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Tuesday, December 13, 2022



Our indigenous have kept the family together - all these many years - now - is the time to honor and respect indigenous women. We know what is happening - and watching the situation - like a hawk.

Indigenous people shine light where there is abject darkness.


The Doctrine of Discovery - has adversely impacted millions of indigenous people. 

Favors the Christian religion over other forms of worship - adversely impacts cultures.

Further favors European favored Christian norms and politics and garnered illegal means to further colonization of many nations - and seizure of land - not inhabited by Christians. 

The Muwekma Ohlone are the First People 

of San Francisco  - acknowledged by the Department of the Interior.

San Francisco is a racist City - and it does not help that the Senators and other Representatives - be they Democrats - fail to understand the demands of the Muwekma Ohlone Tribe.

The Muwekma Ohlone Tribe produced the results - from a recent DNA test - linking the present Muwekma Ohlone Tribe and the ancestors - going back 2000 years.

What is it that the SF Board of Supervisors and those ignorant do not comprehend?

At Sunol, California - many remains were found, and samples taken were tested - the DNA confirmed - what we all believed - the Muwekma Ohlone tribes- established continuity - going back 2000 years - plus.

Indigenous people have inhabited California for over 100,000 years. More in Northern California - where the Klamath river flows.

The United States government - has all the documents needed.

The U.S. - the Department of Interior - has acknowledged several times - the Muwekma Ohlone Tribe. Many documents refer to this empirical data - in other documents, the Muwekma had to do the research to make it easier for the U.S. Department of Interior to better understand.

One can take the horse to the water - but cannot force the horse to drink.

No tribe, including the Muwekma Ohlone, are responsible - for some mistakes made - for example, the Bureau of Indian Affairs - skipping the name of Tribes previously acknowledged - more on land issues. Failing to put them on the list - recognizing the tribes - the lands they had jurisdiction overtaken by force.

Other atrocities committed include scalping, raping, burning homes, killing - and forcing thousands of indigenous - as part of the colonization - and desecration of the California indigenous people. 

The U.S. Department has been handed documents - there is only so much one can do.

Millions of acres of land - were stolen from the Muwekma Ohlone - as did the United States government of other tribes.

Pope Francisco apologized to the Canadian indigenous tribes. The apology was his. The Pope did not mention or vouch for the Catholic Church. Now it is time he declares- as the Pope on behalf of the Vatican - to assert the " Doctrine of Discovery" - null and void.

The Papal Bill " Inter Caetera" was issued by Pope Alexander VI on May 4, 1495. Columbus and other rogue pirates - who had no intention of helping anyone - except pillaging and claiming land using the devious Papal Bull - " Inter Caetera." Simply put, all lands belonging non-Christians could be stolen. So much for the dictates of the Catholic Church and its diabolical - minions. 

In the U.S. Supreme Court in the 1823 case Johnson v. McIntosh, Chief Justice John Marshall's opinion in the unanimous decision held " that the principle of discovery gave European nations an absolute right to " New World lands."

Can you imagine the Courts arbitrarily stating that indigenous tribes in the United States - better know as Turtle Island - had only the right of occupancy, rights which could be abolished?

In California, over sixty percent of the indigenous tribes - put through hoops - denied the right to be placed on the Federal Register.

How often do the authorities want a tribe to prove they must go through a long, drab process, full of red tape - to be acknowledged?  

The Sacred Buffalo.

What was once pristine has been destroyed within 300 years from the arrival of Europeans here on Turtle Island. Thieves who stole the land and now want to disown the tribes - who have lived here for over 100,000 years.

The Founding Fathers invited the Six Nations - the Iroquois Tribe - to the White House - to share their wisdom. Today, the White House is taking decades - to address Federal Registering issues - too much talk and no action.

Secretary of Interior Debbie Harland - she can do all in her power - to uplift the indigenous tribes on a War Footing - time to act - now.

Every place Columbus sat on foot - he stole, killed, and subjugated the locals - committed untold atrocities. Today, ignorant folks - revere this thief and cheat - Columbus, a mean person, was on his
journey to India to find spices - and he landed by mistake - on October 12, 1492 - in what is now known as the Bahamas - the Lucayan people Guanahani. Columbus took it upon himself to rename the islands - San Salvador. He then made his way to Turtle Island - now known as the United States.

The Popes took advantage of their position - to create patronage with the European Kings and Queens - the Portugues formulated the evil "Padroado. "

The Pope and the Vatican used the agreement "Padroado" - to steal land all over the world Brazil, Cabo Verde, Mozambique, Angola,  Goa, East Timor, and Macao - venturing into Japan and China. 

If the ship's captain saw some land - and if they determined - no Christians occupied the ground - they stole the land and its resources for the King, Queen, and Pope.

These colonialists were deep into the slave trade.

Today we call it a crime against humanity - international courts and the United Nations - condemn - " crimes against humanity. "

The slave trade had terrible consequences linked to the victims.

The long journey - hundreds packed like sardines - below the deck of the ships -  if you were dead or half-dead - tossed overboard.

The slave trade and slaves were encouraged by the Whites who thought they were gods - and this notion of superiority complex - ranks supreme to this day.

The slave owners made millions of dollars at the expense of the slaves - billions in today - money.

Those family members who know their families had slaves not long ago - when questioned about slavery -  say they have nothing much to do with slaves - yes, they do.

Much like the Racial Equity programs we pretend to exercise today - like to convert those deep into bias and lack cultural competency - making a mockery of the situation at hand.

Only those whose hearts are in the right place can take others to a better place. Aho.

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