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Monday, October 21, 2019


Our Special Forces - 
will do what they have to do -
no matter - what location they settle in -
the fight against ISIS continues -
and rightly so - the cowards kill children, rape women -
kill Christians, others who do not adhere 
to their faith and philosophy - they are an Anathema -
the scum of the Earth.

Our Special Forces earned the respect of the Kurds and other - in the common fight to bring ISIS down - and routed ISIS.

While the Kurds - those -  who are not fighters - make think other wise - we understand there feeling - the sudden departure of the American forces - promises made and not kept.

We in America have principles and even in a situation - where the American people - were concerned - to have American soldier in Syria - after moving out of Iraq - some sensible agreement - was made to back the Kurds - and wisely so.

 No military worth the salt - will tolerate - what happened recently - the Kurds understand that and so do we.

It is for this reason - as a citizen I have been addressing the situation at hand - without getting too technical.

We the Americans - give credit - where credit is due.

The  Kurds lost 10,000 men in helping to bring down the Caliphate.

Their blood and sweat  defeat ISIS. 

We honor the brave Kurdish warriors - that died to being justice to the many women and girls that were raped.

The  many men who could not fight back - but were shot in the back - by the coward ISIS.

The many other atrocities committed that I do not want to get into details. Time heals - and one day - much as I say today - decent Americans will honor the Kurds that laid down there lives - and God sees it all.

Many ISIS run away from the Kurdish women soldiers - they believe if they die at the hand of any woman - which they have - they the ISIS believe they will end in hell.

I say this because Kurdish women soldiers are known the world over -for their skills in shooting and bravery. 

Most Americans do not know this - but -they will - as this exit by the Special Forces - and the lack of air cover  - force the battles - hand to hand fights - where the Kurds - have superior skills.

The Turks keep bombing -
use bombs containing White Phosphorus -
which is against the Geneva Convention.
The Turks have BLOOD on their hands
they are cowards - because the Turks target -
civilians, children, women - innocent civilians -
even though they agreed to the ceasefire for 5 days.

The world must know that we are fed up of the many ethnic cleansing - that the Turks are famous for - the Armenians during the time of the Ottoman Empire.

World War 1 and World War II.

Again and again - even though the Kurds are 35 millions strong today - and have long and rich history - going back 3 thousand years and more - they for some strange reason - do not have their own land.

I specially know the ways Saddam Hussein did the Kurds in.
I also remember Saddam Hussein using chemical bombs - and this atrocity and other worse - should never and will never be forgotten.

It helps to have military experience 
to lead our Nation - too many others -
kicking the can - down the street.

It helps to have fortitude and tenacity -
stand tall and represent -
more with sound military training.

We used to be a true Super Power - the buffoon in the White House - has failed us all. He does not act - does not know how
to act as a leader - right now - he has realized - he will be impeached - and is acting - like a buffoon.

Those in the United States military - are not cowards and more we do not betray those that stand shoulder to shoulder - with us.

The U.S. military is known the world over - for its discipline - sound knowledge, astuteness, fortitude and stellar leadership.

In this case a buffoon - called the shots - and is fully responsible for what he did.

Not a single U.S. General agrees with him - and when he is removed from office - the world will fully understand more about the people of the United States of America.

Some one should be  " charged for crimes against humanity" and jailed - he and his minions.

There is a saying that the Kurds hold dear and close to their heart  - " do not trust anyone but the mountains ".

When you hear it the first time - it takes you aback - but in this situation - it hold true - so true to any Kurd - who will say no more and remember - etched in his mind - the deed of one single buffoon - who brought death, misery, tribulation - what else can I say.

I have many Kurdish friends - they come from a great culture and tradition.

Some of us steeped in military principles and protocol  - understand fully - the Kurds have been betrayed.

God bless each and every Kurd - each and every mother and child, each and every Elder from the Kurdish community - children, youth, young adults - most of all the men and women Kurdish - soldiers.

The guy above is a Joke.

Today he was talking and talking - he admitted that he will be impeached. 

He spoke about the Constitution and put the Constitution down - remember he took an oath to protect the Constitution - this guy is something else - totally - deranged.

Even as we have a clown in the middle of this situation - some of us must make sense of the situation at hand.

The Turks keep bombing -
and this one singular act - 
will come to haunt the Turks -
the Turks think all is well now -
their day is coming - more with more Nations -
European and others - stifling the Turkish economy.

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