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Monday, October 28, 2019


The Bayview Opera House -
where the crooks wheel and deal -
and the community is kept out in the dark -
a German Woman is the Director -
Barbara Ockel - go figure!

The Bayview Hunters Point has produced - many stellar advocates - and past Mayors have respected the advocates.

Sheryl Evan Davis -
the Director of Human Right Commissions -
touting EQUITY to to the WIND - a shame.

The Bayview Hunters Point - created the Human Rights Committee - now the Human Rights Commission in the early 1960's. 

The Human Rights Commission - touts about EQUITY - under the direction of Sheryl Evan Davis - who has NO clue about fairness and impartiality - which Equity is all about. What a shame

Willie L. Brown Jr. and Malia Cohen -
epitomize - EVIL.

But - not the ones - I am about to mention - starting with Willie L. Brown Jr., then Gavin Newsom,  followed by Edwin Mah Lee, then Mark Farrell and the worse of them all - London Breed.

The Mayors that worked with the advocates in the past - had some feelings and deep concerns for the citizens of San Francisco. Not so ever since Willie L. Brown planted his evil seeds at SF City Hall.

The Bayview Hunters Point has felt the brunt of contamination and pollution - adversely impacting thousands.

The Superfund sites and over 1500 toxic hot spots - that the City and County of San Francisco knows about - but does not care to do anything about.

The foul air causes respiratory diseases and is the cause of chronic - toxic stress - adversely most who live in the Bayview Hunters Point area.

The Phelps Raw Sewage Treatment Plant -
it stinks to high heaven to 2019 -
and has since the last 70 years.

The Phelps Raw Sewage Treatment Plant - that has adversely the community at large for 70 years - and continue to this day and year - 2019.

Plans are afoot to rehab the Phelps Raw Sewage Treatment Plant - with a $6 billion dollar budget - but the plans are slow and hurdles many - it would NOT surprise me that the project would land costing us taxpayers $15 Billion.

Dwayne Jones use to dole out 
Community Benefits - 
no more - he will be charged sooner not later.

Juliet Ellis - another crook -
charged by the Fair Political Practices Commission -
doling money to her friends and buddies -
she is being audited - time will tell.

Juliet Ellis was charged and fined but she has learned nothing much from that singular event - well - she is playing with fire - but for how long. Read this to know more  :

Tied to the Sewer System Improvement Project - is Community Benefits - that two crooks are in charge of Juliet Ellis and Dwayne Jones.

The community need help - but these two outsiders - wheeling and dealing - and playing the fool - the time has come to sound the clarion call - and take these crooks to task.

Those profiting from these two - think - they can go along to get along - you do this at the expense of the community at large - we fought for the Community Benefits - for the community - not the crooks - who do not have the community at heart.

Millions of dollars are there for the benefit of the Community at Large - again and again when we want to help our Seniors - in their Golden Years - we cannot get the money to help our Seniors.

Right now there are some taking the money for the Seniors and youth - but waste it - and leading that corrupt plan - Young Community Developers.

He has failed the community -
he cannot and will not fool all the people -
all of the time.

Young Community Developers will be audited and the audit will be there for all the world - to see.

Case Managers who work for Young Community Developers - make good money - but do not take care of the youth put under their charge. 

Case in point Amare Jackson - who was shot and killed in front of this home.

The constant complaint I hear from the community at large - is that if you are from the Bayview Hunters Point and want to do good - you do not get any grants.

For some strange reason if you are NOT from Bayview Hunters Point and a sellout - you get grants and have access to " dark money " - I have named the sellouts before.

The few Sisters and Brothers from the Bayview Hunters Point are frustrated.

Some -  of them keep speaking out at City Hall durning Public Comment - the time has come for action.

We have talented young and young adult - from the Polynesian Community, the Latino Community, the Black community, the Native American Community.

The  Chinese community - the White community - others that try to work hard - but the local leaders who love their community - are looked upon with disdain.

The - outsiders seem to have access to whatever they want - because the pander to the crooks like Shamann Walton, Malia Cohen,  Eloise Patton, Dwayne Jones, Dion Jay Brookter, Oscar Grant, Linda Richardson, Toye Moses, Sophie Maxwell - and a host of other crooks - that we are watching like a HAWK.

Never saw any of these folks -
in the trenches on the frontlines -
now all - aim to prey on the community - 
check them out - more their sordid actions

Our youth - today adults -
participated - we went to Sacramento to voice our concerns -
never saw the present crooks in our midsts -
wheeling and dealing - hoodwinking in broad daylight
they stayed under the radar - and now act like 

Our Elders and others stood shoulder to shoulder -
the divisiveness today with some crooked Black in the lead -
take money - to carry on " gentrification  " -
foster Black on Black violence -
no one - can fool - all the people - all of the time -
we know who you are - and we do not -
respect sell outs - make no bones about that statement.

Never saw any of them in the trenches - on the front lines - of course - fighting for the people - fighting for Community Benefits.

 I personally saw the sell outs - siding with the crooks be it Lennar Urban aka 5 Points Holding LLC  - Tetra Tech, the crooked CAC linked  to Hunters Point -  vouching for high rise on land prone to liquefaction and flooding - you get the picture.

In the interim our infants, our children, our youth, our young adults - our beloved Elders, those with compromised health, more our mentally and physically challenged are slowly dying.

Hence this clarion call to the " LAST OF THE MOHICANS  " - stand tall and represent - our people that we love are slowly dying - Big Willis, Herm Lewis, Veronica Shepherd, Jamo Mohammed, Demetrius William aka Sleepy, Silas Sheldon, Twit, Mark, Big Shaun, Cedro, Simi , Gloria Berry, Tony Kelly, Kevin Williams - others too many to name - we can and must take action - now.

These scum bags think - that we know nothing -  these scum bags are playing with FIRE.

Most - have no spines no conscience, no heart -  think they can get away with murder - in broad daylight - no way.

We do not need to put a Bill Board - to call out the crooks - we know the pathetic past - once a jail bird aways a jail bird - once a drug dealer - always a drug dealer - just give them a blood test and prove me wrong.

No not harm our infants, our children, our Elders, our single mothers - those that cannot defend themselves - and think for a second that I will look the other way.

The Commissioners and those appointed on many  Committees  are a JOKE - they have NO empirical data - and when you speak about vetted process and bring empirical data to the fore - the idiots - look at you - funny. 

These outsiders - are not welcome - they do not respect us - and we in turn will not respect those - that think they can order us around. It will not happen. Aho.

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