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Monday, December 19, 2022



Devastation at Mariupol - Vladimir Putin targeting hospitals, schools, residential buildings, and power plants - daily, committing " crimes against humanity " with intent.

From the first day, Vladimir Putin started attacking Ukraine - I was drawn to fight for the Ukrainians - and have written many articles. That was over ten months ago.

My article focuses on the most vulnerable - and I deeply understand military operations.

I used my influence - to convince those who could be of help - to aid the Ukrainians - with the tools they needed to defend - themselves - against the Russians. 

Today, the Ukrainians have taken back - all of the territory the Russians took over - and this one act - clearly favors the Ukrainians.

The Ukrainians love their nation.

Not so the Russian soldiers - who are sent to fight - a fight they do not understand - in fact, many times, they are lied to - as if they are going for some training and will return shortly.

Mixed with the Russian soldiers are mercenaries - from Syria and other places - soldiers for hire - who are known to commit untold atrocities.

Vladimir Putin should be ashamed of himself - the devil himself.

For every soldier from Ukraine who has laid his or her life - hundreds of Russians have died.

The Russians leave the dead soldiers - and the Ukrainians are forced to collect the bodies - take an inventory - and bury them - according to International Laws - the Geneva Conventions.  

Russian tanks and other military equipment - have been discarded - the soldiers have left the military equipment in a hurry and fled Ukraine. 

All this speaks to poor planning, poor leadership - no logistics worth the salt - the Russians are hallucinating - thinking they can take the Ukrainians - that will never happen. 

The world has been watching this sordid drama for a long time.

In fact, in 2014, when Russia under Putin chose to take Crimea and some other territories like Georgia - the free world tolerated Vladimir Putin.

Over a million Ukrainians live in the United States - most of them educated - contributing to our Nation - for which we are all thankful and grateful - Glory to Ukraine:

Glory to Ukraine

Today, Putin is threatening to use supersonic missiles - and we, the free world - the NATO nations - led by the United States, France, Germany, Italy, and the Scandinavian nations - must put Vladimir Putin on notice.

We can take the rascal out - and should have within 72 hours - when the war started. 

The Free World gave him a pass - we need astute and stellar leaders - who can do a thorough needs assessment. Remove this parasite by any means necessary.

We prefer to spend trillions of dollars - and have on wars in Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan, and Libya - we learned nothing much from these war excursions and skirmishes.

When it comes to Ukraine, we are taking our time to deliver the right arms, ammunition, and other military equipment - after the fact.

Prohibiting any meaningful air defenses - we could at least keep the sonic missiles at bay - and what will we do when the sonic missiles are used - that can circumvent - our radar?

Ukrainians need the Patriot Defense system and should have had them in place - months ago.

These long-range Patriot Defense systems would go a long way to keep the Russians at bay.

For your information, we do have a supersonic missile.

A system like the Patriots missiles - a much-needed defense system - other sophisticated equipment - that we, the United States, could have provided the Ukrainians  - a few months - after Putin's invasion. 

Putin is flexing his muscles - for all practical purposes - his fight is not a military fight.

Far from it - as any coward does, he targets infants, children, those frail Elders, hospitals, schools, powerplants to deprive essential heat and energy for cooking and living. Crimes against humanity.

Now he wants to use sonic missiles - that he thinks will bring victory to him - winter is here - and if Putin starts his nonsense - he will feel the heat leading to his sordid - defeat.

Putin- will be buried in cold, heartless maneuvers of his own making.

Putin - will drown in the same cesspool - of his making - Putin and his minions. 

No one in their right mind should target the children - Ukrainian infants, children, and youth are suffering. Many of them suffer mental challenges - Putin is responsible for this madness.

The United States, too, has a sonic missile - that could be used - if NATO and the Free World deem it necessary. Let us leave it at that.

No one targets the Elderly unless one is insane. Putin better thinks about the charges pressed against him - Crimes against humanity.

In 1994 - Ukrainian was forced to hand over 1600 nuclear missiles to Russia - President Gorbachev - and the United States agreed - if this happened - neither Russia nor the United States would attack Ukraine. 

Some money was given to Ukraine - but now enough to satisfy the needs of the Ukrainians.

 The Free World read about the negotiations - but never had an Egoistical Maniac like Vladimir Putin in mind.

Today the Nuclear Powerplants that Ukraine has been in jeopardy.

Today millions have no heat in the middle of the winter - the aged and those vulnerable are slowly dying - and the Free World has no clue what is happening.

President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris can step up - but both have minimal deep military experience - less in logistics and less about food security and severe health issues - plaguing the citizens of Ukrainians.

As I mentioned, thousands of infants, children, youth, and young adults will be mentally challenged. The scars of war are deep, and it is not for the faint of heart.

Much like the plight of a slave - or a man or woman falling in the hands of the cartels.

These scars are profound - and when there is no use for the person - killing and getting rid of the person - is no problem - no qualms of conscience.

We have over one million Ukrainians living in the United States - most of them in the New York area and here in California.

Hardworking, innovative, and very resourceful - even Grammarly - and much other software and hardware - we use here in the United States - have Ukrainian involved - today they are United States citizens and that, including SalesForce - and Marc Benioff. 

In 1994 we compromised Ukraine and its citizens - again in 2014 and then in 2021. 

Ukraine is the world's breadbasket - providing forty percent of the world's wheat.

N A T O 

It also supplies the world with sunflower oil.

Other essential minerals and the people have to suffer - because the United Nations, The Hague, North Atlantic Treaty Organization, the Europen Union, the United States, and Britain - are dragging their legs.

It is a crying shame that we allow Putin to pound Ukraine - while we prohibit Ukraine from doing the same to Russia.

It is time Russia is taken off from and represented linked to United Nations. 

Any International organization and treated like a pariah - that is what Russia has made of itself under Vladimir Putin.

It is a pity that the Russian population is kept in the dark - darker than the days when Lenin and Stalin - committed murder and other atrocities - time will tell.

We are grateful to the Ukrainians who live in the United States.
Glory to Ukraine - God bless all Ukrainians.


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