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Sunday, October 20, 2019


Our U.S. Special Forces now 
heading for Iraq - where they will position themselves
watching ISIS - so says 
U.S. Secretary of Defense - Mark Esper.

The United States of America is now so divisive on any political level  - that even the U.S. Military at the highest level - have denounced the present White House and the dismal leadership and cockeyed policies - more linked to the Syrian fiasco.

For starters the 5 day truce is not working - and the egotistical maniac tweets that Mark Esperanto - he meant Mark Esper - his own Secretary of Defense - has everything under control.

When the egotistical maniac says anything is going right - he means going wrong. 

That is how his brain works - what he thinks and sees - is totally out of sight - totally wrong - a mirage. 

Our Main Media does not care to do any through, investigative reporting.

What  they like to do is " sensationalize  " the news - half facts and keep us guessing.

In order to get some semblance - we have to go to places  that maintain standards -  check the facts - from sources that have proved reliable - before.

Our U.S. troops have been put in harms way - and until they cross in Iraq and have everything in control - with the U.S. chain of command in the cockpit - we all must be concerned.

The Russians and Putin are having a field day - and our IT experts have been looking into - things digital linked to our enemies.

To put it  lightly - confuse the IT belonging to the Russians and Turks - and all this and more - is to our advantage.

The future is ours right now - we can disrupt communication and bring certain any equipment to a stall - by controlling the systems - remote control. 

In the interim ordinary U.S. Citizens are deeply concerned about the trials and tribulation of the Kurds who help our Special Forces - and we turned our backs on them.

The ordinary American has always stood for what is right.

The ordinary American has standards and most American respect humanity  - our actions have been accepted and honored worldwide.

That is why we  American citizens - must protest and many speak truth to power - God bless America.

Kurdish refugees leaving -
this photograph says a lot - 
they need the tools to survive - boil water -
prepare meals with the same pot -
again and again - the Kurds are
forced to move from site to site - never permit to settle down -
all this on the land of their ancestors -
land taken from them by outsiders European Colonists 
and of course the curse of them all - the Ottoman Empire.

Some of us who have had the opportunity to visit the Middle East - Turkey, Afghanistan, Iraq, Iran, Pakistan, India, Kuwait and the surrounding area - and more - get a better picture of the situation at hand.

Who are the Kurds some 35 millions strong - they have NO homeland of their own. The women fighters and men - are second to none - and have a following - all over the world :

Turtle Island 

America more Turtle Island - belongs to the Indigenous People.

The Indigenous people know who knows better about Turtle Island and the long history - carbon dated - 15,000 of human living and existence. Artifacts, human remains, other archeological elements - empirical data.

The U.S. has failed the indigenous people here at home.

Yet we have someone in the White House  who continues to disrespect the indigenous people here at home. Much like some we know and history has recorded Andrew Jackson - he is remembers as a "thug" a " criminal " - a disgrace to the human race.

Chief Sitting Bull - 
he united the Lakota Nation.

The North Dakota Pipe line -
this singular folly - will come to haunt all those 
who with " intent " harmed Mother Earth -
they all will fall - flat on their face.

Those advocates jailed on trumped up charges -
will be dealt with by the Great Spirit -
many stand in solidarity -
we visited Camp Oceti Sakowin -
we were at Standing Rock - we saw the Black Hills -
we felt the Spirit - and we know who will WIN. Aho

There is a lot that is not cool. We are watching the crooks and will not tolerate blatant corruption - it is here - and we know it - they pollute the air, the land, and the water.

Water is Life :

Incidents - like the Lakota Nation and the nefarious pipeline that has encroached the land of the Lakota Nation - adversely  impacting clean drink water and the environment  in North and South Dakota.

The  egoistical maniac - taking sides and siding with Petroleum Magnets - who are GREEDY.

Much like those who make evil policies - at the current White House.

No one can  play with the lives of infants, children, youth, young adults, our Elders and those with compromised health - putting all in harms way and not be taken to task.

More - case in point Syria, and before that Iraq and Afghanistan, then Libya - and may I say more? 

Those ISIS families who lived in camps such as the above - have left the camps.

We do not know where they are,

Most of these ISIS families have hate - for those that incarcerated them.

Be it they were treated better - than ISIS treated thousands of Kurds, Iraqi Christians -  thousand of others that did not espouse the religion and philosophy of the ISIS fanatics.

One  track minded individuals - the ISIS -   killed, maimed - women, infants, children, raped young girls and committed other horrific crimes - and expected to rule over large territories. 

The United States with the help of Kurds defeated ISIS and brought down the fake Caliphate. 15,000 Kurds laid down their lives - which the U.S. Special Forces and U.S. Military Commanders respect to this day.


Not long ago - we had everything under control - until the egotistical maniac - decided to take control of the situation at hand.

For this one singular - he must face paramount court  charges and charged with crimes and adverse impacts - that he has created.

He and his family - believe me - if this is not done - more despots will spring up and destroy the baseline semblance we need to function as civil human beings.

We know this clown -
the less said the better - egoistical maniac.

Thank God we have General James Mattis -
a man who has wisdom and loves this Nation -
a man who has proved that wrong can be righted 
a man of tenacity and fortitude -
we need him - now - and liked minded military policy makers -
to take control of international policies gone berserk -
I have spent thousands of hours understanding 
complex international policies - in my life.

Nancy Pelosi and Schumer -
two clowns that keep reacting to things -
like morons - kicking the can down the street -
poor leadership and both do not have 
the ability to do good and discern -
talking in circles - and both cannot deal with 
the key trouble maker from the Republican Party.

The Democrats have failed us all.

We keep thinking the Democrats will save our Nation.

The only way out is for the progressives to take control of the situation at hand - get these old fogies out - send them packing to some island or home for the aged.

As for the candidates running for the future President - we need  some one with vetted, sound military experience.

We will face the wrath of ISIS in the future - in ways - we have not seen before - time is running out.

It is a crying shame what the " egoistical maniac " has accomplished in the time he has been in office.

A good for nothing woman -
a liar, cheat, and trouble maker -
today she is in San Francisco -
spreading more nonsense for the panders 
who pay to listen to her - Hillary Clinton.

The egoistical maniac got  in - because the Democrats -  who were busy cheating, bluffing, stealing, hoodwinking, making money - leading that group - Hillary Clinton - those that pander to her - right now - bear responsibility.

Here in San Francisco we have the same - corrupt Democrats - they have nothing to offer - but more of the same.

Our Nation is in turmoil - and we cannot afford to have as leaders - folks who cannot think and discern.

Democrats - who have amassed great wealth - Nancy and Paul Pelosi, Diane Feinstein and her husband Richard Blum - I could name a hundred names  - it would do NO - good.

This land anyway you look at it belongs to the indigenous people.

We seem to think - to look at things on Turtle Island - the day the May Flower landed on these shores.

This silly concept  is etched on some petty minds.

We must now learn the history of this land -  educate ourselves - the over 15,000 years - the indigenous people have lived on Turtle Island - to know as America.

Facts - all Carbon dated - artifacts, human remains and more.

The  indigenous who lived on Turtle Island  took care of the land .and more - they respected Mother Earth.

So did their relative spread from Alaska to the edge of South America and more.

They visited their relative freely, traded, worshipped - that is until the strangers came some 400 years ago - and stole the land from the indigenous people.

 One never, ever hear White folks say Mother Earth.

Whites who are greedy by nature - feel nothing much cutting -  the old growth - red wood forests - to make money.

Take too much salmon, gold and other minerals and do so today.

Kill thousands of Buffalo - not so much for the meat - but the fur coat. Such atrocities have been documented in detail - I am not going to go into - detail.

Take coal from the ground and pollute the environment.

Great cars - gas guzzlers - and think nothing of it.

Send garbage to the landfills - plastic and other contaminated materials - that pollute and contaminate the watershed - and more.

There is no other race than the Caucasians - Greedy to the core - and steeped in diseases small pox, sexually transmitted diseases, measles and a host of other diseases that they carried and spread today - all over the world.

Concepts of  god - where they say one think and do another.

The Whites speak with a fork tongue.

They never keep their word.

They break treaties - and they have disdain for the indigenous - and all this and more must change - quickly.

God see it all.

The prophets have spoken about the Black snake - and we have lived with the White snake for longer.

We know about other prophecies - and some have come true and others will be revealed in due time. Tribes the Hopi and other - have been warning us all - but few listen to the wisdom that has lived for over 15,000 years and more.

The Great Spirit sees it all - those of us that know better - must continue to have our hearts in the right place.

Actions  count - good actions - and we can only lead others to a better place.

If  each of us - has the tenacity and fortitude - linked to the Great Sprit and follow the wisdom that lies with our Elders - we will make progress the progress that beget good.

Our fight to uplift ourself up and do the right thing - must start with respect for our infants, children, women, Elders - those with compromised health - more the mentally challenged and physically challenged.

Our Reservations can be changed for the better - the filthy rich who are one tenth of one percent of our population - and control 99% of the total wealth. 

What is wrong with this picture?

There is more to be said - but even more to be done.

Chiefs have spoken in keeping with the times -
today our indigenous women are at the forefront -
doing what must be done and they must be respected -
times have changed - life is life - and those 
that give life, nature, and stand by life must be respected -
the White culture is not the culture of the indigenous -
let us not take tainted elements of someone's  tainted culture 
 and think they are holistic - bling is bling.

At the back ground -
Alcatraz Island - the contemporary -
indigenous revolt started there -
led by all Tribes and supporter 
who want us all to be free - each of us contributing 
as best we can. Aho.

We must remember we have to be educated on issues.

We have the ability to think and act better.

More - as long as we stay close to the Great Sprit and listen to our Elders - both women and men - all will  be well - Aho.

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