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Friday, October 18, 2019


The corruption in San Francisco knows no bounds. 

Add to that the very poor leadership and to that the chronic corruption - SF City Hall stinks of Sulphur - to high heaven.

When Mayor London Breed listening to some " idiots " and tried to bluff Pacific Gas and Electric ( PG&E) - to take entitlement and purchase PG&E's  transmission lines and operations - PG&E called the SF City's bluff - and told them - sorry - go take a hike.

It all comes to having the ability to conduct and do an assessment on various operations in the City and County of San Francisco. 

It is tied to leadership that is the worse ever  in San Francisco - and top that with chronic corruption.

Add to that the City pays consultant thousands - when they cannot understand the fundamentals - thousands to tell them what really happened with the Millennium Building. Not a word about the de-watering - permit given by SF Public Utilities Commission - millions of gallons of water - pumped into the person - holes -  that leads to the Phelps Raw Sewage Treatment Plant.

A " tweet " from the Salesforce people - to the Millennium folks - " send your pilings deeper " the Millennium went 80 feet the Salesforce 250 feet. 

PG&E has already informed the City and County of San Francisco that it will shut down entire areas in San Francisco - even the Financial District - at short notice - if  PG&E deems it necessary - to prevent future -  fires.  Take it or leave it.

Now we want to see the reaction from Barbara Hale and Juliet Ellis and other minions - who have NO clue how to run and operated a first class - Clean Energy Operation.

No more freebees and no more free orders - will be given by PG&E.

City Hall cannot even maintain its Air Conditioning System.

Recently  for over 3 months the Air Conditioning was stalled - 
hundred sweating it out - more when it had the very hot days - 
no one put out a statement - as to what the problem was - how and when it would  be addressed and resolved. Go Figure!

If you enquired what  was happening with the AC  - everyone that mattered was kicking the can down the street. Typical of those that do not want to be responsible - points to very poor - leadership.

Also  etiquette and good manners - none of which the hooligans have at City Hall.

Our Emergency generators at SF City Hall - are tested from time to time - but there is NO guarantee that if we have a Black Out for over 72 hours - what will happen. 

The San Francisco skyline has changed for the worse -
the high density living -
adversely impacting Quality of Life issues -
this is Muwekma Ohlone land -
you have been told and warned - now it is on you.

Talk is cheap - and our Office of Emergency Service is pathetic - talking about high rise buildings that do not come under their purview, other mundane topics - but - have NO clue about our failing infrastructure.

The San Francisco Public Utilities Commission has over 1200 miles of clean drink water pipes and over 1000 miles of sewer pipes that are over 85 years old.

By now over 60% of these pipes were supposed to have been replaced with the latest technology - this has not happened.

Not even 15% of the pipes both clean water and sewage have been replaced. 

Someone must be sent to jail - for promising the tax payers to do this and failing to do so. Again and again - Bond Measures are proposed and put on the ballot - most of the time the promises are NOT - delivered.

For all the talk - when the Big One visits us - most of these frail pipes will fail. When you question anyone - all they will do is give excuses.

For sure we will have No water and of course by default no sewer pipes that work - failed operations in place. 

Mayor London Breed -
has failed when it comes to quality leadership.

This glaring fact does not faze Mayor London Breed - she is busy - barking up the wrong tree - pushing for Bond Measures - that our future generation will have to pay.

In the interim the Heifer is busy taking junkets, buying stuff - jewelry and clothes - and laughing all the way to the bank. 

London Breed makes over $366,000  - we pay her salary.

Rakes millions in bribes - stocks and shares - we  know what is happening - and all will be laid - bare. Corrupt to the core.

London Breed - is getting most of her money from the down town Big Developers and the Zionists who control her and her minions.

Where is the justice -
we the tax payers who are decent -
want to know - drug dealers many hay while the sun shines.

Decent advocates from San Francisco are shunned.

Those that do NOT have their heart in the right place - cannot do justice - and there is no justice and fair play in San Francisco - from the corrupt City officials.

That  is fine - until - the sign is given at very short notice - and something like the Big One hits this evil, corrupt City leaders - who lack empathy and compassion.

Our City Administrator has control of over 33,000 employees - and it is time the City Controller do an audit - on each department.

Not  - the usual audits dealing with generalities - but line items - costing over $5 million and more - that cannot be accounted for.

The - City and County of SF - employees hired - when there is suppose to be a freeze - for all jobs temporary and permanent.

You visit the Departments and no one is there.

Millions are spent on our facilities - like the Moscone Center and very little is done to show case Cultural Competency and show case those that built San Francisco - more after 1906.

The SF Arts Commission has chosen to target the Native Americans - wasting millions .

Certain folks working for the SF Arts Commission - taking junkets to place like Hawaii  - discriminating against  others Native American leaders - our Elders that matter - who care about California and San Francisco.

I represent the Muwekma Ohlone from San Francisco - nothing decent has been done for the Muwekma Ohlone - accept pass some Resolutions - that mentions about some necessities - but that does nothing at all.

We talk about EQUITY - the Native Americans who live in San Francisco - and those Elders who have wisdom - among the Native Americans - understand and know they have to respect the host nation.

Native Americans always respect the host nation and tribes .

All this and more is clouded - by some tainted Native Americans - from outside California - one in particular who is embedded with the SF Arts Commission - a woman.

The Great Spirit sees it all.

The local Native Americans have sent her a letter - she chooses to dole our stipends - $500 to those she knows and lives in San Francisco.

In comparison some $65 or less - for those that come from far off place - closer to Yosemite - and such actions - are unfair - and where there is no fair play - there is abject - injustice.

City Administrator Naomi Kelly 
can Do better -
too many people are suffering -
I have reached out to you - but you do not 
seem to understand - the City is suffering -
and many are disgusted with the state of affairs.

Our City Administrator Naomi Kelly must do better - the corruption is so near her - that she does not know it.

She keeps wheeling and dealing with very corrupt folks like Juliet Ellis - and some one else who is too close to her.

We had a mess on Van Ness for over two years - which is legally a Highway.

This -  project has been put on track after two years - after utter failure - causing many businesses on Van Ness - closing shop - going out of business.

At last after two years - the Project Managers have NOT been trained and given some dire orientation.

How to manage the construction - with time lines and goals - that are viable and sustainable.

Again and again we are dealing with City Project Managers - who do not know what they are doing - putting their faith in Contractors and Primes.

The  likes of Tutor Perini, AECOM, and others - who love change orders and milk the City and County of San Francisco.

The Central subway started with a price tag of $600 million and now costs more than $2 Billion.

It was the same with the TransBay Terminal - cost over runs and the terminal - closed for an inordinate period - having having a grand opening -  than fell flat on its face.

It is the same with the Sewer System Improvement Project that started with a tag price of $6 billion and will cost over $15 Billion plus - with each and every crook - participating in making a profit.

The Digesters is a key project that should have been in place today - it has been delayed for over 2 years. 

The SF Public Utilities Commission - now pat their behinds - attending conferences out of State - and pleased that they can ask questions.

At home their track record is despicable - Pathetic to say the least.

Sophie failed as the District 10 Supervisor -
selling out to Lennar and failing the constituents -
now she has chosen to cause more damage -
having no technical expertise and failing to
participate in the SSIP deliberations -
she ask silly questions and makes a fool of herself.

Sophie Maxwell -  failed as a Supervisor and has a seat on the SF Public Utilities Commission - and makes a fool of herself.

The SF Clean Power will soon understand that Pacific Gas and Electric - will put restriction on SFPUC - to accept all electricity bills, have PG&E do all the major electrical repairs - more on transmission lines that matter - attend to emergency outages - and so on.

Be in charge of connection to buildings and facilities - both residential and commercials - do most everything linked to Electricity - and always brag that they are increase their clients or accounts with SF Clean Power.

Soon SF Clean Power will be " Cost Prohibitive " to operate - more and more PG&E will remove themselves from facilitating SF Public Utilities Commission - and folks like Barbara Hale and Juliet Ellis - who bite the hand that feeds them.

Mayor London Breed has failed on all fronts - and recently when the Grand Jury brought to her and her staff - attention - the despicable conditions - of most of our - fire hydrants citywide.

The hydrants with very poor pressure - cisterns not taken care off - we knew for the longes time - these deficiencies prevalent more in the Southeast Sector of San Francisco - where 30,000 new units are planned - and already has thousands of home - that are in harms way.

The Mayor London Breed is busy cutting ribbons - barking up the wrong tree - failing to address Quality of Life issues.

In a strong Earthquake that building at 850 Bryant will come down - and those incarcerated - will suffer - death and be maimed.

As usual the idiots will kick the can - down the street - time will tell.

The State provide money to address the situation at hand - and we could have built a state of the art - Rehabilitation Center - teaching, rehabilitating and practicing state of art techniques - we chose not to take the route. 

We gave the money back.

We have 25,000 homeless in San Francisco - and a like number of folks who prey on others - daily selling all sorts of drugs -  on the streets of San Francisco.

Foremost Opioids - daily thousands come from all over - to sell drugs in San Francisco - they have dens in San Francisco - from which they conduct all sorts of nefarious activities.

I am against all drugs - more those that adversely impact women and men - interfere with their judgment - brings about the worse change - in their thinking and acting - bringing out the worse elements.

Our City and Count of San Francisco - should have a decent Mayor - we have a loud mouth - some one that thinks she knows too much - but is a fool.

We must elect a Mayor - one that can address issues having the empirical data. 

We have over 30,000 homes vacant - over 80,000 market rate condominium vacant.

Our homeless situation has reached a saturation point - Mayor London Breed has failed on this one singular issue.

The congestion on our roads is unbearable - added the main streets torn up - and very poor construction - and change orders linked to projects - that take forever to be completed.

Once a project is  completed  - the cross walks are not painted - the asphalt patched roads - are bumpy.

The  Project Manager do not do their job -  what is more the contractors are paid.

No sound and quality inspection and control - no one taking responsibility for the projects.

The car-ins and the home break-ins are on the increase - and we have Department heads at City Hall - giving each other commendations - while the public is suffering.

We have many bread earners - working three and four jobs - to put bread and butter on the table. 

We have City leaders - who have NO clue about the situation at hand.

Most decent advocates have given up on the City and County of San Francisco - some of us cannot even afford to pay our office rents.

Some - never took a penny from the City - but the situation has changed and we request some help for our rent - we are rejected.

The more decent Non-Profit have gone under and many have left San Francisco.

Francisco Da Costa
Director - Environmental Justice Advocacy
for 35 years - I have given my best to 
this City and County of San Francisco 
the corruption today - is saturated - more -
in Room 200 at City Hall.

I head the Bayview Co-ordination Council, the Black Leadership Council of San Francisco, Environmental Justice Advocacy, Southeast Sector Community Development Corporation - each is registered here in San Francisco.

We have a track record - second to none.

We trained and produced many leaders.

This City and County has turned its back on San Franciscans - and is cozy with those that practice a certain life style - they get grants - over $300,000 just for being a outsider - and pandering to  - evil.

Pacific Gas and Electric will not share its assets with the City and County of San Francisco - not with leaders like London Breed and those we have - at SF Public Utilities Commission.

This City and County of San Francisco will be visited by the Big One  - that is a given - those who with intent - fail to have empathy and compassion - we fall flat on their face.

God sees it all. I have served this City and County of San Francisco for over 35 years  - and helped thousands - as I said - and will say it again - God sees it all.

Those that do not have morals, less ethics, have NO standards - less empathy and compassion.

Those that do not have their heart  in the right place - will be rewarded - it is called KARMA.

Those others that have good actions to prove - where their heart is -  they will be rewarded on this Earth. Aho.

And there is more.

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