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Saturday, December 3, 2022



The Tenderloin Center for addicts - will close on December 4, 2022 - good riddance of awful rubbish.

There is no way anyone at San Francisco City Hall can make sense - of the utter nonsense discussed - by most of the SF Board of Supervisors (SF BOS).

Again and again, the crooks come before the SF BOS, and again and again, the Budget Committee - allows these crooks to get their money on a platter - in the millions - with NO transparency and absolutely no accountability.

The paradox is that the millions spent favor the so-called incompetent CEOs - be Urban Alchamey or Positive Resource Center - and there are more - but naming them would do no good. 

Each CEO makes over $220,000 a year - taxpayers' money.

Who is behind these corrupt and fake organizations?

These sordid organizations - with the help of the Mayor's office - used the pandemic - to step in and hoard money - forming organizations that were not vetted and have been audited by the Controller's Office - and found to be in default.

Each of these entities laughing all the way to the bank - thumping their noses - at the hardworking taxpayers.

The CEOs from Positive Resources Center and Urban Alchemy - on the Our City - are responsible for promoting transparency and cultural sensitivity in the City's implementation of Proposition C.

The SF Controller's Office evaluated the Committee and mandated it to abide by specific rules and regulations. 

The SF Mayor's Office Room 200 and the Legislative Branch, the SF Board of Supervisors - were mandated to ensure the City uses the tax revenue in a manner consistent with the intent of the ballot measure.

It is a shame that the public is given a measly two minutes during public comment. 

Again and again, the public has expressed its utter frustration - program after program put into place without thorough vetting.

Imagine wasting millions of dollars - shutting down the Tenderloin Center - the CEO making in access of $200,000.

 So-called practitioners roaming our streets - most jailbirds - and, truth be told, former gangsters from Southern California. Over $40 million was wasted - on a program - that met no standards. 

Soon we will hear of a Press conference - and the initiation of yet another program - that is supposed to work. 

All these programs - the stink of corruption of the worst kind.

The poor in San Francisco are suffering - these crooks are laughing all the way to the bank.

One member belonging to Urban Alchemy - was in her brand new car - attending a virtual meeting -  Our City our Home - Oversight Committee - her camera upside down.

This woman had no clue for the entire meeting - she was upside down - and no one had the guts to tell her - her sorry ways - trying to impress - god alone knows whom.

Another from Positive Resources Center - was attending the Our City our Home Oversight meeting - he playing with his pet dog - living in a condominium. Making over $200,000 - telling us in so many words he cares about the poor.

Right by the United Nations Plaza - the entire area - filled with addicts. Those wearing green jackets - observing the utter nonsense - while the citizens are terrorized. The SF Police Department is nowhere to be found. Added the Cartels selling drugs - with no one ready to challenge them - they have machine guns - and have used them in broad daylight.

In the middle of the pandemic - the Mayor and her advisors - with intent allowed " The Redistricting of San Francisco."

The Tenderloin now comes under Supervisor Dean Preston - District 5 has been extended to the Tenderloin - and upset thousands.

It is as if no one cares about the Transversites and their hard work - creating with their own money - centers that were in District 6 and are now in District 5.

Churches are now in District 6 while the congregants live in District 5 - who is behind such schemes.

I attended all the Redistricting meetings - and this gerrymandering will come to haunt the crooks - they will fall flat on their faces.

The Mayor and the SF Board of Supervisors have not expressed their opinion of this utter nonsense. It is business as usual - who are these jerks - who say they want to represent us?

From 7th and Market, you can see this mess. The brand-new Whole Foods has reduced its hours - the addicts come into the store, fill their bags, and leave. The toilets cannot be accessed anymore - unless one has a store receipt. Why are we putting so many hurdles in the way of good businesses? Trinity Plaza residents need this Whole Foods Store. The Mayor and her lackeys - have lost their minds. The City and County of San Francisco - have gone to the HOGS.  

The San Francisco - Tenderloin Center attracted thousands to do their drugs -  and then these same addicts - adversely impacted a large area - stealing from Walgreens, Whole Foods, CVC, and small businesses - pandemonium galore. 

On Hyde Street, closer to the United States Federal Building - tents block the road. The stench is unbearable - filth everywhere. The addicts shooting drugs in the open. 

Open defiance - these are chronic addicts - who are looking for trouble - assaulting innocent pedestrians. The Ambassadors are nowhere to be found.

Supposedly there are 250 of them - most earning around $15 an hour - a nine-hour shift of sorts.

The Mayor has a salary of over $450,000 plus perks.

Given the opportunity to speak - she loves to bark up the wrong tree - her day is coming.

 The SF Mayor was fined $23,000 by the SF Ethics Commission and paid the fine. She has shown no remorse - that is not taught in the hood. Once a thug, always a thug.

Ever heard of paying a so-called expert - $500,000 to survey what is happening in the Tenderloin?

This money could have been given to a group - called the San Francisco's. Community Action Plan for the Tenderloin.

The Tenderloin Community Benefits group - has no money to clean the streets - so the group volunteers and cleans the roads - they have been doing this for the last two years.

The same group addresses Food Security and helps the poor, mostly seniors.

An Emergency was declared, and SF Planning has been trying to make some changes - to help the folks in the Tenderloin.

There is talk - and some action by the SF Planning Department - it moves at a snail's pace.

Right now, the SF Planning Department is addressing the Housing Element. 

The State of California - the Housing Community Development - is not satisfied with the attitude and uncalled defiance of the SF Planning Department - time will tell.

Here is the San Francisco Housing Element - created every 8 years - still being worked on -:

We must read the San Francisco General Plan - that no one cares to read - available online.

To create a viable and sustainable Housing Element, it is essential to participate in the deliberations - as many have done - thank you so much.

We have over 61,000 homes vacant.

We have over 2.4 million square feet of commercial space vacant - this will impact our SF General Fund. Over $300 million - time will tell.

Do not allow our so-called crooked representative to mess us over - especially Asha Safai - he roams around the chambers and thinks he can do as he pleases.

The current Budget and Finance committee has a long way to go - stop rubber stamping and giving millions to crooks -  our hardworking taxpayers' money.

San Franciscans love our City - unfortunately, some thugs have taken it over - so-called Non-Profits.

No manners and no etiquette - they have been charged by the Federal Bureau of Investigation - they are defying law and order. 

We must not have anyone living in a tent in San Francisco.

We must not take our children to congregate situations and put them in harm's way.

We must be educated on issues - so that we are informed and can hold our ground - with empirical data.

We must have our hearts in the right place - then only can we take others to a better - place. Aho.

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