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Saturday, October 12, 2019


Public Housing 
Visitation Valley -
built and paid a hundred time over -
by the Department of Defense -
scumbags now want to rehab the buildings -
$890,000 a unit - Go Figure!

When Severin Campbell who works with Harvey Rose - on all matters linked to the Budget - a stellar and seasoned Budget Analyst - all hell broke loose - when her audit -  pin pointed to the very large amount per unit -  not long ago a lesser amount - was stated on the same units.

Someone - tried to hoodwink our City and County of San Francisco - was caught with his pants down and his hand in the cookie jar. 

Who could it be? The FBI - knows!

Supervisor Sandra Fewer - the Chair of the SF Budget Committee - on noting the very high price of  $890,000 price tag per unit  - was aghast. Anything worth here - noting?

This is nothing new - in past presentations - these amounts were rubber stamped.  No questions asked - and more money made - with "change orders " the middle name of most projects - linked to Public Housing - all over San Francisco.

No one really cares - and 30,000 brand units are planned in the Southeast Sector - and most of them going to be built - on very contaminated ground.

More prone to liquefaction and flooding. 

No one cares about Quality of Life issues - the perils suffer by our infants, children, youth, young adults.

Our Elders, those with compromised health - more our mentally and physically challenged. 

Our SF politicians in large measure - those involved with the Public Housing projects - are wheeling and dealing in broad daylight. Most Blacks suffering the " crab mentality " selling out their own people - and no one cares.

Today the Black population is dwindle a miserly 2% of the total population - and those who foster gentrification - and laughing with glee - the paradox some of them - Blacks.

The cocky Sara Amaral  -
who works for the Mayor's Office of Housing -
what does she know - except to bleed poor people -
participate in the abject gentrification and wipe out 
people of color - do as she is told - pathetic.

The head of of the Mayor's Office of Economic Development and Workforce. Whoever heads the Mayor's Office of Housing - are all lackeys - wasting millions of dollars.

Read this report - some fake and crooked Strategic Plan - the only the Mayor Office of Housing and Community Development - comprehends :

Our SF Controller is fast asleep at the cockpit - and an audit is mandatory on all the HOPE SF projects.

Each  of these projects - are fostering gentrification - truly the removal of people of color - foremost Blacks.

Our Sunshine Task Force - our Ethics Commission has NO teeth - for all the talk - the City and County of San Francisco with intent fosters " corruption " - the tax payers are lied to - and there is no morals, less ethics, and for sure - on standards.

We have a swamp here in San Francisco and it has to be drained.

All of Public Housing once came under the jurisdiction of the Department of Defense (DoD).

It was handed down to the Housing and Urban Development (HUD) - who is turn - handed it to the SF Housing Authority - disbanded by Mayor Edwin Mah Lee.

The SF Housing Authority was one of the most corrupt Commission - Mayor Edwin Mah Lee got rid of the nonsense - substituted it - with a more sleek version - the present Mayor's Office of Economic Development and Housing.

The Mayor's Office of Housing is a JOKE - with Bridge Developers, Mercy Housing, the John Stewart Company - making hay while the sun shines.

All White - Property Managers - with their own Construction Companies, some have their own Financial Institution.

All of them bus their followers to Sacramento - we have caught some it action - getting paid to speak up for some project - so that the State of California - can fund the projects - most of them sellouts and Blacks.

I will name them at the appropriate time - in the meantime - let those I have in mind - sweat a little - they must all go to jail - and linger there for a long, long time.

John Stewart use to work for nation largest mortgage companies  Fannie Mac and Freddie Mae - he was let go - that is putting it mildly.  

These Property Managers - Mercy Housing, Bridge Developers, the John Stewart Company - make million - billions : 

All at the expense of poor people - mostly Blacks who think the government will take care of them.

When in fact - using Black sellout the likes of Theo Miller - they are taken advantage of.

It is a crime building high density housing on very contaminated ground - superfund sites - that the ignorant call - brown fields.

God sees it all.

Theo Miller - works with HOPE SF -
making promises - while laughing all the way
to the bank - I requested the man to meet me -
he won't he and his likes - sellouts.

To those the truly know Visitation Valley - it was called the swamp.

Today the  "SWAMP" - is full of vultures - the likes of Theo Miller and Sara Amaral - both have full knowledge - who is really behind the high rise per unit $890,000 per unit ploys and machinations.

Change orders will follow - whatever the outcome - and NO audit - worth the salt will be done - the Mayor London Breed, Shamann Walton, other chronic crooks - are all involved - wheeling and dealing - all at the expense of the poor - who have to suffer - insults.

Time will tell.

All of public housing is paid for  - a hundred times over. 

The rooms are large and could accommodate two king beds - with ample room for large families.

The changes made - are high density units - smaller rooms - in one room if you put a Queen Bed - there is NO room to move.

HOPESF is not about HOPE it is all about gentrification and the removal of people of color - more the NEGRO.

These vermin that come into our community and the sellouts that work with them - must be taken to task.

The  Latino citizens and constituents are kept at bay.

So is the Polynesians community - some of them pandering to the the Black - crooks.

The  Black community who can be brought and fed some chicken - and most of them will do anything - and all this and more -  is pathetic - the truth be told.

The Asians - pool their money - and take the lead - they do not mind paying more. Billions of dollars are available - money from China and elsewhere - the Chinese will not be defeated - when it comes to being - economically - savvy.

Before HOPESF - there was HOPE VI - few know about Hope VI -  the trials and tribulations endured by those who could not defend themselves.

Read some from this one authoritative source - do not read the report by SPUR that fosters - gentrification and Negro Removal :

When Supervisor Sandra Fewer asked some pertinent questions about why the price per unit was so high ?

Sara Amaral started talking about the difficulty grading of the parcels, the parking needed and more expenses, and some other nonsense - that  only the ignorant will tolerate.

These outsiders were nowhere to be found - when some of us demanded - one for one - when any changes were made - to Public Housing units.

We witnessed what happened in the Fillmore.

We saw the destruction of the Geneva Towers - and how so many got fooled - when it came to moving into the Town Homes.

We saw the failure of HOPE VI.

We witnessed the creation of HOPE SF and the long delays - from 2005 to 2011 - and even now - the corruption has reached saturation point.

 Some of us advocates did what was possible - but these "thugs" have a a way to hoodwink anyone in broad daylight. 

Malia Cohen when I first met her -
she had some semblance -
no more .

Malia Cohen today -
a changed person -
for the worst - time will tell.

All this and more because in the past - most of the projects were rubber stamped - more when Malia Cohen was the Supervisor of District 10.

Also - Supervisor Sophie Maxwell who now has placed her fat ass - on the SF Public Utilities Commission - to do more harm.

This time the Main Media followed up - on this issue linked to Public Housing - but the article does not meet any standard linked to investigative reporting. 

Investigative reporting is non-existent in San Francisco.

Public Housing - a bird's eye view -
in years past - many survived -
and went to contribute to better stuff -
when did anyone think that the Blacks would sell out?. 
It is only among the Blacks you find the most sellouts -
this is a fact - that will come to haunt every
decent citizen.

Shamann Walton -
he has failed to represent - 
his expertise - wheeling and dealing -
a jail bird - with roots in Vallejo -
he wants his cut on each and every project -
time to call in the - Federal Bureau of Investigation.

Mayor Edwin Mah Lee -
he sold all of Public Housing -
to Big Developers - in the same of some -
fake private - government - progress -
that progress is - gentrification - Negro removal.

San Francisco is a Racist City - and those in authority today - have only one thing on their mind - make as much money as they can. 

What is pathetic and unacceptable - these "thugs" are doing it - on mostly - the backs of poor people.

Indigent  people - for one simple reason - they cannot defend themselves - because they  have NO idea of process.

Again and again after advising the tenants to form a " Tenant Association " - such associations are not formed.

Depriving the tenants - from being allowed to sit at the table and truly represent their concerns - more concerns about housing, the credit reports, their health problems - transportation, safety, in short Quality of Life issues.

Those that speak Truth to Power - are targeted - and not given housing - many stayed in the homes for decades.

With each Property Manager changes - comes drastic changes - not a single hearing held at City Hall - our people are suffering - and when you speak Truth of Power - these vermin target one.

Crooks like Sophie Maxwell, Malia Cohen, and now Shamann Walton - are all dealing with the Big Developers - the Property Managers - wheeling and dealing - and those who think this is right - are out of their mind.

We  do have Black Property Managers - whey are they not given charge - not on one single of the many Public Housing that we have in San Francisco.

The John Stewart company controls thousands of housing units - at the Presidio of San Francisco, Treasure Island, all over the City and County of San Francisco, Northridge Cooperatives, Huntersview - up on the hill, Kiska Road, Oakdale and more - why?

Mercy Housing all White Property Managers - owe the City and County of San Francisco - over $600 million.

Why cannot - we give another Property Manager ( an entity of color an opportunity ) to foster the current mantra - EQUITY?

Let us see what Sheryl Evan Davis does about EQUITY - linked to Public Housing.

Bridge Developers another one of these crooked entities - they got the pricey property overlooking beautiful views.

Little do they know about the Serpentine Rock - that sends millions of  Asbestos Structures into the air -  the large Rocks nearby - the industrial area - home of the chorus frogs. 

These idiots fundamentally have no clue about contamination, less pollution more particulates -  PM 2.5 - pathetic to say the least.

Chorus Frogs :

One cannot generalize - but believe me London Breed, Malia Cohen, Shamann Walton, Sophie Maxwell, Willie L, Brown Jr., all Black - stand out as sellouts - others - wheel and deal - every second they live.

Conceptual plans -
high density units - built on very contaminated
ground - go figure -
some of it in close proximity of 
high level radioactive elements - with high readings -
cesium, plutonium -  you go figure !

Mayor Edwin Mah Lee -
who with Olson Lee - 
made hay while the sun was shining -
he left us and is no more -
Olson Lee retired - act as a consultant - 
and still hangs around.

Olson Lee who had his finger in every pie -
linked to SF Housing and more Public Housing -
with the person who now says one thing
and does another - Mayor London Breed -
Mayor London Breed is embedded with Big Developers -
she lies through her teeth.

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