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Friday, April 10, 2020


The Speaker of the House -
not to be trusted - she has done nothing -
for small businesses - more, people of color -
lives in Napa - while pretending to represent 
San Francisco - fake as they come.

The Speaker of the House - Nancy Pelosi is not to be trusted - she talks a good talk.

Trembling and  shaking as she speaks - and always paints a picture - that favor her and her lackeys.

It is time the young Turks - in the party sending her packing into oblivion.

Billions of dollars have been authorized to help small businesses.

Millions have lost their jobs - 11 million they say - but can you imagine -  NO one is getting the help that has been promised.

Billion of dollars appropriated by the Government of the United States - given to brokers, lenders, the corrupt banks like Bank of America, Chase, Citi, even Wells Fargo - other bigger banking institution - who we tax payers - bailed when our economy spiraled in 2009. Go figure.

Schumer could have done better -
now for the second time - 
he and his lackeys want money for those
that have nothing do with the NOVEL COVID-19 virus.

The Speaker of the  House and her lackeys - Schumer and his gang - do not really care for the people who are suffering - more people of color.

They care more about their own hidden agenda.

They are corrupt to the hilt - a disgrace to the human race.

Imagine appropriating billions of dollars - then outsourcing the money - to brokers, lenders, banks that screwed us up - the last time around - when we experienced -  the spiraling of the economy - 2009.

Nancy Pelosi thinks - she can fool - all the people - all the time.

Naomi Kelly has failed San Francisco -
as the City Administrator - a position she holds for 10 years -
working closely with the Mayor London Breed -
who has  failed also - failed  San Franciscans - 
utter corruption - Room 200 stinks to high heaven at City Hall
there is no person  to talk to - when one calls the SF Mayor 
or the SF City Administrator - both pussyfooting around -
you leave a message and no one returns your call.

Our small businesses, our Non-Profits are hurting.

Here our  SF City Administrator is pussyfooting around - much like the SF Mayor London Breed - talking from both sides of her filthy, dirty mouth.

All over San Francisco - small businesses need help - there has been very poor outreach.

Everyone is talking about help in the pipeline - the money has been put in hands of corrupt banks, brokers, lending entities - these are loans that have to be paid - and reading the fine print - will make anyone who is decent - PUKE.

Can you imagine - how these crooks work - deceive, wheel and deal - some in San Francisco like those that work for the Mayor's Office of Economic Development and Workforce.

Those in leadership - not educated on issues - who heart is not in the right place - cannot make a needs assessment.

Do not  have a plan in place to put into quick operation - a plan that has been vetted - having experienced people to do right.

More, to speedily bring succor to those businesses and others - that need money in their hands - and not after they have completely lost their businesses. Pathetic.

This NOVEL COVID-19 virus - has exposed the crooks and their incompetence - be it the SF Mayor London Breed, the City Administrator Naomi Kelly, the Health Director Dr. Grant Colfax, his lackey Dr Tomas Aragon, the Director of Management Services - Mary Ellen Carroll - we do not have a single person who can stand tall and represent - Command Incident Management.

What we have are lackeys - talking in generalities, pussyfooting around, women who talk about equality and resiliency - as if they have some balls - but turned out each time - there is an emergency - pissing in their panties.

I see no man with balls - men who can handle the situation at hand - the SF Treasurer, the SF Director of Health, even our  SF Municipal Transportation Agency - should I name the many who have NO clue what they doing to our once Great City and County of San Francisco.

The Director of SF Economic Development
and Workforce - an entity that is corrupt -
 have failed thousands in San Francisco -
patting their behinds - while innocent tax payers  - suffer.

Prior to the NOVEL COVID-19 virus - $300,000 grants were given to those that were part of the inner circle - by Mayor London Breed, Joaquin Torres the head of the Mayor's Office of Economic Development - to open restaurants and other business - none of which are in operation.

The folks who were given grants of $300,000 - took the money - and today there is no accountability and transparency.

How can we expect the SF Mayor's Office of Economic Development and Work Force - to deliver - when they have NO standards, less ethics, and absolutely no morals.

This nonsense has been happening  for a long time - now we have Joaquin Torres talking the talk - but he cannot walk the walk. 

Try logging into the Small Business Administration website - and see how far - one can get results. Who is hoodwinking whom?

Now imagine " people of color "running  business with limited resources - and trying to configure and access a the SBA website - which is a JOKE.

The Federal Bureau of Investigating must look into this matter - I have warned the SF Controller -  that once the money was set aside to help those that need the money - what would happen.

For  some strange reason - the SF Controller - permits these vermin - to do as they please.

In the meantime we have to deal with NOVEL COVID-19 virus - is driving millions - most cooped up - and in dire straits.

Put yourselves in the shoes of the Elders - suffering and slowly dying. Children who are cooped - and this mostly single idiots - who do not believe in having children - having NO clue - how to address the situation at hand. And there is more.

Thousands of small businesses - in many places - do not know who to call - who can offer them assistance - you cannot even visit the offices - be it the City Administrator's Office, the Contracting Monitoring Office, the Mayor Office - there is no office where a person can handle a situation.

Recently I had to visit the Contract Monitoring Division - at 30 Van Ness - that entire building must be torn down. There was leak on several floors - the smell - disgusting - and even though I wore a mask - I had to flee the place.

went to the fourth floor by mistake - the workers on that floor - were all riled up - they could not help me at all - they seemed not to know anything about the Contract Monitoring Division.

Stopped on the third floor - at least the elevator stalled on the Third Floor - so I got out - that floor had serious - flooding problems. Serious hazmat condition. The City employees should not be working in this building. 

The City Administrator must find them another office on a War Footing. Time she takes care of her work force - instead of patting each others' behind - awarding certificates and talking in circles. She makes close to $400,000 and has nothing to show.

Her organizational chart does not function - not with everything closed - and no emergency measures taken - to address serious and pertinent issues.
Waited for the elevator - one arrived - got in - managed to stop the elevator on the second floor - went to Room 200 - which was closed.

Managed to slide the documents - under the door - called the Contract Monitoring Division number : 415. 581. 2310 - and I have yet to hear from anyone. I have left them six messages.

Even a simple action like a renewal of one's certification - needs one to jump though hurdles - red tape.

You attempt to use  the City Portal - you need a password - which I have - there is a site - that purports to accommodate - filing one's  application - on the digital  City Portal.

The SF City Portal  does not show the NPE application  - an application linked to the Non-Profit Enterprise - much like a Local Business Enterprise (LPE)  - should be displayed.

Even for a simple renewal - one has to provide more documents - than you need to provide to renew your passport.

What benefits do you get - from the many Business Licenses we pay for - nothing.

Always begging for sympathy -
you may be an immigrant - who rose 
to be the Assessor - but you have failed 
those that need help most - this 
wipe the fake smile from your face.

 The SF Treasurer wants his share, the Assessor's Office want her cut - linked to property taxes - which has nothing to do with a business license.

Not  every business license - means one owns the property - and the Assessor's Office wants to know - the equipment one owns - and other stuff - that is not valid - and less pertinent.

These idiots make these rules and then - only when they realize they have made mistakes -  fix the glitches.

The SF Mayor's Office of Economic Development and Workforce - has long been known to be corrupt.

 CityBuild takes in a lot of money - for training -   the results are pathetic to say the least. For all the money spent - fewer career jobs.

Josuha Arce has changed his colors - wheeling and dealing.

I will not go into details - the details are worse than the Mohamed Nuru case - I have the empirical data.

When I could not fill in the application and more attach the various documents - I waited, and waited - decided to check out Room 200 at 30 Van Ness an old building - with a host of hazmat issues.

I had to find out - the address -  30 Van Ness - but Room 200 is not mentioned on most of information pieces. I guess one has to find the Room number by osmosis. 

I reported the matter to the IT folks - to fix the problem - regarding the problems - linked to the Non-Profit Enterprise certificate -  the  I got a wrong reply.

I again took time to reply and asked to fix the problem of the SF City Portal - so that I could fill in the NPE application - on line - nothing seems to be working linked to a NPE application. 

I checked and  checked and checked - it has not been fixed.

The many messages I leave - say - everyone is at home.

That someone will call you - that the messages are checked every hour - all BS.

The City and County of San Francisco - is Smithsonian - when it comes to the digital world.

City Hall is a mess - even the SF Board of Supervisors -
when - they conduct their business - so called phone conferencing -
so primitive - you call a number - then enter a code -
then wait and wait - you are told you are in line to be
called - and never called. How can any government 
function - in fact it is illegal to do business - 
the SF BOS have been conducting - it is totally against 
the Brown Act - if you tell these idiots the truth -
they get angry. Stupidity knows no bounds.

Mayor London Breed -
pathetic - she is always barking -
up the wrong tree - typical of some one who is ignorant -
has NO clue what is happening at ground - zero.

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