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Friday, April 17, 2020


Coit Tower was lit Blue -
initially built to honor the firemen who saved the 
City San Francisco - in 1906 - now lit in B L U E 
to honor our doctors, nurses, psychologists,
psychiatrists, anesthesiologists, neuroscientists,
janitors, medical technicians - others
on the frontlines - and rightly - so.

San Francisco has many astute and stellar citizens - hard working who pay their taxes.

Our  San Francisco politicians do not get it - at election time they promises you the world - when it comes to represent - they look you in the EYE and LIE. More they treat the poor the indigent - with utter disdain.

On another level - San Franciscans - throughout its history - has come together - to solve problems - we know this when the City was burned down - and rose from the ashes - 1906.

The COIT tower that we take for granted - is one of those symbols - to honor our firemen - who did their best - in 1906 - an Earthquake - but gas lines - created fires - all over San Francisco.

We know this also the unity shown - when in 1989 we had the Earthquake - and we took care of one another - the people united -  did the right thing. 

I know more because I was on the frontlines - and Sixth Army and Presidio of San Francisco - honored me for my work.

The Mayor of San Francisco in 1989 - Art Agnos was lucky - that Sixth Army was there for the City and County of San Francisco - much as it was there - in 1906.

In the year 2000 - Sixth U.S. Army and Presidio of San Francisco - was deactivated - I went on to work for the Department of Interior and then the U.S Park Police.

After that 1989 Earthquake - many assessments were done - one in particular - the City and County of San Francisco - did not have what is now called the Department Emergency Services.

A few years after 1989 - some retired Navy Officer  - formed and laid the foundation for  the Office of Emergency Services.

Some  ten years ago - civilians took over - and it is now under a very incompetent person Mary Ellen Carroll. She has NO clue - handling the logistics - and a pandemic brings.

San Francisco has NO Toxicologist on its pay roll - it also does not have an experienced - Incident Management Commander.

What is has are wannabes the likes of Naomi Kelly, Harlan Kelly, Mary Ellen Carroll - one worse than the other - wasting millions of dollars - and hoodwink us the tax payers - in broad daylight.

Time will tell.

Mayor London Breed - has no clue -
how to handle any Emergency - much less a pandemic -
at all her press conferences - the press in not there -
the send in the questions - so that her lackeys 
can prepare the answers - for her to spew - diatribe. 

The NOVEL CORONA-19 virus - has truly revealed - how decisions are made in San Francisco  -  more how the most vulnerable are treated. 

We have No investigated reporters  - the two newspapers remaining the Chronicle and Examiner - continues to provide information - that is of little or no value.

For all the BS Mayor London Breed spews - her actions - are mostly on the fly. Brought up in the hood in the Fillmore - the hood has not left her - lack etiquette and sound information - being poorly educated - all she does - is spew hot air.

London Breed - does not know - how to do a needs assessment - and the choices she has made - before after she ran and was elected as Mayor - speaks for itself.

With over $12.8 Budget - Mayor London Breed could easily  had control of the Opioid problems on the streets of San Francisco - she failed miserably.

She took junkets to Canada and came out with the needle exchange program - and Navigation Centers - Canada does a good job with its socialized health care.

Here is San Francisco too much talk and less walk.

Every SF City Department does what it deems right - which is mostly - wrong.

We found this with the  SF Department of Building Inspection - its head resigned. We found this with the Department of Public Works - he resigned.

We know this blatant arrogance and corruption -  steeped with the SF Public Utilities Commission - Manager Harlan Kelly.

It is the same with the SF City Administrator Naomi Kelly - corrupt to the hilt.

The same with the Mayor's Office of Economic Development and Workforce - Joaquin Torres  - it is just a matter to time - before he sees shits hit the fence.

Our SF City Attorney, our SF District Attorney, our SF  Controller - all singing the blues - pathetic.

Millions of dollars wasted - we are heading for an over $2 billion deficit - our SF Budget $12.8 billion. 

The only one who truly cares about the homeless - and can do something Matt Haney the District 6 Supervisor.

Here - in San Francisco we permitted hundreds of tents - to prop up - under freeways, here, there and every where - the Elderly and others - who cannot defend themselves - relegated - to live in tents, in filthy conditions, no toilets, no showers - and face the inclement weather.

Sweeps are made by the uncouth - and those that need help sent to jail - now that is not possible because of the pandemic - so the City and County is force to find a roof over the heads of the poor - motels, hotels, and now some determination is made to take over  private buildings - that  can be leased.

We have hundreds of folks - who know the system and have been milking he system - providing superficial help - for those that need help most. 

None of them were prepared for the NOVEL COVID-19 virus.

So when the Novel Covid-19 virus hit San Francisco - the Opioid issues - compounded by the homeless problem -  the City and County of San Francisco - at their wits end.

For decades the man to go to -
when the lackeys needed help was -
Muhammad Nuru - then when he resigned -
after some investigation was brought against him and his 
business partner - the lackeys - had no one to go -
Mr. Clean was not to found and the lackeys 
are daily busy washing their dirty hands.

Had Mohammed Nuru still been the Director of Department of Public Works - he would have gone to work - and saved the City and County of San Francisco - a lot of hassles.

He could commandeer and make things happen - has been doing it for many years - from the year 2000 to until recently.

Former Speaker of the State of California -
former Mayor of San Francisco -
current person to go to - the MACHINE -
for a fee - anyone can get most anything -
delivered on a platter - in San Francisco.

Muhammad  and Willie L. Brown Jr ran the show.

Willie L. Brown Jr  still runs the show - Willie L. Brown Jr. does not care for those that most need help - the poor and down on their luck -  he loves those that wheel and deal - Lucifer and his minions.

Muhammad Nuru resigned a few weeks before the Emergency was declared - the stay at home emergency of sorts.

Mayor  London Breed was at her wits end - her lackeys Naomi Kelly the City Administrator and the Manager the SF Public Utilities Commission - Harlan Kelly - were summoned to help.

Mary  Ellen Carroll - the Director of Emergency Services - hundreds other - all City employees - called in  - and most put in harms way. The blind leading the blind. Time will tell. We have videos of what really took place - just have to play the " video " for all to see and adjudicate.

The City and County has no idea how to handle a pandemic.

Quickly Dr Tomas Aragon was speaking from both sides of his mouth - he had no clue - what to do - except read some antiquated orders - none of which worked.

It took three weeks - for the stay at home - emergency to be declared. 

The Mayor London Breed and others today have no idea no clue  about " symptomatic " individuals.

Individuals  - who feel fine - but are cable of spreading the Corona virus. 

We have over 300,000 such persons in San Francisco - more all over California - that we can do little about - it is late - but not too late.

This NOVEL COVID-19 virus lays low - and then shows it ugly head - we have not got over stage one - the four stages revealed by the National Task Force - is painting a rosy picture - it is nothing close to reality.

We see the resurgence in South Korea, Singapore, China and we know some about this pandemic - the deeper we delve - the more convoluted this pandemic is - the " devil " itself.

It hits hard when some one dear to one dies - young children, the Elderly who were in the wrong place at the wrong time - just make a living - but are now gone - gone forever.

These so called San Francisco Emergency Personnel -  more City Employees - under Naomi Kelly -none of them have specialized training - to handle issues - linked to this pandemic.

Those in charge - in San Francisco - the City Administrator and others -  did not want to have anything to do with Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) - the Corps of Engineers (COE) - if this was done - the make shift - unprepared, totally incompetent - SF City buffoons would be exposed.

The situation has NOT changed much - a needs assessment was NOT done  - there was no one to do it.

When arbitrarily  it was decided to move the Emergency Center from Turk Street to Moscone West - in a few days - that idea was scrapped - those in charge - exposed for their - incompetency.

The main purpose was to avoid the hotels and house the homeless at the " Convention Center " just upgraded - there were no personnel needed to make the ill thought concept - possible - those in charge - made a fool of themselves.

Outside Moscone Center - people in cars protested - and sent a signal to the so called leaders - house the homeless in motels, hotels, under a roof - with viable and sustainable - " Wrap around services ".

Inept and incompetent - 
when it comes to handling a pandemic -
this is not a small emergency that one can pull a fast one -
if you do not comprehend the many aspect 
of a pandemic - it will come to bite you in the butt -
that is what is happening in San Francisco.

To date the so called City Leaders - with Naomi Kelly and Harlan Kelly leading the charge - are trying their best - the point to be made - both do not have Incident Management Commander - training.

To add fuel to fire - there was a problem - at Laguna Honda - the Elders there - had a major problem.

Some  staff were found to have the NOVEL COVID-19 virus - and when some testing was done some of the vulnerable Elders - were tested positive.

In  all some 75 have been tested positive - and are now taken care of.

The Center for Diseases Control had to step in - and when news was released - it did not bode well for Mayor London Breed and her lackeys. 

London Breed  is still reeling from that incident - making excuses as usual -  has NO clue how to remedy the situation at hand.

Mayor London Breed  had no idea what so ever - that we needed special hospitals beds - with special equipment - respirators, ventilators,  Personal Protective Equipment.

Mayor London Breed has NO idea about the State Stockpile - thank  God - Gavin Newsom was the Mayor of San Francisco - and is now Governor of California - and his hand picked personnel - know something about a pandemic.

Back here in San Francisco - all  sorts of test kits, swabs - those in charge - had no clue what to do when the testing kits - sent by the Center of Diseases Control s - that did not work.

The way that initial process worked - the test could not be done - and if some samples were sent to the CDC - it took two to three weeks. 

Utter pandemonium - imagine - one could NOT do the testing. 

There was NO back up plan - some of us had to write and fight - and it took a month to find a solution.

In a month - all hell broke loose.

Today private companies Genentech, Abbot Laboratories, Roche Pharmaceuticals, FaceBook - others are speeding up test tools - some are skipping many phases - and time will tell  - normally it takes 2 years to created a vaccine - now perhaps 18 month.

Oxford University had some heads up with a SARS virus and vaccine - and is adapting the vaccine - and says it can deliver a vaccine in four months.

Now a scientists predict the oral polio vaccine - may be the safest - he and his team is working on 10,000 individuals  - and just as Francis Salk helped millions the world over - against getting poliomyelitis - aka polio - the Salk vaccine may prove its worth again.

Here is the catch - to make it available - millions of vials - it has been seeking help in India, China, the United States - that is just the beginning - so far it does NOT have the financial backing.

Again you see - we cannot simply - just depend on India, China, God alone whom - and not have the essential elements in place here in the United States.

This business of out sourcing has to be studied - we cannot even make good shoes in the United States - we cannot make a pin with the United States Flag - made in China is says - you get the point.

I have said this before - years ago - most of our medications come from India and China - why?

Notice on Television the doctors  interviewed from India and China - American citizens -  but all the same from India and China.

Which is good - in a way.

We  need to improve our schools, colleges, universities - and have our children supported, our youth supported, our young adults supported, our seniors supported - most everything will change now - the  emerging  and to stay " digital world " will be a key factor - how we interact. 

We here in California brag we are the 5th largest economy in the world - we rank 38 when it comes to our Public Schools - why?

Are we ready after the NOVEL COVID-19 virus - fades away - and will be ready - when it shows its ugly head?

In the midst of all this confusion - some positive cases were detected at a Navigation Center - the buffoons were at their wits end - and some of us - had to keep quiet - and we did - until now - and nothing much has changed - after a month and a half.

Dr Grant Colfax - supposedly an AIDS expert -
has NO experience managing a pandemic -
for starters we really need some one with Emergency Incident 
Commander experience. Again, more to do a needs assessment -
find solution - and with power to make that happen - quickly -
Colfax may be a doctor. A pandemic is something that 
only the experienced and one who has experience -
handling large scale emergencies can handle - 
  the team London Breed has put together -  is pathetic.

Now let us go to the testing.

Not  once in all the briefings - has Dr Grant Colfax mentioned the over 300,000 " asymptomatic " - spreading the NOVEL CORONA-19 virus - widely know by all the professionals and experts.

As I said  a fact that is widely known - but never discussed by the lackey surrounding Mayor London Breed -  no attempt made to test the " asymptomatic " - vital to do any kind of contact tracing.

The contact tracing is just happening - however, since the SF leadership is so pathetic - it does not matter what these folks say - University of California San Francisco heading it or some other entity - few trust - this make shift - contract tracing.

Infringement on private rights is key - and we will not listen to - general remarks - when Mayor London Breed has with intent - put the poor and indigent in harm way.

University of California San Francisco has a Laboratory near Public Housing - has adversely impacted thousands for decades - and today want to say it is doing good work - you see how something that UC San Francisco - wants of hide the Laboratory on Hunters Point Naval Shipyard - is coming to bite UC San Francisco and its poor leadership - in the butt.

Mayor London Breed and Supervisor of District 10 Shamann Walton stopped a qualified Doctor - from giving a presentation on the Laboratory and harm done to the workers who work at the Laboratory - run by University of California - San Francisco - may I say more. Hypocrites - you all will be exposed - sooner not later.

Do a needs assessment on Building 816, 830, and 831 with intent every day you are poisoning workers who work for University of California - San Francisco - go and inspect this area - and get back to me.

In general San Francisco has failed when it comes to testing - the FaceBook Foundation - has tested more people - about a thousand a day - linked to the NOVEL COVID-16 virus.

The Face Book  Foundation has the required machines to test - and also the data - to take care of treatment. Trained specialist who understand what they are doing.

This information has not been disclosed but was on CNN when the FaceBook founder and his wife - disclosed a number of pertinent issues - in cooperation with University of California and Stanford  University. 

Face Book  invested $600 million and have done well.

There are over 400 innovative testing done all over the world - China, India, England, Germany, the United States, France.

Testing is one aspect - for the next stage  - all seek the help of India and China - to prepared certain kits and testing chemicals - preparing specially needed swabs and so on - which we in the United States cannot and have not invested in.

For all our talk - we found out that even for our face masks N-95 we had to go to China,  for other essential medications we had to go to India and China - and beg them to help us.

For ventilators we had to go to China  and then were forced to have local companies step up and they did - these ventilators once cost $4000 now they cost over $50,000.

We  can produce them for $20,000 - and all this and more - has awoken us -  and we now fully realize - American Made - is what counts.

We missed the boat, the bus, the train and the plane - when we need the essential things to cater to our citizens - thousands died - we did not have the ventilators and required equipment - we are a Super Power. Really!

We put our frontline workers our Doctors, Nurses, Medical Technicians, our Janitors, others to many to name - in harm way.

We must NOT forget the harm with did - when our Government failed us - more - the egoistical maniac who makes his abode in the White House. 

98% of our medicines come from India and China - those entities in the United States who make billions - who invest abroad - must not be trusted - should pay taxes and must be held accountable.

We can easily trace who they are - including the man in the White House who has invested in one medicine - that he is pushing for - he and those who have invested in the medicine - will all make tons of money. So are the nefarious ways - those that do not have their heart in the right place.

San Francisco's testing has been pathetic - more because the Mayor London Breed and her lackeys have NO clout - prior to this situation Mayor London Breed - did not know anything much about a pandemic - and less to spell "asymptomatic ".

The pressing issue we have is testing - getting hold of those who are spreading the virus - those that are " asymptomatic "- those who have NO insurance - and are also carriers of the virus - many undocumented.

We have not way to give the undocumented health services - even though we brag we are a sanctuary city. Mayor London Breed and her lackeys - are panderers.

Kudos to Governor Gavin Newsom - for collecting private money to help the undocumented workers - who provide essential services - on our farms, stocking supplies, and doing the hard work most do not venture to work for. 

God bless those who work hard - and seek one day to contribute to our Nation - we are a Nation of immigrants.

Today in San Francisco - thousands of small businesses are suffering - they were waiting for some assistance - and are now told - the money has ran out.

The Speaker Nancy Pelosi - held several Town Hall meetings - at which Joaquin Torres - the Director of the Mayor's Office of Economic Development and Workforce spoke at the Town Hall meeting - as if he had some clout - now that the small businesses need help - he has not lifted a finger to help - any of the small businesses. All talk and no walk. Pathetic.

Those who got hold of the loans and grant - are the bigger business that had connections.

Those who could wheel and deal. 

Not a word from London Breed - she was salivating hoping that billions would come her way - and she and her lackeys - would get some of the money - they all got shafted.

The City and County of San Francisco will suffer over $2 Billion deficit. 

The City has over 23,000 employees - many of them will be fired - and other let go. They all come under the City Administrator - Naomi Kelly - she makes $400,000 and will keep her job.

San Francisco is a racists City - and the issue to note - is that Blacks in power - have disdain for the poor - and some of the poorest - needing help - are Black. Go figure!

With intent Mayor London Breed - put over 150 homeless in harms way. 

She could have moved many of the homeless into motels and hotels - but being head strong and stupid - she did not want to deal with " wrap around services ".

She moved the Emergency Services from Turk Street to Moscone West - without proper - " needs assessment ".

When she was told that project was not feasible - that the entire operation would fail - London Breed was forced to move the homeless. 

London Breed - learned first hand - but she forgets more - she had NOT done a needs assessment - nor did her lackeys - comprehend the issues at hand.

The end result the homeless move to Moscone West  and all went with it - went down the drain. 

The Department Emergency Services - has a better and large place - moving to Moscone West - a large space for huge conventions. 

Idiots you may have the space - the nice toilet to rest our butt on - but if you do not have the know how - the education - the skills and experience - you are nought.

This is the land of the indigenous people - we better remember that - the GREEDY white person - who have ruined things worldwide - must awaken up - the pandemic is NOT going away -it will show its ugly head again, and again and again.

There will be a vaccine - just remember no vaccine is full proof.

In the interim Spirituality counts - your heart in the right place - those amoral - those that think they can hoodwink us in broad daylight - will see the light of day - but it will be too late. Aho.

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