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Sunday, March 20, 2022



Patriot Missles down Russian planes - the Ukrainians need more long-range missiles - to keep the Russians at bay. 

Daily we see the blatant atrocities committed by Russia - bombing, using hypersonic missiles, cluster bombs, the threat of bombing nuclear plants.

The evil Vladimir Putin - is a demon and must be ashamed that he calls himself a Christian - an orthodox Christian.

This brings us to address why Vladimir Putin, a pariah, is not excommunicated by the Orthodox patriarchs - with their long flowing beards - many of them have held him close - Vladimir Putin - giving them large donations - why?

Pope Francis is Catholic - Catholic means universal - Roman Catholic pointing to the Vatican. How versatile is the Catholic Church today - really?

We simply cannot tell the monster to stop the carnage - the time has come - to excommunicate this demon - debar him from any association - worth the salt.   

Daily we see the carnage all over Ukraine - millions displaced - infants, children, youth, elders, those with compromised health - killed. Schools, Churches, hospitals, museums, residences - bombed - thousands killed - and the Orthodox Chruch and other churches have not spoken out - it is time will call a spade a spade. 

There was a time when the crusaders donned their heavy armor - armed with swords - the rode their horses to fight the Muslims - and these battles - were glorified for all the wrong reasons.

The Muslims contributed a lot to civilization, and some of us know about Cordoba in Spain and other higher institution of learning - Mosques - works of art, and more.

Muslim institutions of learning - where everyone - men from all faiths - could share their wisdom - philosophy, theology, mathematics, geometry, algebra, medicine - other subjects of higher learning.  

Orthan - one of many - the Ruler of the Ottoman Empire.

Rumeli Fortress - Istanbul - going back to the Ottoman Empire. 

Some of us know about the Ottoman Empire - Constantinople now known as Istanbul - trade, works of art, species, silk, gold, precious stones - men of learning - shared their wisdom - and reached far-off places - modern Russia and China and beyond. 

One of many portraits of Ghengis Khan - to this day - we have not found his body - buried in a sacred place - his empire was vast -including present-day Ukraine.

The mogul Ghengis Khan conquered vast lands and spread his power far and wide - to this day - most military institutions - study his modi operandi - his enemies feared him - most surrender.

Those that did not - were impaled - just the sight of seeing a human impaled - sent shills - to those who witnessed the slow and torturous - suffering. 

Paradoxically - the area now known as Ukraine - has seen the recent type of invasion from the days of the Vikings. 

To Lenin and Stalin, the Third Reich,  the 2014 invasion of Russia by Vladimir Putin, and now the recent debacle that we are seeing - today.


The North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) has failed to make a concerted effort to have a united force to deter any other nation - attacking any government linked to the thirty countries - that is NATO.

Within days NATO will have to make up its mind - to fight Russia.

It is totally uncalled for Russia to invade any nation that belongs to the United Nations - and for the matter, any sovereign country - Ukraine has been free for 30 years - and will remain free forever.

So far, the Free World has been looking at the debacle.

The many horrific atrocities committed by Vladimir Putin - his actions call for an indictment now - genocide on the people of Ukraine - Crime against Humanity.

The Hague and the International Courts are slow to indict Russia and Vladimir Putin.

We have other autocrats in line - and we must not rule out the United States. We saw what Donald Trump was doing - trying his best to declare NATO null and void, insulting the leaders from Germany France, and getting away scot-free.

The United States Military - given the opportunity - will defend our nation and the citizens of the United States. 

In one of his addresses, General Mark Miley stressed the United States Military - bears no allegiance to any one person - or entity - only to the United States Constitution. 


The Flag of the United States.

Each of these thugs - should really be hung - they are traitors.

The invasion of Capitol Hill - January 6, 2021.

We, the people, will not forget - if we do, we are not citizens of the United States. We know who the traitors are - they must all be hung - the Constitution says so - so why are they Scott-free?

There was a time in recent history for an extended period the United States had a government that stood by universal principles - but more also the Constitution of the United States.

The U.S. Constitution may not be perfect - but perfect enough to impress the world government - the U.S. Constitution allows for progress, and slowly but surely - we can amend the U.S. Constitution to make it a perfect Republic.

For decades, the Congress and the Senate had bipartisan cooperation - the world admired the Unites States government.

Today Americans are taking our Freedom for granted.

There is Freedom, and there is a License.

Abuse of Freedom is License - we must think about this - and more apply it to our daily actions.

The January 6, 2021 incident cannot be taken lightly - the desecration of Capitol Hill.

Donald Trump with intent prodding the "thugs" to disrupt the counting of the Electoral Votes - being counted on January 6, 2021.

The United States was stolen from the indigenous people - every square inch - 3,717,812,8 square miles.

The indigenous people have lived here on Turtle Island, now known as America, for over 23,000 years - carbon dates - artifacts and human remains.

Today we called ourselves a Super Power - whatever that means.

The resources of this land Turtle Island are immense.

We may not know it - the Whites who landed here as strangers - killed and murdered the indigenous people - the strangers committed genocide. 

That is our history. Assassinating leaders of countries in South America, elsewhere - creating Banana Republics.

Invading Iraq, Libya, Afghanistan  - we dare point fingers at others - when we are guilty.

We must put them on notice, leaders the likes of - George W. Bush, Cheney, Barrack Hussein Obama, Joe Biden - others, too many to name.

General Mark Miley, what have you to say? For sure, we still have profound memories of Afghanistan. We dared to sign a treaty - with the thugs - the Taliban. Who is leading this war in Ukraine? NATO did not prepare itself for this situation. We, the United States - are ready for this situation. In the first two days - we should have acted. What prevented us - if not very poor leadership? President Joe Biden weak in the knees - his side-kick Vice President Kamala Harris has no military experience - she might as well stay at home and sing the blues.

Why do children have to suffer?

Why do children have to suffer?

Why do the elders have to suffer?

Russia continues to use cluster bombs - genocide.

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