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Friday, March 18, 2022



Vladimir Putin is sweating - he just managed to fork out $117 million his first installment - to the international banks - there is another one due in days, some $66 million - and then a big one - that may crash Russia's economy - $2 Billion.

Russia is in the economic doldrums regarding its failing and spiraling economy. The rouble worth has dwindled - and soon, Russia is dwelling on gold and Cryptocurrency to keep it afloat.

Russia's financial woes are tied to the Almighty Dollar.

Russia's significant assets are frozen - linked to the current sanction - that is just beginning to show its ugly head.

Russia has no access to any money - crucial financial institutions will not release any monetary assets - unless - Russia meets its international - obligations.

Vladimir Putin is stuck in an era - where Lenin and Stalin - did what they thought was best - in their own interests.

The Soviet Union was dismantled - try as hard as Vladimir Putin can -  Vladimir Putin will not and cannot regain any status - on the international platform.

Vladamir Putin is a pariah - the United Nations and the General Assembly denounced the " invasion of Ukraine. "

The U.N. General Assembly - voting one hundred to forty-one to four  - one hundred and forty-one voting against Russia - the four who voted for Russia - North Korea, Syria, Eritrea, and Belarus. 

This critical matter had to go before the U.N. General Assembly - because Russia using its veto power - at the General Assembly - shot down the proposed Resolution - indicting Russia and its illegal move - invading Ukraine without any reason whatsoever. 

Russia continues to bomb and target hospitals, residences, other areas where civilians take shelter. Failing to adhere to International Law - the Geneva Convention. Russia's many mandates are a signatory to - declarations laid down by the United Nations - Russia is a member - with veto powers. 

Russia continues to use "Cluster Bombs" - now threatens to use chemical warfare. Even nuclear weapons - trying the bully the Free World. Vladimir Putin is a bully - and the only way to deal with the maniac - is to take him down as soon as possible - time is running out.

Vladimir Putin and his lackeys know better not mess with the United States military. The Northern Alliance Treaty Organization (NATO) - does not have an operational plan - to deal with the present situation. The 30 nations that makeup NATO have their own military and are subservient to the world leaders and countries that helped NATO after World War II. 

For Eighty years, NATO has tried to circumvent the organization created to unite Europe. 

Now - for the first time - NATO is threatened by nuclear war - and since Germany, for example, cannot deal with nuclear weapons - France, the United States, Britain - must step up and create a plan of action.

France has already revealed to the world that it has been providing arms and other sophisticated war technology - to Russia - illegally adhering to past negotiations and abiding by past treaties. 

Germany - has been pandering to the Russians - it is dependent on natural gas and other precious minerals. Now it must make up its mind - cut off relations and face the wrath of Ukraine and other nations - or pretend to have a shaky relationship with Vladimir Putin, an autocrat?

Germany - is caught in a bind - more so - without the facilitation of Angela Merkel, who has retired as head of the German government. 

Recently - President Zelensky spoke to the German government - and warned Germany to cut off ties with Russia.

Germany - finds it challenging to cut off relations with Russia.

This is not easy; current ongoing relations have profound repercussions that could seriously adversely impact Germany.

Also impacting - many critical decisions linked to NATO - other essential needs like natural gas that Russia provided to Germany and other NATO nations like France.

As Germany positions itself to stabilize Germany itself - its position - as a leader in NATO is slowly - eroding.

Germany - has been drawn into a position to contribute to the operational plan to deal with Russia - as Russia pretends to flex its muscles and bluff - threatening the world with nuclear weapons.

Ukraine has long-range missiles - and Vladimir Putin - may be in for a profound surprise. The Free World knows - where the rat is hiding. Some - of Putin's Generals provide the Free World with sound and precise information. Once one has the co-ordinances - we can send the rat a message - may be the last one - he gets. 

Ukraine is one of the critical breadbaskets of the world - this invasion by Russia - has created a mess. Both for Russia and Ukraine. Many poor countries - in Africa, Middle East - who depend on Russia and Ukraine for wheat supplies - to make bread - are now suffering - the store is not there, and the price of wheat - is too high.  

The United States has continued to supply Ukraine with the necessary weapons, ammunitions, long-range missiles - other technology to keep the Russians at bay.

Vladimir Putin - a pariah - is sinking in the cesspool of his own creation. Time will tell.

Born of War

Washington DC in another light.

The indigenous people have been on the Earth for over 23,000 years - Carbon dated - artifacts and human remains. Today - we are on the verge of destruction. Whites by far - have no wisdom - embrace GREED. Whites lack the spirituality of humanity. Those who embrace the " Darkside" - designed the atomic bomb, now nuclear bomb - would not go there - if they had some wisdom - and spirituality - embracing love.


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