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Thursday, December 15, 2022


At San Francisco City Hall - below the Rotunda - the ignorant must know the photograph shows you what all used to happen. Our City has a deep history - of abject racism - that, today, some want to address under Racial Equity - stop pulling the wool over our eyes - stop hoodwinking us in broad daylight.

The sellouts who continue to sell out our City -
here with the Under Secretary of the U.S. Navy -
Mr. London - learn your history - the machine. History repeats itself today - corruption has reached saturation point. These ploys and machinations on SF Hunters Point Naval Shipyard.


This is the Chair of the Budget and Finance Committee - Hillary Ronnen - doling out millions to Non-Profits and other dubious entities. - Taxpayers'  money - it is time to audit the Budget and Finance Committee. The SF Controller's Office has failed us. District 9 has been neglected - the crosswalk by the Walgreens has not been painted - in years - several worker orders calling in - the Office of Hillary Ronnen kicking the can down the street.

Again and again, half-baked projects come before the SF Board of Supervisors - before the Budget and Finance committee - Asha Safai and Hillary Ronnen - laughing, smiling, doling our taxpayers' money.

Now suddenly, the Chair of the Budget and Finance committee - has awoken from her slumber - quoting 1600 individuals have died - indigent - from over dozing Fentanyl, the inclement weather - stress, Covid, assaults - the many causes that the Behavariol Department at the San Francisco - Health Department - have failed to address. 

Hillary Ronnen has been totally absent from the issues facing the Portola District, more San Bruno Avenue. You can call her office, and there is a message that tells you to talk to someone else.

This kicking-the-can nonsense much STOP - paint the crosswalk by Felton and San Bruno - now. Cal Carla Short from the Department of Public Works - and tell her to expedite the work order - put in three and half years ago.

The indigent living in these tents - were charged $80,000 a year - with three meals included. Such are the wicked ways of the City and County of San Francisco. Now, we have the Tenderloin Center closed - in the middle of the inclement weather - thousands are living on the streets, some in tents - hundreds dying, and there is no accountability whatsoever. 

The advocates from the Tenderloin now fully realize they have been taking for a wild ride. 

It does not matter that Supervisor Dean Preston is now in charge of the Tenderloin - the gerrymandering and redistricting - have given him a gift - thousands of indigent - and no resources to address the situation.

Many of the advocates from the Tenderloin - have been favored by the Mayor's Office of Economic Development -  doling our taxpayers' money - more, during the time when millions of Stimulus money - was diverted towards - shady projects.

Folks are jumping ship - the Feds have goods of them - and they think they will go Scott Free. Well, you can run and try to hide - but just like the cockroaches - you will be caught - and your time is coming.

We were in the trenches with the people. Here with former
Jeff Adachi - our former elected Public Defender.

The people united will never, ever be defeated. Here in front of 850 Bryant Street - the Jail House - that must be torn down. Raw sewage flooding the floors - and there is more to ongoing nonsense right now. One of three jails run by inept folks - many double dipping.

We did our best with intelligence and class. You can take the horse to the water's edge to drink - you cannot force the horse to drink. Such are the ways of the SF Board of Supervisors - change now - or forever hold your peace.

The Caravan For Justice - we sponsored the trips - showcased our unity. San Francisco, our City, has now divided us - money cannot buy love - nor empathy - money is just a means - and mostly corrupts - those who misplace their priorities.

We embrace our children - and while we have shown them - that sound leadership is imperative - we nurtured them - to learn right from wrong - loving them on this journey - we all take. Only those whose hearts are in the right place - can bring others to a better place.

We stood shoulder to shoulder with our SF Longshore women and men - Bloody Thursday, March - where men were shot and killed - we remembered those that laid their lives - that we may have a better life - union jobs. 

Here are the sellouts of today. The day is coming - when each one will be brought to book. Each is selfish to the core.

We took time to support our indigenous women - those killed, others missing - right here in our City and County of San Francisco - where were the leaders from the City - nowhere to be found. We protested in front of 850 Bryant Street.

We remember " Jungle " Joseph Toetui - it is not as if we do not know what is happening - using money to buy influence. Those advocates who do the work - do it out of love.

We understand and have empathy - the many who will shoot first and ask questions later. Who understands the convoluted ploys and machinations linked to  " Qualified Immunity ? " - we protested and did well to bring attention to " justice." We spoke Truth to Power - as we do now.

The SF Board of Supervisors has failed us, and they cannot do a needs assessment.

Their meetings are drab - long and longwinded - you can see them - shallow, weak in the knees, inept - talk too much - empty barrels making a lot of noise.

Time to take those jackasses to the task - voted them out - we need a complete revamping - and deal with the MACHINE now - the time is now.

Independents are the majority - so why side with the corrupt Democrats - the present two we have. One has lost her mind - and the other - does not want to move on. Time will tell.


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