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Thursday, October 10, 2019


People used to protests -
no more - they have given up on
the buffoons - who daily play the JOKER
at SF City Hall - pathetic.

The many presentation we hear and see at SF City Hall - most fall on deaf ears - devoid of any goals and less timelines - for sure no vetted needs assessment.

As for Mayor London Breed - nothing much has changed - confused, confounded, and totally perplexed the woman has NO clue about leadership and constantly barks up the wrong tree.

Our mentally challenged have been force on to the streets - forced to crash anywhere - many of them have not taken a shower in month - and as to their intake of legal medications - they have none - lost in their own world.

Loud mouth - London Breed -
when will she eve learn - to stop talking the talk -
and learn to walk to the walk.

It is amazing how Mayor London Breed addressed the issue of empty beds at SF General -  beds set aside for Long Term Care.

Even the opportunity to speak on the subject - typically she could have spoken from experience - she had none. So some minion - prepared her speech and she read it - not understanding that what she was saying was mundane - spewing hot air.

The Mayor London Breed - does not have the ability to discern 
and less to make a vetted needs assessment on any situation be it congestion, education, safety, transportation, health, the career jobs, you name it - she opens her mouth and spews diatribe.

She has no ability to think logically - is poorly educated - cannot discern,  panders to anyone and any entity that can offer her money - to take her junkets and expensive shopping sprees.

The skyline of San Francisco has changed -
too many skyscrapers -
high density living does not contribute
to health and progress - Quality of Life issues.

Our congestion is getting from bad to worse - and already San Francisco is compared to Los Angeles - Mayor London Breed does not get it.

She is in bed with the big developers - all she is thinking to make the most amount of money - much like a " drug dealer " - the environment that she is familiar with. 

She is an utter failure - you cannot teach an old pariah dog - new tricks.

Our housing situation is a mess - and already the harm has been done - this nonsense started  15 years ago - London Breed was on the SF Redevelopment Commission - sat her fat ass on that Commission and did nothing.

London Breed did nothing to defend on infants, our children, our youth, our young adults - our Elders - those with compromised health - more our mentally and physically  - challenged.

It is a shame how a person like London Breed - thinks she can do something - and does nothing at all.

London Breed talks a lot - and has failed miserably on every level - more, when it comes to protecting San Franciscans - the increase in congestion, dirty and filthy streets.

The chronic increase in homelessness, the poor health services delivered - more with outsourcing - those getting the contracts - feeding the campaign coffers - no one can fool all the people - all the time.

Our jails are full of people of color -
it is amazing how Blacks in power do nothing -
nothing at all - for those that need help most -
London Breed, Sheryl Evans Davis, Naomi Kelly,
Juliet Ellis, Malia Cohen -  others too many to name - 
playing with the lives of innocent people.

Plans are afoot to provide Sheryl Evans Davis our million dollars to address - so called EQUITY.

Equity mandates " fairness " and  " impartiality " - concepts that are foreign to London Breed and Sheryl Evan Davis - both good friends - both have failed San Francisco and San Franciscans - pathetic.

People of color - more Blacks - are prone to mental sickness - and I have been around - and done what I can without asking one single dollar from these corrupt politicians in San Francisco.

One has just to walk on our streets - and see things for oneself.

Now more and more - the mentally challenged are causing a nuisance on our MUNI buses  - and the so called  AMBASSADORS aka Yellow Hornets - are no where to be found.

You find them at the McDonald - at the Cafes - but not on the MUNI bus - where they should be - to maintain some semblance.

For all the talk at the SF Police Commission - crime on the streets, on the MUNI - in our Shopping Malls - is increasing.

The crime linked to home break-ins, car break-ins, assaults, shootings and killings have increase - decent people are afraid to walk on our streets - that once were far more safe.

Where are the authorities - on Quality of Life issues - where are our SF Board of Supervisors - and for sure where is Mayor London Breed?

The Grand Jury has a report - on the poor state of affair - linked to our hydrants more in the Southeast Sector of San Francisco - and the Sunset area - but who is to say.

Mary Ellen Carroll -
Director - Department of Emergency Management -
when will we have a contemporary 
working communication system - for starters ?

When it comes to our communication system - helping  the First Responders - we are Smithsonian in nature.

It  does not faze our SF Director of Emergency Management -  who was anointed by London Breed another good for nothing person.

I have been monitoring for the last 35 years - our infrastructure and much needed services - clean drinking water, our failing sewage system.

Our antiquated analog communication system, our poor pressure water hydrants - need to fight the fires.

The chronic congestion on our roads getting worse, the air that is much needed and which we breathe polluted and contaminated.

May - I say more - what has Mayor London Breed address the issues I have spelt out - on all of the above issues - nothing.

More and more decent, hard working, San Franciscans are contacting me - and they want my opinion. Well, as a citizen each one of you must - do what you have to do - exercise your rights.

Do not expect the advocates to fight for your needs - the advocates are targeted by the SF City and County of San Francisco.

Do not think that Washington D.C the swamp stinks to high heaven with corruption - it is worse here in San Francisco.

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