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Saturday, April 25, 2020


We see so many masks - every where we go -
we are so used to this scene -
we mask our feelings to - and there is more ....
so many suffering in the shadows -
the poor, the indigent - in the City named San Francisco
after Saint Francis and we see the shadows.

Life is for the living not the living dead.

Our politicians - those who talk from both sides of their mouth - are the living dead - not to be trust.

This is just round one - of the NOVEL COVID19 virus pandemic - in a couple of months - we will witness round two. Round two will bring us to our knees - for one reason - we lack - humility.

We have not learned much this time around - when it comes - to taking care of the poor, the indigent, those with compromised health.

Black folks  suffering the most - London Breed - more those mentally and physically challenged.

The authorities hold the Press Conferences.

The  questions must be sent in - in the name of fake community spread.

Those that do not speak Truth to Power - cannot face the reality of life - do not like to be questioned about the facts that matter - most.

Questions asked  to these nefarious so called authorities - face to fact -  force the authorities to run from the reality of life - the facts  - they can run - but they cannot hide.

Where is the testing - more  - for the over 300,000 who are carrying the virus - " symptomatic ".

Where - is the required testing - contact tracking - talk is cheap and Mayor London Breed - amoral as she is - is pussyfooting around.  She should fade into oblivion - not educated on issues - and a liar - not to be trusted at all.

No one respects London Breed - and now more and more are fed up with her antics and those that surround her - one worse than the other.

Do this and do that - ordering us around - when we are doing the right things - and these idiots who talk from both sides of their mouth - besides being - immoral - break all the laws. 

Some of them are being investigated by the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI).

The clouds are blue again -
the air smells better - the particulates are not there -
the old foul air a fact of the past -
and the gas prices so low - that one has to look twice -
on the East Coast they say - you get gas for free !

Director of Emergencies Services -
has NO clue about how to handle an pandemic -
gives her titles - without earning them -
is as fake as they - comes -
we need an Incident Management Commander
more trained in the Services - preferably the Army.

These jerks Naomi Kelly, Mary Ellen Carroll, Drs Grant Colfax and Tomas Aragon, Harlan Kelly, Abigail Stewart Kahn, Trent Rhorer,  people who must be at the office doing their work - wasting their time - standing at the podium - spewing diatribe. 

It is time - we charge the above jerks - with Crimes against Humanity - these folks things that playing with lives - does not have consequences.

Crimes against Humanity can be tried in the International Courts - let alone of biased and racists courts - right here in the United States - that declared  - Corporations are People too - go Figure!

Those in authority have NO empathy - absolutely NO compassion - with intent they put - thousands in harms way - adversely impacting their lives -  they do this - in a nonchalant manner.

London Breed, Sheryl Evan Davis, Naomi Kelly and the rest of the House Negros.

It all comes with no sound training - and no sense of ethics, morals, standards - these screwed up - sordid individuals - get things  on a platter.  Willie L. Brown figures in the equation is some direct and remote manner - using these folks to his advantage.

They have the many sordid connections - climbing up the ladder - for all the wrong - reasons.

They -  have no morals - I will not go into the lubrication and the positioning - of sorts - life style and so on - I know they have NO family values - and are positioned - here, there, and evert where - for ulterior - motives. 

Time will tell.

These pandemic may spur us to address -
Blue Prints with goals and time-lines - Solar, Wind, Wave -
 other clean power that is within our power -
to execute - Vermont comes to mind - and there are
other places including California - gathering the force -
to execute - we must produce the solar panels - 
produce the machines, the engines - to facilitate the engineering -
America First - in a real way.

My contacts tell me of the people suffering in the Mission.

I have been cooped at home - but I do have contacts - trusted -
sisters and brothers - who are in contact with me at this time.

No food, too many living in one bed rooms units.

There is NO work - and all this and more is too much to endure. Our Latino sisters and brothers are suffering - they have been for generations - and this and more - must STOP.

The paradox this land was stolen - first from the original indigenous people.

Then from those that named places like San Jose, San Francisco, Santa Barbara - they spoke Spanish not English.

Their cuisine is unique - spicy and tasty - and with the music - melodies one of kind - let us appreciate and give credit where credit is due.

California named after the Moorish goddess -
few know about this fact - more the ignorant Whites -
who have disdain for the indigenous - not all but more -
all this will change - we are witnessing the 
tip of the iceberg - today - phase one of many other phases -

Recently there has been talk about " essential workers " those that harvest the crops and work in the many packaging factories - making this State of California - named after a Black goddess -the Fifth Largest Economy on this Earth.

It is important that we who say who we are  speak Truth to Power.

We witness the blatant discrimination - against the Asians, the Blacks, the indigenous people of the United States - right here in 

Chief Joseph

I represent the Muwekma Ohlone -
in 1989 I was given a Commander's Award -
I was also recognized as one who loved San Francisco -
today - in the year 2020 over 70 Years old -
I am told not to expand myself - to this pandemic -
I fall into that age group - and could compromise myself -
my heart is heavy - I do not see a protocol to do things -
leadership that can be counted on -
mostly inept, shallow, weak in the knees -
fooling around and putting lives in danger - 
wake up San Francisco - enough if enough.

I represent the Muwekma Ohlone - and I see it all - those corrupt to the core - more at SF City Hall - making $400,000  a year - hired with special contracts.

Others - who are NOT qualified - for instance  and as a matter of fact - we do not have a qualified Incident Management Commander - that can truly address this raging pandemic - our poor and indigent - slowly dying on the streets.

We have NO  qualified Toxicologists, we do not have experienced epidemiologists, the list goes on and on. Who is fooling whom?

Once fossil fuel was accepted -
now no more - we are concerned about the Carbon Footprint -
as I said before the skies are Blue now -
from no vehicles on the road -
we can do better - and that is why we must be educated
on issues - our heart in the right place -
then only can we take others - to a better place -
this and more is possible - God Bless America.

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