwing her arms - someone must teach her - how to make a strong speech - articulate - and keep her arms checked.

Vladimir Putin can kiss his ass goodbye. 

Ukrainian soldiers on patrol - armed with shoulder missiles.

Javelinas and other tools like drones - the Ukrainian soldiers - have managed to keep the Russian soldiers at Bay. 

The Russians are running out of fuel and food. 

The Russian soldiers are demoralized and fed up.

The Russian soldiers did not know they were going to war.

The Russian soldiers were hoodwinked - and told they would be conducting some exercises. 

12,000 Russian soldiers have been killed - many corpses lying - on the battlefield - rotting - Vladimir Putin - has BLOOD on his hands. 

The Geneva Convention rules and regulations:

The Geneva Convention prohibits targeting civilians- more infants, children, women, and the Elders - those with compromised health.

Time is running out - Russia has lost the war it started - it miscalculated that the Ukrainians will never be defeated. Glory to Ukraine.

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