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Friday, December 30, 2022


Newer and newer variants baffling the scientists -  all we can do is wear a mask - create meaningful firewalls - to save the day.

The newer variants are surging - BA.4 and BA5 - with the emerging and quickly spreading new Strep A - some other variants now emerging in Mainland China - baffling scientists and medical journals. 

Soon we will enter the new year, 2023.

President Joe Biden's poll ratings are low - 43% - most Americans are not delusional - and feel strongly the economy will spiral down as it is already.

Also, we feel strongly about the injustices committed on the Southern border.

President Joe Biden signed a $1.7 Trillion budget - with over $20 billion in pork barrel projects mostly favoring Democratic States.

The pandemic has adversely impacted our students - more, those of color - how will we remedy this situation?

One way is to create a user-friendly " digital platform" - and give the students the right tools to use it - with educated and qualified teachers paid well to do a good job.

The students need computers with the ability to be connected to high-speed internet - the teachers need the tools connected to providers who can provide them access to servers - and have the broadband capacity - to deliver a quality product of information quickly.

Here in San Francisco - near Silicon Valley - where many of the early computers and computer technology were created - we in San Francisco suffer from a digital disparity - failing to educate those who need help most.

Again and again, devious folks will bring in Racial Equity - more and more, when we dig deeper - we find those entities who play with Racial Equity superficially - are in it for the money - the founders audited and found guilty of fraud. 

In Unity, we can and must move forward. There is too much divisiveness in the United States - on every level - and this must change - if we are going to progress.

Social Media can be used for good purposes - if benchmarks and standards as used as a norm.

As we know, more disinformation and misinformation are spread from the United States, China, Russia, and other nations with a hidden agenda. One nation pitting the other - those suffering the poor - that need help most.

It is all about algorithms and " dark money " - many may need to learn dark money is kosher in the United States.

Even the Supreme Court favors " dark money " - even as it is against women and wants to control their bodies.

Would it shock anyone that wicked politicians - will not stand for the indigenous people?

Why do so many indigenous tribes put the rig more to prove they lived in their own land - have we given second thoughts about this abject discrimination?

So how do we rank discrimination - the injustice meted out to the indigenous tribes - of the highest order - lying, cheating, breaking the laws of the land, to keep indigenous tribes - deprive them of their rights - who lived here on Turtle Island for over 100,000 years - and now have to beg to be acknowledged?

Who suffers most when someone has early dementia?

The MACHINE or constituents?

Two impeachments cost the taxpayers millions - a trip to Taiwan to muddy the waters. How about representing San Francisco on matters that matter? What is your position on indigenous tribes and acknowledgment - of the mess on the Southern border?

The Environment Concern and SF Planning:

The San Francisco Planning Department has chosen to leave the indigenous people of San Francisco out. The very people inhabited this area for over 100,000 years.

The current San Francisco Housing Elements is a JOKE - created every eight years.

Here is the San Francisco Housing Element.,of%20housing%20in%20San%20Francisco.

San Francisco is a racist city leading the charge to foster racial divisiveness - the San Francisco Planning Department.

The First People of San Francisco are the Muwekma Ohlone.

Several commendations found in the archives state this fact.

In the 1980s, when Amit Ghost was the SF Planning Director, we made sure - the Muwekma Ohlone was included in the SF General Plan.

How can one try to deal with the other elements, be it Air, Transportation, or Rivers, and fail to mention the first people of San Francisco - in the Housing Element that has just been finalized - at the eleventh hour.

San Francisco has stooped so low that it allows two individuals - none of whom belong to an Acknowledged Tribe - to put out an Acknowledgment Statement - that is devoid of action and benefits to anyone one Acknowledge Tribe. 

Here is one letter that says it all - to the charlatans who purport to say something - but say nothing at all - you are put on notice.

When it comes to stealing and money - and even  "dark money," even those at the very top who must uphold the law - compromise - that includes the Supreme Court.

Take, for example, Political Action Committees (PAC); these entities circumvent the entire concept linked to political donations. It is the same with bequest donations. 

The thieves, liars, and policymakers are in your face with abject - deceit. 

All the land in the City and County of San Francisco and beyond belongs to the Muwekma Ohlone - and the Muwekma Ohlone are not at the table. Each and every square inch was stolen.

The thieves and those that facilitate these sordid policies with intent - will fall on the face - it will not be pretty - messing with the ancestors. 


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