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Monday, December 5, 2022



Mayor Edwin Mah Lee - the former Mayor of San Francisco - sworn in by Senator Diane Feinstein  - when you know the company, they keep - you know more.

Trauma, Violence, and living in deplorable conditions - here in San Francisco - adversely impact thousands - of decent, hardworking, taxpaying San Francisco - residents.

Infants, children, youth, and young adults - suffering and traumatized - are well known to the authorities.

Those bereft of understanding of the suffering and trauma - particularly the San Francisco Board of Supervisors - and the Mayor London Breed.

From the early days of RAP, formed in the Mission in the early 1980s - linked to addressing shootings, killings, trauma, and elements closely associated with such adverse - impacts. 

Then years later, the Community Response Network was created to address trauma and Violence.

In recent times the present Street Violence Intervention Program - was created - without deep thought and ponderance - and bereft of experts - doctors, psychologists, psychiatrists, social workers, case workers, medical technicians - and so on.

Millions of dollars - have been thrown to solve Violence, and trauma, supposedly to help our infants, children, youth, and young adults - in a nonchalant manner - no fortitude, less tenacity that matters.

There are no standards - there is no quarterly report - no audit - and the data input and maintenance are primitive. No current software is being used to query and focus on any subject. The hardware is primitive - and compared to other countries that deal with trauma and Violence - San Francisco lags at the very bottom.

At this late date - some matrix is being worked on - without doing a first-class - assessment. 

No one knows the past history - and it is not right to throw the baby with the bath wash.

The SF Board of Supervisors knows some - and they do not want to consult nor give sufficient time to public comment - to educate the dumb SF Board of Supervisors - who waste time and money on mundane issues.

Again and again - emergency matrices are discussed, but nothing viable and sustainable comes from the mundane talk - because there is no real - walk.

I have been actively following Violence and Trauma since 1982.

We even had a conference on Violence and invited gang representatives from Southern California - other experts.

Kept - Willie L. Brown Jr. and Sophie Maxwell out - knowing they did not care about what was happening in the inner City.

Mark Leno agreed to donate a large banner - and many others attended the Violence Conference.

Those close to and respected by the community - were encouraged to participate in the conference.

As previously discussed - we kept the sellouts - out, and rightly so.

Willie L. Brown Jr. could have done something - being a thug Mayor, he did all in his power to do what he does best - leave no trail while amassing wealth - giving a hoot to those that needed help most - nothing much has changed today - the present politicians are corrupt so corrupt that they are known - worldwide.

Supervisor Connie Chan mentions Supervisor Sophie Maxwell - having no clue that the person she worked for - her boss was a sellout - and is to this day. Today she sits on the SF Public Utilities Commission - failing to serve the people of San Francisco.

Supervisor Connie Chan - opens her mouth to say something. The
 diatribe she spews is nothing but hot air. She knows nothing about Violence, Trauma, the suffering of thousands - that folks like Sophie Maxwell and other sellouts like her - have inflicted on our infants, children, youth, and young adults, our beloved elders - KARMA.

Smart ass Dwayne Jones - Philanthropist and Gate Keeper - uses taxpayers' money to wheel and deal - millions of dollars - Community Benefits were doled out to other crooks - linked to the Sewer System Improvement Project (SSIP) - our infants, children, youth, young adults - our beloved elders - those with compromised health - left out to slowly die.

Juliet Ellis worked for the SF Public Utilities Commission - snitched on Harlan Kelly - hand in glove with Dwayne Jones - doled out money - and created behested ploys, machinations, and shenanigans. She is trolling - you can run, but you cannot hide. Gave herself as a chief strategist - added it to her official title - Assistant General Manager of External Affairs.

Former SF City Attorney -  now General Manager of SFPUC making in access of $500,000. Today working with Aaron Peskin - to push for ploys - linked to behested payment. We are watching you like a hawk. Make my day .......

Thousands of our youth and young adults - could have been given opportunities - but they were not given that chance - to make something of themselves. 

All this in the Bayview Hunters Point and other hot spots - where the infants, children, youth, young adults, and our beloved Elders. 

Those with compromised health - more mentally and physically challenged - are slowly dying. God sees it all. 

No one can fool all the people all the time.

Yesterday - December 5, 2022 - after I spoke - suddenly - the Virtual Progam - stalled.

That is a sign - you witnessed it - but do not make light of it. Karma.

So much for poor representatives - those who worked during the administration of  Mayor Willie L Brown Jr., Mayor Gavin Newsom, Mayor Edwin Mah Lee, Mayor Mark Farrell, and now Mayor London Breed.

Why did Mayor Edwin Mah Lee close the Office of Criminal Justice?

What did Mayor Edwin Mah Lee - a crook - do with the millions - linked to Violence, shootings, killings, and trauma - during his term?

Why was HealthRight360 given millions to deal with Violence and related issues without proper and meaningful Public deliberation?

What role did the SF Health Department play with Diana Aroche?

Nothing much has happened linked to Violence and  Trauma all these years - from 1996 to now - worth the salt.

The SF Health Department - sent some clowns to City Hall - to assure them the SF Health Department - would help some - if they called the number - below.

Here is the telephone number to call: 1.415.970.4000

I called that number - and asked to speak to a Director or someone who knows something - about trauma and Violence - and someone has yet to get back to me.

We remember Diana Aroche - from the day she worked for the Mayor's Office of Children, Youth, and Families - then worked for SF Health Department involved with Violence and related issues. 

Diana Aroche now works for the SF Police Department.

I remember the days she worked for Coleman Advocates - and would cry at the podium - she wanted a home and the City and County of San Francisco - to help her and give her children - opportunities.

Today she has a home - not in San Francisco - and plays a vital role at the SF Police Department - that is going down the cesspool of their own creation.

Francisco Da Costa - Mayor Edwin Mah Lee - and Mitch Salazar (Mitch Salazar -my good friend, passed away a year ago - we just had his death anniversary some days ago). This photograph was taken - when Mayor Edwin Mah Lee - visited my office - as part of his intention - to see the VIP operations - at our office and learn more about Street Violence Intervention Program (SVIP), which was at  - Executive Park - 5 Thomas Mellon - and now is relocated at 150 Executive Park. 

We once had the Mayor's Office of Criminal Justice, which was closed by Mayor Edwin Mah Lee. 

The repercussions of that action have come to bite those who dream of stopping shootings, killings, assaults, and trauma to this day.

The millions of dollars - that before helped victims of Violence and trauma - were outsourced to the San Francisco Health Department and HealthRight360.

Once Diana Aroche, who now works for the San Francisco Police Department, had much to do with the Street Violence Intervention Program.

The Street Violence Intervention Program - now located at 150 Executive Park - is thin-spread - and overworked.

Shootings, killings, and trauma of all sorts - plague the inner City of San Francisco.

Thousands of our infants, children, youth, young adults, Elders, and those with compromised health - more our mentally and physically challenged - have been adversely impacted - many slowly dying.

The Sewer System Improvement Project started at $6 Billion and has reached $12 Billion. It is slated to cost $20 Billion.

Five percent of this amount was supposed to help the community, not some evil entities with nothing to do with the district.

At $6 billion, that is $300 million in community benefits - at $12 billion, $600 million in community benefits.

The ongoing pandemic stresses every survey linked to the adversely impacted community - primarily people of color in San Francisco.

Exacerbated by the many shootings, killings, domestic Violence, food security, assaults, rape, lack of transportation, and health services - our elders mostly - slowly dying. 

In 2022, the San Francisco Health Department failed San Franciscans regarding acute trauma and Violence.

To address the Violence and trauma in our inner cities - primarily affecting people of color.

The reason is simple - the SF Health Department has NO  vetted matrix. No quarterly reports. No six monthly meetings - inviting the community to give feedback.

No brochures cover the essential aspects where any victim's family needs financial resources and information that offers succor to the family and friends.

 In the past, gang injunctions were initiated to cater to Big Developers - disrupting the lives of hundreds of youth and young adults - who were forced to leave their homes - and stay away from visiting their families - in San Francisco.

The gang injunction was removed - after the community fought to remove them.

The past Mayors, the SF Health Department, and the SF Police Department - did nothing viable and sustainable to help our inner City - there was the Mayor's Office of Criminal Justice -  it was deactivated.

Right now, the money goes directly to the SF Health Department - when it comes to transparency and accountability - the SF Health Department - fails on all levels.

We have just learned of 300 employees working for the SF Health Department double dipping. Working for the City and other jobs unrelated to the City and County of San Francisco.

Outsourcing to crooks - does not serve San Francisco - the community at large - more those poor and suffering from trauma and Violence. 

The SF Board of Supervisors - and those who say something but mean nothing - when it comes to trauma and violence - case in point Supervisor Connie Chan.

While some are volunteering to address the situation at hand - the Violence, Shootings, Killings, Rapes, and Trauma - the City and County of San Francisco - have deprived those who were funded at one time - to address Violence and trauma - left to continue God's work - on a volunteer - basis.

Only those who have their hearts in the right place can take others to a better place. 

So much for all the talk and no action - when it comes to Violence and Trauma - by the City and County of San Franciso - that cannot pass the smelt test. 

Only those who have their hearts in the right place can take others to a better place. Aho.

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