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Thursday, March 3, 2022



No mother should be put in such a predicament.

We know who has committed this crime against humanity - who has BLOOD on their hands. The World is Watching. Aho.

The citizens of Ukraine will not capitulate - never, ever.

The citizens of Ukraine have proved again and again - they stand to the Big Bully - Vladimir Putin - Puto.

It is horrendous when the Russian Military - aims missiles at civilians - cutting electricity and water.

Openly the Russian Military - has looted homes and stores - for food. Thousand of Russians have died - and the Russian Military has no way to recover their dead bodies.

There is talk that mobile incinerators are used to cremate the bodies of dead Russian soldiers - many Russian soldiers - most of them conscripts - are not aware of the war - and were told they will be participating - in some kind of war exercises.

Over a million refugees have left Ukraine - European nations  - have welcomed all refugees with open arms. There have been a few hitches - war is not pretty. Those of us who have seen war before - know best, and in this case - even the situation - all help has been afforded to the refugees - Ukraine and others.

The Ukrainians have abided by the Geneva Convention.

The Ukrainians have treated the captured Russian soldiers with empathy.

The Ukrainians feed the captured Russian soldiers treat their wounds - allowing them to call their parents in Russia, following the mandates of the Geneva Conventions. 

In the meantime, the International Human Rights Office monitor monitors the atrocities and the many crimes - Crimes Against Humanity.

Ukrainians will fight to the end - Russia must understand this fact. Vladimir Putin - insane as he is - thinks he will win - Putin the Puto will lose and fall flat on his face.

The Ukrainians are using Molatovs to keep the Russian tanks and soldiers at bay - the world is watching - Vladimir Putin and his thugs will lose - the time has come for the world as a whole - to stand shoulder to shoulder with the Ukrainian people.

Vladimir Putin cannot fool - all the people all the time. 

Never mind his sidekick Sergei Lavrov - loves to lie too - both Vladimir Putin and Sergei Lavrov - will be tried - Crimes against Humanity. This current genocide is not going unnoticed.

The United Nations - the General Assembly - has condemned Russia - 141- 4 those opposing North Korea, Syria, Belarus, and Eritrea. 

The Security Council could not come to a resolution - time and time again - the Russian representative - who happened to be the Chair of the Security County - used his Veto - to nullify the Resolution - condemning Russia.

As I said, the Resolution had to go to the General Assembly - this has happened only six-time before - and the majority of the United Nations members - condemned the invasion of Ukrainian. 

   Russian tanks destroyed - thousands of Russian soldiers killed - many left on the road for dead - their bodies not recovered - by Vladimir Putin and his failed operations. Military experts - are astounded how poorly the Russian Miltary has performed - repeatedly - failing to abide by Geneva Convention.

Thousands of Russian bodies - lying in the snow - the Russian Operations botched. The Geneva Convention - not followed - and all this and more - is mind-boggling. Targeting infants, children, women, our beloved Elders - those are crimes against humanity - committed by Vladimir Putin and his thugs.

Ukrainians remain defiant - their tenacity and fortitude - well known by Military Experts. They stand in line for food and buy other essentials - most - have been through this before - are hardened war citizens - love one another - and many have laid down their lives - for the love of Ukraine. God Bless.

The Russians target fuel tanks - surrounding - Nuclear Power Plants - trying to cause pandemonium. The Ukrainians are begging for a no-fly zone over Ukraine - and this must be done quickly - offering some succor - as this late hour - God willing. 

Most Ukrainians are ready - keep their arms well oiled and clean - other safety equipment to keep them from harm's way.

We love you, all Ukrainians, and stand by you.

We admire the Russians who are protesting - favoring the Ukrainians. Standing tall  - going to jail - suffering - at the hands of the Russian police. We are with you - your sacrifice will pay high dividends in the long - run.

The many sanctions - the falling rouble - the oligarchs fleeing - their assets frozen - billions of dollars. 

Vladimir Putin and his henchmen are losing this war - one battle at a time.

The United States must help the refugees - we failed in Afghanistan, and now we must not fail in Ukraine.


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