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Wednesday, October 2, 2019


Most politicians in San Francisco - think that they can fool all the people all the time.

Time for these idiots to be taken to task  - throwing words like " E Q U I T Y " - " R E S I L E N C E " - and other such words - cliches does - NO one NO good.

Recently at City Hall you had Hillary Ronen and Shamann Walton listening to some folks who have been promised permit to sell " WEED " - as part of some Equity Program - and are still waiting.

Waiting for Godot!

These folks -  keep coming to Room 250 at City Hall - trying to prove that they know what they talking about - and want their WEED permits - after investing thousands - they are going no where.

Most are fed up.

These EQUITY permits keep people of color out.

More - Blacks - and nothing much will change - you cannot convince the LAW and the AUTHORITIES in this Nation - that giving opportunity linked to EQUITY and more selling WEED is acceptable - this is not going to happen.

WEED and selling WEED  is not a priority - when it comes to addressing - the gamut of very serious issues we have - more tax payers - who have work hard and pay their taxes - suffering when it comes to Quality of Life issues. 

We must STOP pandering to "Jail Birds " .

Jail Birds who push to sell " WEED" - when we know that the sales done - and the money taken linked to sales - CANNOT be taken to any Federal Bank.

More to be invested in any account - when no one will open an account at any Federal Bank - if you say they sales are from selling WEED.

This talk of EQ U I T Y is not understood by those who are delirious - hallucinating - thinking that over night they will be millionaires.

There is nothing like hard work and money earned from hard work. We have politicians in today world - who are dealing with " dark money " - their coffers are filled - and so they think - the same is with others. It does not work like that.

Here is San Francisco the corruption has reached saturation point. Millions of dollars - Community Benefits are given to outsiders - while those who work for the community get nothing at all. Time will tell.

WEED has been proven that it can help some patients.

The -  THC found in some of the Marijuana  plants - have been proven - to alleviate the suffering of patients.

Any human being that has empathy and compassion - will favor using WEED - that has been proven to alleviate migraine headaches, vomiting, bring back one's appetite - no one wants to refute such claims.

More when it comes to children suffering from epilepsy and such diseases.

Using the word " E Q U I T Y " without comprehending the etymological meaning of  "E Q U I T Y " - should not be considered - without leveling the playing field for all.

More people of color.

The disparity between the filthy rich - the politicians who are steeped in dark money - one of them Shamann Walton - who has taken millions from Lennar Urban aka 5 Points Holding LLC - keeps wheeling and dealing - who has failed to serve the tax payers of District 10 and San Francisco. 

For all practical purposed the man is a " jail bird " from Vallejo - who has come into our community - and is making a fool of himself.

No respected leader in District 10 - who has fought in the trenches in the last 20 years - respects Shamann Walton.

Blacks in District 10 are dwindling and here this man is wasting his time fighting JUL and e-cigarettes.

The  SF Juvenile Center that comes under the purview of the Courts,

Some Navigation Center - that does not address Quality of Life issues and many other issues - too lengthy for me to address - in this blog.

Recently there was a discussion on EQUITY and Transportation - before the Human Rights Commission - District 10 fared poorly.

Shamann Walton has NO clue what is happening in District 10 - and more with those that need help with transportation.

Recently his office put out a District News Letter - all talk and no walk.

The shootings and killings in District 10 have sky rocketed.

Venereal diseases and more AIDS is on the increase in District 10 - other diseases too - that the SF General Hospital and the SF Health Department know about - but does nothing - because of very poor leadership.

We have had very serious issues linked to the Phelps Raw Sewage Treatment - spewing polluted air and a stench from half treated raw sewage - adversely impacting a 3 mile radius.

Shamann Walton has not spoken about this issue - when he was campaigning - he has no clue - that the Environmental Protection Agency has informed the Governor of California - Gavin Newsom - to take note of the situation at hand.

Recently - the Environmental Protection Agency sent a letter to General Manager of the SF Public Utilities Commission - he has failed to address the adverse impacts - and has kept hundreds of Notice of Violation under the rug - we need to have a hearing.

Here is the letter from the SF Environmental Protection Agency - Region IX - read it careful to comprehend the situation at hand :

In the interim our SF City Attorney Dennis Herrera is pussyfooting listening to Mayor London Breed - failing to comprehend the letter sent to the Governor Gavin Newsom and the recent one send to General Manager of the SF Public Utilities Commission - is valid - and the urgent issues and concerns must be addressed on a War Footing.

It does not help if the " Whistle Blower Ordinance " is used here in SF to fault the City and County of San Francisco - there has been no case adjudicated by the City and County of San Francisco.

Time to take this matter to the Federal Bureau of Investigation and Environmental Protection Agency - can help to address the faulty and many nefarious activities - at the SF Oceanside  Sewage Treatment  plant.

The same at the Phelps Raw Sewage Treatment Plant - those decent who know more have left in disgust - Tony Flores, Karen Kubick, Mark Harris, Surjeet Singh and many more.

Time to file " Criminal Charges " and send those like Juliet Ellis for sure - to jail. The City and County seems to think - that providing them empirical data - does them NO good.

I know for sure the FBI and the EPA Regional IX - can step up and bring the crooks to book - and set the record right.

This nonsense has been going on for decades - in the year 2002 a Proposition was passed to address the Clean Water and the Sewage Water. After the Bond Measure was passed - the SF Public Utilities Commission decided to address the Clean Water portion name it the Water System Improvement Project. 

The SF Public Utilities Commission dropped revamping the Sewage Water part - renaming the project Sewer System Improvement Project - which started as a $6 Billion project - and will be cost more than $12 Billion.

Where is the Transparency - where is the Accountability?

Past Mayors Willie L. Brown Jr, Gavin Newsom, Edwin May Lee, Mark Farrell and the worst of them all - Mayor London Breed know what is happening - dipping into Community Benefits - and using tax payer money - for their sordid campaigns. 

Dwayne Jones

The empirical data is there. Another crooks that has to be taken to task Dwayne Jones - President of RDJ Enterprises LLC. Go Figure!

In District 10  - 4 out of 5 infants, children, youth, and young adults go to bed hungry - pass the 5th day of the month.

This affect their health - and lack of nourishment brings about all sorts of illnesses and diseases.

Add to that the pollution and contamination.

District 10 has a high incidence of respiratory diseases, asthma for sure - our infants, children, youth, and young adults suffer a lot from severe " toxic stress ".

Our Mayor London Breed - makes over $366,000 - plus  benefits - she loves to open her dirty mouth - and talk from both sides of her mouth.

Her proposal to form a committee to address EQUITY without enforcement is a FARCE.

It is the same with her vain talk about RESILIENCE and empowering women.

More of the same - in the workplace - such talk is back firing and Mayor London Breed is no where to be found.

The many women on Commissions at SF City Hall - means nothing at all - they talk a lot - and nothing good comes from it.

No one worth the salt pays attention the " women" of the Commission - one has just to take a tally of the people attending such Commission Meetings. 

The stupid Mayor has lost her mind.

What brings change is the ability to have good leaders - leaders that know the way, show the way, and go the way.
It does not matter if they are men or women.

Most decent women - who know what is right and what is wrong - do not favor Mayor London Breed - and her " thug" ways of conducting business - and addressing issues.

All her remarks are prepared remarks - from those that surround her - and prep her up - she has no innovative ideas - but the most important issue to note - her heart is not in the right place.

San Francisco is going to the hogs - one has just to witness the congestion on our roads and streets.

The  increase in pollution and contamination - the increase in respiratory and heart diseases.

San Francisco Carbon Footprint has increased exponentially  - the millions of concrete poured, the aggregate, the harmful particulate more PM 2.5.

The SF Department of Environment and Debbie Reynolds - spewing diatribe - doing nothing at all when it comes to decrease the Carbon Footprint - all talk and less walk.

The failing educational standards more linked with the SF Unified School District, the increase in health premiums - adversely impacts most - even those that have Medicare and Medical.

The very high rents that Mayor London Breed has done nothing - about.

Except ribbon cutting at a few openings - so called affordable housing - bragging that she is capable of doing something - when for the last two years - she has been an utter failure.

Recently the Environmental Protection Agency reminded her and Governor Gavin Newsom that millions of gallons of half-treated or secondary effluents - are dumped into our Bay - and Mayor London Breed - the heifer that she is - still keeps barking up the wrong tree.

London Breed is not an Environmentalists - she is a panderer - the " thug" in her - is deep in her DNA. She has no manners and less etiquette. 

I represent the First People of San Francisco - and know what I speak about. 

Enough is enough.  

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