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Sunday, March 6, 2022


President Zelenskiy has shown the world - the time is now to deal with monsters - like Vladimir Putin the Puto. Good leaders are with the people - the people united will never, ever be defeated.

President Zelenskiy has shown the world - good leaders know the way, show the way and go the way. 

President Zelenskiy is a man. A leader who is at the service of the people. He is not a Nazi - in fact, his father fought the Nazis.

 Vladimir Vladamir Putin is a coward. 

Vladamir Putin now has decided to control the lives of all Russians - depriving Russians - of free speech and access to all news. 

Sentencing those who speak freely  - sent to jail.

The Russian troops continue to shell and bomb residential areas - many infants, children, youth, women, elders - killed - a crime against humanity - committing " genocide " - Vladimir Putin - must be held accountable.

Rightly so Vladimir Putin has been as a " pariah " his days are numbered. Unfortunately the innocent Russians - have to bear the brunt of the nonsense - Vladimir Putin the Puto - has initiated - adversely impacting so many - worldwide.

The flag of Ukraine

We are with you Ukrainians all the way - more with the infants, the children, the youth, the women, the elders, those with compromised health - this dark cloud will pass away.

The Russian soldiers are targeting residential areas - hospitals - impeding Ukrainians from leaving areas - after committing to free passage - Vladimir Putin - is a fucking liar and has blood on his hands. No one should fire on innocent people - the bastard should read the many articles mandated by the Geneva Convention. 

General Milley should step up - President Joe Biden is weak in the knees - waiting until the people know the truth - we must stop all transactions with Russia now. We failed to do a sound needs assessment. We were ready to evacuate President Zelenskiy - instead of providing ammunition, jet fighters, missiles, other much-needed war equipment to whoop Vladimir Putin's ass. 

The Russians are using innocent Ukrainians as fodder first it was Mariupol, now Oddessa - Russian ships in the Black Sea - Vladimir Putin is testing our patience - Vladimir Putin has lost his mind - the mad man must be taken out. 

We are watching the Russian expansion now in Oddessa - we are NOT paying heed to the Ukrainian leaders - we failed to do due diligence - much as we have failed at home. We could have transported the infants, children, youth, women, elders, to Canada and the United States - those vulnerable will soon be so stressed - so traumatized - it will take millions to just take care of them - to deal with the trauma, stress, and many psychological issues - the bombing, the killing, the maiming - that those who witnessed these war crimes - imprinted on their minds.  

Antony Blinken failed us in Iraq, Libya, and Afghanistan - right now he is speaking in generalities - he heads the United States State Department - has failed the Afghans - and now is about to do the same with the Ukrainians.

As human beings, we must save lives - remove these refugees to a place where the corporations many led by Ukrainians can offer help - and so can the world leaders - much as they are doing now.

Soon we will have over 100,000 volunteer troops - many retired Special Forces from Britain and the United States - they will beat the shit of those bulling the Ukrainian refugees.  

The Turkish President Erdogan urged Vladimir Putin to sign an armistice - ceasefire - time will tell.

In the meantime we need someone from the United States to lead - until now - we have seen no movement - in this area.

The United Nations General Assembly has voted against Russia and condemned the invasion of Ukraine. 441 voted against the invasion - only Syria, Eretria, North Korea, Belarus - sided with Russia - all autocratic nations. 

The value of the rouble has fallen - to an all-time low.

The world stands by the Russian who are protesting.

The U.N Security Council has failed the world. Russia using its VETO - again, and again, and again - despicable!

NATO must now lead - and lead with tenacity and fortitude.

We need more of these javelins to keep Putin the Puto at bay.

Vladimir Putin and his generals - are doomed.

Vladimir Putin is a pariah - no one in their right mind - respect this bastard who kills children and elders - and thinks nothing much about such atrocities. 

In life - Truth always prevails - Putin will fall flat of his face - drown in the cesspool - of his own creation - Putin and his generals.  




 while Vladimir Putin de Puto - bears his  himself - a buffoon.

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