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Wednesday, March 2, 2022



All over the world, including Germany - protestors have gathered in the thousands to protest the invasion of Ukraine by Vladimir Putin - and his henchmen. We respect those protestors in Russia - who are risking their lives protesting too - Vladimir Putin must be ashamed of himself - he and the oligarchs. 

The United States was fully aware of the invasion of Ukraine in 2014 - of Crimea, Georgia, Belarus other smaller nations - by Russia.

The United States - deemed fit to look the other way and did not contact the International Courts to initiate international indictments against Russia and charge Russia - crimes against humanity.

The State of the Union address to the constituents of the United States of America by President Joe Biden - was not well received by those who know the true history - and can chronologically state the facts - what really happened in Ukraine and the unfortunate State of affairs prevailing to in Ukraine. 

The United States Department under Antony Blinken has failed us in Iraq, Libya - and most importantly in Afghanistan - the United States State Department - has to seriously do a needs assessment - the United States today lacks - stellar and meaningful - leadership.

The flag of the United States

The many veterans I contacted to get some quality feedback did not appreciate the weak State of Union address - by President Joe Biden.

Any leader worth the salt would take action against the Russians aiming for missiles indiscriminately - hitting civilian targets. Daily with intent committing - crimes against humanity.

While we speak about crimes against humanity - while the International Courts know about this and monitor the situation - the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) - are still in the doldrums - with poor leadership to tall the movement of the Russians.

We know the Russians are running out of fuel and food. 

Those that care about the Ukrainians - must make a move on a War Footing - instead of pussyfooting around. Stop the bloodshed - STOP the crimes against humanity.

If we do not stop Vladimir Putin in his tracks - more take him out - the menace will spread like wild fear - we can do it, and we must do it now.

Germany decided at the last moment to aid the Ukrainians, and rightly so. 

The United States, too, have done their part - but not so much to make a difference. 

I do not want to go into details - but I refer to the mess we left in Afghanistan and the billions of weapons and other hardware - that most probably landed in the hands of the Chinese and Russians.   

Right now, NATO and Ukraine can declare a no-flight zone over Ukraine.

If this happens - NATO and those others, including Britain, Canada, the United States, Sweden, and Finland - can deal with the situation at hand and STOP Vladimir Putin's madness.

We know Adolf Hitler lost his mind and ordered his generals to commit many crimes against humanity. What have we learned from history?

Today the best action we could offer Ukraine is to rescue President  Zelenskyy - when he politely told the world - he would stand with his people - suggesting he would die for his people. 

President Zelenskyy - has said do not offer him a ride and leave his fellow Ukrainians to fend for themselves - he would prefer  - ammunition.

Much like Winston Churchill during World War II - a true leader who spoke against Hitler and his many atrocities - President Zelenskyy - has won the admiration worldwide - having the balls to stand shoulder to shoulder with his fellow Ukrainians - prepared to die. 

At the eleventh hour after the Ukrainians have done so much - we still are afraid to declare a " no zone flight. "

Why are we afraid to keep the Russians at bay?

NATO and those others who are part of NATO- could deal with the situation at hand. 

It is now or never.

We prefer sanctions - some sanctions work - most will not because it takes time to enforce the sanctions. 

According to some entities, we already have frozen billions of dollars - assets belonging to the Russians - $600 billion. We could tap into these funds to help the Ukrainians.

The United States did the same to Iran - and allowed its proxy Isreal to bomb Iran. 

For example, the United States does as it too - when it wants - the invasion of Afghanistan - is a glaring example. 

Honestly speaking, we should have invaded Saudi Arabia - the majority of those involved in the 9/11 incident - were from Saudi Arabia - we chose to go after Osama bin Laden.

Osama bin Laden - who was already in Pakistan - on dialysis - those in the know - understand the paradox on the many ploys, machinations, and shenanigans - when we the United States - learn. 

The United Nations Security Council.

Russia has failed at the United Nations - in 1991 - Russia was not officially accepted by the United Nations General Assembly - and therefore should have no official role to play at the Security Council.

The United States - one of five with the Veto power - could spell out the details.

Any way you look at it - Ukraine wants the United Nations to act - and the United Nations is dragging its legs. 

The European Union has given it a unanimous vote - and Ukraine has a better option to join the European Union.

Daily the Russians send thousands of missiles - most of them hitting civilian targets. The Ukrainians are just replenishing their missiles - sent by Germany and the United States.

1 comment:

  1. Good reasoning. I agree. If stronger action isn't taken, we are facilitating Putin into behave exactly like Hitler did, and going down that same road into World War III. Putin's saber-rattling includes nuclear weapons. I was glad to see Zalinsky asking to join the European Union. Great photos, Francisco. Thanks for this.
