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Sunday, December 11, 2022



At this site, between the SF Main Library and the Asian Museum - tents were rented for $80,000 each - does this make sense? In San Francisco - human beings are becoming a commodity - more those who are indigent - and we have authorities in charge - demeaning humanity. All this happened in San Francisco, where the United Nations was created on October 24, 1945.

San Franciscans are fed up - the toxic politics are too much for those who care about our City and County of San Francisco.

It does not bother that over the last 4 years, sixty thousand San Franciscans have left San Francisco, never to come back again.

Each district in San Francisco and we have eleven districts, and each is unique. 

San Franciscans love where they live - many have contributed thousands of dollars to create and beautify parks, plant trees, and build schools and churches - do all in their power to put their best foot forward.

The many hills that make up San Francisco and a moderate climate - we hardly get any snow - and our mild climate - allows us to stay away from airconditioning and other such amenities.

Our restaurants cater to the many international cuisines - tourists from all over the world come to San Francisco to have an excellent time - but all this has changed in recent years.

Some forty years ago - rents were reasonable - our SF Planning Department has failed us miserably.

Decade after decade - Market Price housing was encouraged - until today, we have too much Market Rate Housing - over forty percent of them vacant.

Diverse people from all over the world -  live in San Francisco - we are indeed a United Nations.

All this in the land of the Muwekma Ohlone - we will approach the subject cautiously - to shed light where there is abject - darkness.

This is Muwekma Ohlone Land.

San Francisco is Muwekma Ohlone land - the Muwekma Ohlone tribe embraces all tribes.

The Muwekma have the empirical data and have proved to the Department of Interior - again and again - the Tribe was acknowledged, and once a tribe is acknowledged and maintains good standing - that status remains in place.

The City and County have chosen, without due diligence - to begin their Commission meetings and other meetings with an Acknowledgement Statement - mentioning a clan - the Ramutush Ohlone, who are NOT Federally Recognized.

What makes this situation convoluted is that two men - have chosen to make false statements and other statements - spreading disinformation. Calling themselves Ramatush Ohlone.

The Muwekma have sent a letter and will be sending yet another letter to the Mayor of San Francisco and each SF City department head and SF Commissions.

The pertinent information - signed by the Chairperson of the Muwekma Ohlone Tribe - clearly demarcates - the issue at hand. 

The Muwekma have valid documentation as to their Federal Recognition and Acknowledgment.

They have qualified anthropologists, archeologists, ethnohistorian, and even DNA results proving that the current Muwekma Ohlone members can trace their ancestry to DNA samples taken from remains found in Sunol, California - elsewhere - the entire process validated by Standford University and the University of Chicago. 

The City and County know about this - but have chosen to follow a path of ignorance - working with two individuals who claim to be Ramatush Ohlone - who fuel divisiveness - and betray their abject ignorance. 

The Muwekma Ohlone are a tribe - and are the First People of San Francisco.

While anyone can say what they want to say - when it comes to the DNA of a tribe - the Muwekma Ohlone - have clearly shown they can trace their DNA going back more than two thousand years - to their ancestors.

Read more - now the people will fight this fight with empirical data and thousands of signatures to back the Muwekma quest - once a tribe is Acknowledged - that status remains.  

More and more in recent years, indigenous Tribes all over the world - are uniting to save Mother Earth.

Here in Northern California, indigenous tribes have won a great victory - they fought for the Salmon and won big time. 

Four of the dams on the Klamath River will be torn down, and the Salmon will be free to move freely to spawn as they did for millions of years. 

Here in San Francisco, those that stole the land do not want to admit what they did. Those that scalped the indigenous tribes and fetched a measly five dollars - are afraid their deeds will be exposed.

We have politicians who have blood on their hands - they can speak truth to power but will not - because - the jurisdiction over ancestral land will belong to the rightful owners.

There is no need to make vague general statements - begging others to acknowledge them. Beg for a small piece of land - and purport their actions - are valid and wholesome.

The rightful owners of the land will NOT beg - they have the empirical data - vetted DNA that goes beyond fake documents of the United States government - that signed treaties and then reneged on every one of them.

Chief Sitting Bull united the Lakota Nation. Lakota is a sovereign nation. We visited - camp Oceti Sakowin and saw the Reservation by Standing Rock - the Lakota have been deceived by the United States government and the Department of Interior. Today we have Debbie Harland - who is the Secretary of the Interior.

Secretary of Interior - Debbie Harland - step up and do the right thing - we are in the year 2022. These guys stole the land - we do not have to beg for any documents - what is more potent is that the DNA results - going back 2000 years - match the DNA with present Muwekma Ohlone members and the ancestors. Stop challenging the ancestors - those who do so will fall flat on their faces.

It is a shame we do not teach our children, youth, young adults - others about the true history of this land - we call Turtle Island; others call it America.

It is a shame to see the divisiveness we see today all over this Nation.

The former President and many others will be called out for criminal referrals.

The traitors know what they deserve - the committee linked to the January 6, 2021 incident - is not to be taken lightly.

Here is San Francisco - a racist city - corruption has reached a saturation point.

It is incredible how thieves behave - they have no ethics, fewer morals, and absolutely no standards.

Out time is now - now or never!

Will this one document convince those that are ignorant - as to the facts and empirical data - to prove besides the DNA and the Muwekma Ohlone - who speak truth to power:

It makes no sense that two individuals who dared to challenge the Muwekma Ohlone  - who have the empirical data - and the DNA results acknowledged by Standford University and the University of Chicago.

The various Commissions that read a fake acknowledgment statement are mocking the statements - that mean nothing to those educated on issues.

Again and again, the two individuals are mudding the waters.

They should get their DNA tested - so we can establish what Tribe they belong to - and, if this is correct - what acknowledgment they have from the Department of Interior. 

I say this because the United States Department of Interior has not been transparent - and has a history of deceit and backtracking - regarding many tribes here in California.

The Muwekma Ohlone have exhausted every known process and succeeded. The Muwekma Ohlone are about speaking truth to power - we do not have to beg and prove anything beyond the DNA results - linked to the ancestors - continuity going back 2000 years.

The White men have many processes - one worse than the other - imagine proclaiming this is their land - when they stole it.

Why should the indigenous tribes living for thousands of years - on Turtle Island - prove they are the original tribes - we know who was here on Turtle Island  - first.

The Elders have recorded - " do not trust those that speak with a forked tongue."

I say only those whose hearts are in the right place can take others to a better place. Aho.


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