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Saturday, October 5, 2019


Union Square is a chronic - mess -

many popular stores shut forever -

construction hurdles and more -
good - one of a kind stores - gone forever.

Walk around Union Square and see things for yourself.

Shame on those who brag San Francisco is a First Class City - when store after store have put there shutters down for the last time - never to come back, again - so many clients wondering what is happening to San Francisco.

The Heifer we have busy cutting ribbons and talk from both sides of her dirty mouth. Those pandering to her - jackasses -
their time is coming.

Some folks at SF City Hall love to throw around words - much like shooting arrows in the air. 

What is the meaning of Equity - no one seems to know the etymological meaning of this word - that deals with - being fair and impartial.

Has any one met a person -  more a politician - at SF City Hall that deals with the people who is fair and impartial?

Now imagine having a " grumpy puss " like Sheryl Evan Davis -  giving her the authority to be fair and impartial - ask anyone that knows this person - all she wants is what she can take and get for free - to the maximum.

Equity goes hand in glove with having empathy and compassion - that most of these crooks who work at SF City Hall have none - no one knows them better than I do.

Those few that know me well - know well not to mess with me - I do not keep the company of " thugs" - " jail birds " who do not want to reform - and to be frank the assholes that we have a saturation of at SF City Hall.

I went to two locations - one of my favorite stores - Eddie Bauer - both have closed and gone forever. I then check on my iPhone - and lo and behold - NO Eddie Bauer store in San Francisco.

Dosa on Valencia in the Mission has left - and there are other great restaurants - that cannot handle the overhead and the lack of support - from City Hall.

Dosa Valencia on Mission has left -
over fifty other well known restaurants -
of course the corrupt politicians that lack 
cultural competency - wheel and deal -cannot get it -
San Francisco is no more a first class city.

There is too much construction going on in San Francisco - with no one taking responsibility. 

We have no Project Mangers worth the salt. 

Jobs left half done - the contractors get paid - and if one wants to know who is responsible - for work undone - those in authority - kick the can down the street.

The loud noise about curtailing this and that - including the many deaths - on the streets by DUI drivers

 Zero Vision - is all talk and no walk.

Now the idiots want to close Market Street to the public and driving cars. Well, let us see how far that concept succeeds.
If there are two major mishaps on Mission Street - the entire flow - of whatever is planned - will lead to several major - pandemonium.

After three months the cross-walk
was painted -
in the interim some of us had to 
walk children and seniors from
point A to B.

On San Bruno and between Felton Street and Wayland - all sorts of construction going on - nothing logical - the contractors are here, there, and every where. Leaving most of the work incomplete - and there are no Project Manager in sight.

At times four separate but independent contractors doing their own thing - no coordination - at all. 

You look for the Brown Hard caps - you can get tired looking - no Superintendent in sight.

The worst thing that one has to look at - is tearing up the roads that took us years to get repaired - on San Bruno Avenue. 

We had Synergy that went under - I would take photographs and sent it to Mohammad Nuru - much like I do sometimes - and now when I see the potholes - the hurried up patching - I just wonder - what has happened to standardized and quality - work.

Now we have roads so torn up - and poorly patched - and no one seems to want to take responsibility. Again much of this work - leads to accidents - and we must take responsibility.

Responsibility comes with ethics, morals, standards that matter - but most importantly - having one's heart in the right place.

It took us 16 years to get traffic lights at San Bruno and Bacon.

Never - mind the San Bruno businesses on the many businesses corridors keep paying millions in taxes - and get nothing in return.

It took three months to
paint the cross-walks -
Go Figure!
All the talk about zero-vision

The only time the side streets have been power washed is when I have requested the streets to be power washed.

And when I did that  -  I also saw that the workers who have to wake up early in the morning - were thanked.

I should not be doing this -  if I do not - the City and County does not seem to care. Sometime the stench was too much to bear - and with that the stains - that the hard working workers from DPW - somehow remove the ugly stains.

After three weeks -
cross-walk painted -
children and Elders -
can walk safely - SAFETY FIRST.

Our District 9 Supervisor seem to care more about the Mission and other mundane issues.

Also - making long winded speeches - and has not taken care of San Bruno Avenue - the businesses pay millions - and get nothing much in return.

Add to that the cockeyed parking - where double parking and other hurdles are tolerated - with no one in authority in sight. 

Too much congestion without anyone taking responsibility.

Too much taxes on small business - you pay a lot - and get shit in return.

Ask any business person in San Francisco how many years it takes to get some valid entitlement? Five, Six, sometimes 10 years.

We have the SF Board of Supervisors - all over the place - most have NO sense - how to run a business.

The investment needed, time is of essence - some of them busy wheeling and dealing - the sordid politicians - the lead politicians that epitomizes  this and more - Shamann Walton - chronic jail bird.

When it comes to the crooks the Mayor's Office of Economic Development will bend backwards.

More - to give people sordid people - mostly outsiders - one criterion  they look for - life style - they will give such folks - all they want and more.

Did anyone notice we have more dogs in San Francisco - and less children.

No one seems to care about humanity - so how can they care about Equity?

Let ask ourselves who have their heart in the right place - and how actions that count - benefited those that need most - can one tally - and stand tall and represent?

No money for our children, youth, young adults - a million dollars for Equity - and the person in charge - who has no leadership qualities - Sheryl Evans Davis.

The tourists are fed up - of course these politicians - do not give a damn. Just talk to the tourists.

Again and again - the tourists are shocked - how San Francisco - has become so congested - so filthy - so rude - the City named after Saint Francis of Assisi.

Those working at the Mayor's Office of Economic Development - busy handing certificates more a Resolution of sorts.

To those folks - who take orders and often have no standards- pandering to the heads of departments - who themselves have held the positions they hold - through nepotism - and deep corruption. Doling out Resolutions that are not worth the salt.

So when will the Mayor's Office of Economic Development have a hearing - so that we can hear for the first time - what exactly has this office achieved - when it comes to Quality of Life issues. 

How does this City plan to incorporate EQUITY -when there is No Empathy, No Compassion and absolutely No standards.

The tax payers have been shafted - if you have business you pay taxes and many times - the Treasurer's Office does not receive the taxes - and you pay penalties - and all this and more is nauseating - to say the least.

Just go to San Jose, even Oakland, San Mateo, Burlingame - go anywhere in the Bay Area - and find out how many years it takes to get any " entitlement " - worth the salt when it comes to small - businesses - and small projects.

Many give up in disgust and curse the SF City Officials - do wonder so many of them are despondent - and have to address there out of control - mental issues.

One of them London Breed - how the hell she landed - being Mayor of this once great City - is mind boggling. Does not have the ability to discern - and a total "thug" - in everything she does.

This fucking nonsense - delaying permit - must STOP - now.

Those expeditors that make millions - must be taken to task - the SF City officials know about the ruckus and encourage it - because some get a cut - a bribe - disgracing those that believe in standards.

I have seen too many businesses fold and leave San Francisco forever.

These scoundrels at City Hall making over $250,000 plus benefits - do not represent - less are scoundrels - not to be trusted at all. 

At City Hall -  our City Administrator Naomi Kelly, 
the Mayor London Breed - the Assessor's office headed by Carmen Chu - should meet and have a  public hearing on the issues mentioned above.

Stop talking in generalities - and stop hoodwinking the public at large - in broad daylight.

The anointing of  Director of Human Rights Commission Sheryl Evans Davis,  the many Commissioners on the various Commissions - that have been compromised by the Mayor - who thinks she can place - mostly, unqualified and lacking leadership qualities - on our Commissions. 

Most good for nothing.

The Department of Environment headed by Debbie Rafael who talks from both sides of her mouth.

Useless - who has done nothing to address the increased Carbon Footprint - has compromised the health, safety, and general welfare of the 840,000 - constituents of San Francisco.

Not once has she done a needs assessment on any issue linked to sound Environmental Issues - the dirty air, the congestion and PM 2.5, the increase in the Carbon Footprint.

On Recycling she could not answer the pertinent questions - question asked of her by Supervisor Safahi from District 11.

 There is more - to this woman who makes a huge salary - and all she does is run her mouth. Her Commission and those that talk and talk - a bunch of jackasses.

One has just to watch the Commission linked the SF Department of Environment - they are all over the place - and at each meeting - constantly patting and massaging their behinds. 

Shaming San Francisco - decent, hardworking, San Franciscans.

Remember Barbara she got fired -
she let us all down -
I knew her very well and was confounded.

Vickie from
the Department of Human Resources -
will look you in the eye and lie -
her office discriminates -
and this EQUITY nonsense must start 
at her office - she helped many get the jobs 
the have today - creating 2000 jobs Assistant Administrators.

London Breed, Naomi Kelly, Malia Cohen, and so many 
others - got in City Hall thorough this ploy and shenanigans.

We saw what happened to Barbara Garcia - we know what is happening at the SF Human Resources - the blatant discrimination - Equity must be address there - on a War Footing.

Black City employees have come again and again - and revealed to the world - the blatant discrimination - and who the hell do you think - we have as Major - a Black - London Breed.

What has London Breed done so far - nothing.

What - will she do in the future the same.

Divide and rule - spew diatribe and bark up the wrong tree - pathetic heifer.

Daily her mind is on making money - she has already amassed million - and she ready to amass more - the heifer is not to be trusted. Stock, shares and more according to reliable - reports.

The crooks must remember someone can chronologically pin point all the demonic actions of former " thug " Mayor Willie L. Brown Jr., that led to the present Mayor - London Breed another chronic - thug Mayor. 

The anointing of Suzy Loftus -
is very poor judgement -
on the part of  London Breed - 
that will come to haunt her - time will tell.

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