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Wednesday, December 28, 2022



Thousands of years before Columbus arrived on the shores of Turtle Island - now - the United States - the indigenous tribes lived on Turtle Island - for over 100,000 years. Proof of remains and artifacts - all carbon-dated and verified. Today - DNA samples taken from remains and compared to the indigenous tribes - confirm that indigenous tribes lived here on Turtle Island - for 100,000 years.

 We also know the thieves who stole the land, raped the women, lied, cheated,  and have continued to discriminate - against the indigenous tribes.

Temporary Protected Status (TPS) is so convoluted that those immigrants wanting to contribute to our Nation - as previous immigrants have had the benefit - defy logic - and call for immediate attention - against " crimes against humanity " - the United States messing in the affairs of Syria, Iraq, Libya, Afghanistan, the many Banana Republics - may I say more.

Daily we see thousands waiting on our southern border - and other borders  - longing to enter the United States - many of them fleeing autocratic governments - now promised the designation - TPS.

Temporary Protective Services limit what an immigrant can do - and right from the start - discriminates and tarnishes what our Constitution purports to achieve - true Freedom.

Here in the United States, the Main Media has failed to inform us thousands of Ukrainians, Russians, and others with Temporary Protected Status (TPS) are crossing the Southern border.

Now with the thousands of Russians seeking to enter Canada and the United States - are we or are we not compromising our National Security?

Our internet in recent months has been flooded with emails - young Ukrainian and Russian girls available - this nonsense must be stalled by our authorities - which are fast asleep in the cockpit.

The Catels are busy using Title 42 - as many will be turned back into the traps and hands of the Cartels. Pushing all immigrants with vetting - has been executed - by the Barrack Hussein Obama administration - without using Title 42.

Donald Trump and this administration used Title 42 to turn many innocent immigrants back - most losing their lives - others fell into human trafficking run by the Cartels and drug trafficking. 

Fentanyl is moved through the underground tunnels by hundreds of pounds daily - mules from Honduras, Guatemala, and Mexico. 

Fentanyl by the hundreds of pounds is moved by trucks on the Southern border - Tijuana - arriving in San Diego and the same day right here in the Bay Area - San Jose, Oakland,  San Francisco - and as deep as Mendicino.

Does it matter to us all - that more Americans and others die of Fentanyl than have of COVID?

Does it matter to us that Mainland China - is the key culprit - and we must be leery of Chinese moles and others - making hay while the sun shines?

It is a joke when some jokers say the same thing as parrots about not opening Cannabis Dispensaries in San Francisco - yet there has been no concerted effort by the Chinese living in San Francisco - to go to City Hall and express their opinion about Fentanyl? 

Wake up San Francisco - Non-Profit in San Francisco have received over $300 million to deal with the homeless problem - open hub where folks partake of drugs - with no detail notes available for inspection.

The Tenderloin Center is closed - it was an illegal operation from the start - the City and County are now breaking the law - as it has done at Laguna Honda - allowing addicts - to mix with our vulnerable Elders - all because the Federal Government - foots the bill.

Nine patients from Laguna Honda were moved - leading to the death of these innocent nine Elders. Who is responsible for this utter and abject cruelty?

Where is Mayor London Breed on this singular -  issue? How many thousands have died in the last nine months from Fentanyl in San Francisco? How many have died slowly - living in tents - facing inclement weather? 

Recently - Pope Francisco visited Canada. The Pope apologized for the injustice done to the indigenous tribes - personally. But not in the name of the Catholic Church. In this case, indigenous tribes from Canada are our neighbors. In the United States, we have yet to apologize to the many indigenous tribes - who lived on Turtle Island - for stealing the land. Every square inch - that the United States government - purports is their land - there is not a single legal document - where any land was handed over.

Whites have a history of stealing land - taking land and property that is not theirs.

We have read horror stories about President Andrew Jackson. 

He gave orders to burn homes, kill infants, and children, rape women - remove the indigenous tribes. 

Stole millions of acres of land - and created so-called Reservations - that were thousands of miles from the original home of the indigenous tribes adversely impacted.

President Andrew Jackson - a despicable man - his dirty face is found on the twenty dollar bill - it must be done away with.

Andrew Jackson was a disgrace to the human race.

Andrew Jackson's dirty face is on the twenty-dollar bill - and must be replaced to do justice to humankind.

Paradoxically, the Whites never realize that indigenous people do not sell Mother Earth.

Indigenous people protect and nurture the land - indigenous tribes respect and honor all land - that is why they call Earth - Mother Earth.

Indigenous tribes all over the world  - strongly believe - that they - indigenous tribes have the privilege of living on Mother Earth.

Indigenous people firmly live - in taking little and keeping more - for future generations - there is no word Greed - in the vocabulary of the indigenous tribes.


Greed is engrained in the DNA of Whites. Make no bones about it.

Millions of Buffalo were killed in the United States for their skins or fur. 

The meat piled up fifty to sixty feet high left to rot, and the stench spread far and wide.

Such atrocities did not faze the White grifters - not then, not now.

For thousands of years - the fauna, the flora, the rivers, the lakes, the oceans - the reds woods and the forest. The hills and the mountains were pristine on Turtle Island.

In less than 300 years - what was pristine for millions of years - was contaminated.

There was a prediction of the snake and prophecies of those who would speak with a forked tongue.

The ancestor spoke of those who will lie, cheat, steal, and commit untold atrocities - the Elders repeated - do not trust those who communicate with a forked tongue.

The White men came from a place - where the laws of the Magna Carta, among other laws - prescribed all men to be free and justice to prevail.

They came from Europe - when they landed on Turtle Island - they saw the bounty of the land - they also met the indigenous tribes.

We know the Europeans bit the hand that fed them.

When the White men - met the indigenous, he was perplexed by their innocence and hospitality, and the White men prey on the indigenous and, to this day - will not apologize for the atrocities committed.

Take the example of Title 42, which permits our U.S. Government to expel immigrants on our border - under some dubious pretext - at one time using COVID-19 - now any pretext the idiots deem fit.

The matter has been taken to the Supreme Court - which honestly had no jurisdiction. This Title 42 came from the Centers for Diseases Control - Congress has a say in this matter.

Congress has a say but is dragging its legs. 

President Joe Biden has a say - but needs to have the balls to issue - an Executive order.

Who suffers - the immigrants - in the interim - promises and made - none kept.

It is the same old story - poor people who cannot defend themselves must protect themselves.

In the past, during the Obama and Donald Trump administrations - immigrants were turned back from our Southern border. Straight into the hand of the Cartels - young girls and women - led into human trafficking.

The young boys and men - used to move drugs - in underground tunnels - that lend them in San Diego and neighboring areas.  

Hundreds of pounds of Fentanyl and other chemical drugs - have killed thousands of Americans - many of them from the Middle Class. 

Most of these drugs come from Mainland China - and Chairman Xi Jinping is fully cognizant of this fact - and is doing nothing to curtail the endemic. 

Our Founding Fathers - would be baffled at the sordid ways of Congress, the Senate, the Supreme Court, and the Executive Branch that is the President of the United States - today. Our Immigration System reeks of corruption - the U.S. State Department has failed us - the Center for Diseases Control - confused and confounded.


What have we learned from the January 6, 2021 insurrection - nothing? We now know who the traitors are - what does the Consitution mandate be done to the traitors? Read the Constitution - we have a former President take the oath - he has failed on many counts. He must not live - now that we know his intent.

Capitol Hill - U.S. Senate Chamber invaded - the Chamber trashed - orders given by Donald Trump - a   L O S E R 

Abbey Gate - Afghanistan - President Joe Biden - had no sound Exit Plan - today, he has no sound plan on our Southern Borders. He loves - kicking the can down the street - while thousands slowly die - Obama did it, Donald Trump made it worse - and now Joe Biden - is pussyfooting.

Frederick Douglass circa (1818-1895)

Harriet Tubman circa  1822-1913

Geronimo circa 1829 - 1909

Chief Sitting Bull - circa 1831-1890

Chief Joseph Nez Perce Leader - circa 1841-1904

It is time our disgusting and nauseating main media - stop - talking nonsense - and educate the constituents, taxpayers, and citizens of the United States - about the horrific crimes committed by our government.

Donald Trump

It is a shame that we tolerate the crimes that Donald Trump, an egoistic maniac, has committed - the man is a cheat and a chronic liar - he swore to uphold the law - and has sold our secrets to the enemy.

Daily the Main Media must step and speak truth to power.

For sure, this land is not the White man's land - he stole it - and a thief has to pay the price - not be left to steal more - and lie -each and every day.

Would most citizens go Scott Free - if they did not pay taxes?

Why let this scoundrel - a cheat, a liar, a maniac go Scott Free?

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