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Wednesday, October 16, 2019


Dr Grant Colfax - the new Director 
of SF Health Department - backing - 
Mayor London Breed for all the wrong reasons -
we have 15,000 homeless - and 60% have
mental issues -  there has been NO -
needs assessment - no money set aside to have
goals and time-lines - more talk and less walk -
let us call the bluff - and speak truth to power.

Mayor London Breed - must stop acting the CLOWN.

London Breed -  has no idea that here in San Francisco - we have thousands who are more educated than London Breed is and know better - that she is not fit to be our Mayor.

London Breed makes many general statements - is head strong - not well informed - impulsive - has problems when it comes to anger management - and behaves like a dyke gone berserk.

London Breed  wants to address the on going increase - of the mentally challenged on our streets and neighborhood -  which has now reached saturation point.

We have over 15,000 homeless in San Francisco - and a population of 840,000.

The population increases to over one and half million - more when we have conventions, some big concert, games like baseball games - other events - one of a kind large events - put on by SalesForce, Oracle and so on - causing congestion on our streets in San Francisco.

The new Director of SF Health Dr Grant Colfax - is now  the mouth piece of Mayor London Breed.

Let me say it as clearly as I can - there has been NO singular  and in depth  " needs assessment " - done about the homeless situation in San Francisco - more - linked to those that have mental problems.

Even ordinary people in San Francisco - those working three and four jobs to put bread and butter on the table - and here is Mayor London Breed - playing the fool.

Let us have a convention titled " Reality Check " - let women who have children, women who are married and have good husbands - speak about the situation at hand.

We are fed up listening to those that do not represent San Francisco - people who pussyfoot around - have no morals, less ethics, for sure have no standards - and most importantly not educated on issues.

For all the talk - the Bayview Hunters Point played a key role - building the SF General Hospital and several clinics. Even then - all knew - about the mentally challenged and ordinary people who need mental help.

Over the last 20 years and more in the last 10 years - corrupt politicians have failed us miserably and you can see it at the deliberations at SF City Hall.

The rift between some SF Supervisors is evident - at the last SF Board of Supervisors meeting - the Mayor spoke and none of the SF Board of Supervisors - wanted to ask her a question.

She spoke on the state of the mentally challenged in San Francisco - spewing diatribe and left. 

I was there and could not comprehend - how ignorant London Breed is on some pertinent issues - and wonder who the fuck are her advisors - and what they tell advise her on.

Barbara Garcia  -
the former Director of SF Health Department -
was fired for helping her wife get projects -
many of us that trusted her - felt let down -
good people are getting corrupt - taking bribes -
making money - change orders.

In fact we do not have the qualified people to address the homeless situation and more the issue linked with the mentally challenged.

Again and again people of color - are not given opportunity - Whites riding in cars - ride around - looking for the homeless - and teams color coded - attend a few homeless - and for all the fanfare - millions are wasted - and the homeless and mentally challenged that need help - is getting worse.

Again there has to be a " needs assessment " and this has to be done by experience people - and have people of color at the table - more people of color - are used as statics - and money made by white folks - who have NO empathy and less compassion.

The homeless czar makes over $250,000 and has nothing to show - but being arrogant, rude, and his work - does not meet the smelts test.

 Social workers, psychologists, psychiatrists,  doctor who have been saying the right things - the many advocates that matter and cannot be bought - do what they do - because they care - these ardent folks -  are NOT at the table.

Recently we saw this at the SF Health Commission meeting -  healed to address patients - that should be cared - Long Term Care that some of us fought decades ago.

We were shocked to find beds left empty - and there is evidence that point to Mayor London Breed - talking the talk and failing to walk to the walk.

The Mayor London Breed  - has NO clue about Behavioral Mental Health - none what so ever.

Mayor London Breed - should attend and present her plan - at the SF Health Commission or failing that at SF City Hall in the Chambers - and allow the advocates to participate.

Mayor London Breed is all fluff and no meat.

This old report states we have 12,000 homeless -
in reality we have 21,000 homeless -
the Mayor states we have 10,000 -
that is a LIE - get the facts - straight
she is totally mistaken and clueless - and cannot be trusted.

Mayor London Breed has for a long period now - kicked the can down the street - the mentally challenged have been taken to jail - others have had their precious belongings taken.

Still others have had their medication thrown into the garbage bags - the few treasured things they have  - thrown and carted away. 

All this and more causes many to have extended spouts of despondency, toxic stress, nervous break down - and leads to serious mental  issues.

God sees it all - evil human beings can bluff only so much - but they soon we will deal with the real stuff - the Big One -  mind my words.

Right now I know - who has BLOOD on their hands.

The homeless - 
many are taken to jail -
others get one way ticket to -
to god knows where.

Lock, stock, and barrel - the homeless belongings -
go into the garbage - never  mind the homeless -
have their medication - other precious things they care to have -
taken by force and imagine being deprived of 
much needed medication - and losing a few precious belongings
why has San Francisco - become so insensitive ?
Corrupt politicians - order - City Departments -
if you go with the flow - you get to pussyfoot around.

The paradox the workers  who are ordered to target the homeless - have had NO orientation. No cultural competency, implicit bias training. They do not understand - what truly can make anyone homeless - God sees it all.

I have spoken to these workers -  they are ordered to do wrong - and cannot say a word - or else they will lose their job.

Once I speak to them - they feel bad - and I do not mind telling them to mention my name.

It is fact - if they choose to speak up - which they will not.

If  they do - tell the truth - fear reigns supreme - the crooks are every where - blood thirsty - they will lose their jobs. Go Figure!


This type of nonsense must STOP - London Breed still thinks she is in the hood - and that she can do as she please - much like the jerk we have in the White House - if not worse.

Our homeless situation must be addressed with empathy and compassion.

Much - like the first Navigation Center in San Francisco.

Mayor Edwin Mah Lee -
he set our City on fire -
even today - the damage done -
cannot be controlled - the corrupt -
wheeling and dealing - there is a God.

Edwin Mah Lee -
as a young man -
he fought as an advocate -
then years before he became the Mayor 
he chose to be a wheeler and a dealer -
much like the present Mayor - steeped in dark money.

Years ago that first  $300,000 came from Faith Based Organizations - Mayor Edwin Mah Lee - took credit for it - as he did for everything to win brownie points.

The millions of dollars he took - " dark money " is in off shores banks.

Edwin Mah Lee -  did not live to see - the stacks of money.

Edwin - died and there in lies the result - of one that pretended he was doing good - wheeling and deal and hoodwinking us all - in broad daylight.

Mayor London Breed is bad news for San Francisco - and the only segment of the population that cares for her and supports her - are the drug dealers - and the Zionists.

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