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Wednesday, March 16, 2022


God bless President Zelensky, who cares about the infants, the children, youth, our beloved Elders, those with compromised health. Ukrainians who need to be uplifted. He manages to visit the injured soldiers in the hospital - leads by example - monitoring the state of affairs - putting his best foot forward - representing.

President Zelensky is a peoples person - he cares for the infants, the children, the youth, the Elders, those with compromised health.

The mothers from Ukraine fleeing with children -  helping the children traumatized - while the free world is watching - there has been some action - this needs to be turned on - war footing.

Already millions have been traumatized - all this in the middle of the pandemic. 

So far, the nations that have opened their doors - are doing a good job. 

The refugees from Ukraine could have been in a worse predicament - the neighboring NATO nations - have come to the rescue, and the world appreciates this help.

Can we handle the refugees as many as five million refugees from Ukraine and those from Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan, other areas - over a long period - and bring about - healing?

Are the so-called experts - more, Non-Governmental Organizations - working united - to find a short-term action plan that matters.

A long-term solution to address trauma, adverse physical impacts, psychological issues bordering on long-term mental challenges.

Immigrants from Syria, Iraq, Libya, Afghanistan, Myanmar, Sudan, Ethiopia - other nations too many to name - are treated with disdain.

The so-called world powers with the United Nations - must decide once and for all if they want to rehabilitate the world refugees - to contribute to the world - in a positive manner.

Or create an unstable situation - where - down the line - we have to deal with severe mental and other challenges - impacting Quality of Life issues - and issues such as terrorism actions - and create - instability.  

The United Nations and the so-called World Powers, including the United States - must bear in mind and do a needs assessment - initiating wars.

Creating endless problems - impacting our infants, children, youth, beloved Elders, those with compromised health - more the mentally and physically challenged.

Our invasion of Iraq and Afghanistan comes to mind - I monitored these two wars - primarily - impacting the groups mentioned above - decent and innocent human beings - millions died in vain.   

Today - we are dealing with Ukraine - Russia bombing and killing the innocent - the United Nations, the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO)  - the many treaties signed in Europe some 80 years ago - have loopholes.  

When it comes to genocide and crimes against humanity - let us not make a mockery of the situation.

Ukraine has asked to join NATO, and if it takes a long time - that is not the fault of Ukraine. 

The Security Council gives power to five nations to Veto - this must be trashed - the Veto power does more harm than good.

The United Nations - held a General Assembly and decided 141 to 4 to vote in favor of Ukraine and against Russia. The four entities that voted for Russia were North Korea, Syria, Eritrea, and Belarus.

Nothing much could be decided by the United Nations after the 141-4 vote in favor of Ukraine. 

What does this say about mundane and antiquated rules and regulations - that look the other way while innocent infants, children, youth, Elders.

Those with compromised health - more the mentally and physically challenged slowly die - while the world powers and entities like NATO, the United Nations, and others - kick the can down the street. 

President Zelensky addressing the U.S. Congress today. He made a plea to the United States - to stand by Ukrainians.

Can we settle the millions of refugees - and give them good jobs - so that they can contribute to the universe?

 Can humanity be served as best as we can - one human being helping the other - uplifting one another?

We may not appreciate nations like Germany that have taken so many refugees from Syria and now Ukraine - France, and Italy.

Other nations, too - have done their best.

What we fail to recognize - when we add all the millions of refugees - we are dealing with a situation - that can explode - if the refugees - do not get the right help - at the right time - to settle down.  

The Ukrainians do not want to stay away from Ukraine.

Realistically - how can the Ukrainians return to their homeland - with all the bombing and destruction - of Ukraine?

Vladimir Putin has displayed a barbarian of the worst order for the world to see. Vladimir Putin and his lackeys will be charged - genocide - crimes against humanity. Make no bones about this fact.

Our leaders from the free world - be it NATO, the other leaders from Britain, France, Italy, Germany,  Canada, the United States - have fulfilled their obligations.

Those of us who know better - know the times have changed - and the policies made after World War II cannot handle the many nuances that present themselves today.

Technology has changed for the better but makes things complicated.

For a straightforward reason, Russia has not attacked Ukraine and its communication systems - linked to high-speed internet.

The Russians inferior communication - related to tanks and other equipment failed. 

As the Ukrainian military does their needs assessment, many tanks have stalled - all this and more will come to light.

The Russians - now depend on the Ukrainian internet and other wave-bands to stay alive and operate their equipment.

The west has come to the rescue of the Ukrainians, providing them the latest communication system - linked to satellites - that help the Ukrainians fight and keep the enemy - the Russians at bay.

The latest long-range missiles provided by the United States - the Patriot missiles - drones - other missiles - will down the Russian jetfighters - Long live Ukraine. Glory to Ukraine!

There is only so much trauma that the frontline workers can endure. The soldiers, those fighting the fires, those piling sandbags, those catering to the injured, those providing food security, all this takes hard work - and many Ukrainians - are working round the clock.

The United States will provide long-range missiles at last. Drones and ammunition worth $800 million - and more was provided earlier. The war favors the Ukrainians - who can handle fighting at close quarters. The long-range missiles fired from Russia and Belarus - target residences and civilians - have been going on for three weeks.

Glory to Ukraine!

The Patriot Missles supplied will help Ukraine.

Russian missiles will drop down and shatter in the next three days. - The Russians will bleed to death. For once, the tide will turn heavily in favor of the Ukrainians. The Ukrainians love their country. When it comes to close combat - the Ukrainians will kick ass. For once, Vladimir Putin - will get what he asked for - ass licking - defeat. Sergio Lavrov can join Vladimir Putin - as a pariah, loser, liar - never, ever to be trusted.

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