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Saturday, April 4, 2020


San Francisco's General Hospital -
our Doctors, our Janitors, our Nurses -
our medical technicians - more -
those on the frontline - are serving those
that most need help - God bless.

In life I was trained well - my first opportunity an Earthquake - Koyna - a location near a dam - that was built over a fault -
near Pune, India. 

We were sent with few resources and we learned well - young Jesuits  teamed with local villagers - how to serve the community who welcomed us with open arms.

We built homes - took care of those who need first-aid - prepared meals - and did all that with much love - and all felt well. Now and then we felt a tremor - and stood a ground.

An  extended tremor of sorts - is a quake.

My second opportunity came right here in San Francisco - again it was an Earthquake - in 1989 - and here in San Francisco. I was working at the Presidio of San Francisco for the U.S. Army and has access to many resources.

We  did our best - the City and County of San Francisco did not have an Emergency Office - and the one it has today - has failed us miserably - because it does not have a history of knowing something - so that it can ponder - and react with a vision. 

Today we have not be told who is the leading Toxicologist - to whom we the citizens can go to? How many experience epidemiologists do we have in San Francisco - and why do they not give us some input?

Dr Grant Colfax makes a fool of himself each and every time he speaks - he talks in generalities - and he must bear responsibility for the many deaths - we will see - in three weeks time. God help us all.

We have these good for nothing people - Dr Grant Colfax and worse than him Mary Ellen Carroll - who was anointed the Director - of the SF Emergency Office - she is a tool - has NO clue what is happening - pussyfooting around.

Our City and County is headed for over $2.5 Billion deficit - and we got to half the employees - some 33,000 plus - to half - and with that said the chaff and uncouth heads of the Mayor's Office of Economic Development and Workforce, the other Departments - no one making over $200,000 should be paid more than $200,000 the rest of the money can go to the General Fund.

We must rid the City and County of all those getting the benefit of Special Controls over $400,000 - you may not believe this - but this is true - folks like Harlan Kelly, Naomi Kelly - who do this folks think they are? 

Mayor London Breed is so nonchalant in what she does - that she is the laughing stock of anyone who has some intelligence - the Moscone West fiasco - the Laguna Honda nefarious activities - our Elders put in harms way - with intent.

These are crimes - and some one must be held accountable.

God has put us all on this Earth - and each one of us must leave an imprint. 

We must rise up and deal with the utter nonsense we see - so called leaders - who are useless and must step out of the way - now.

These devil are evil - and spiritually we must be strong - to deal with these monsters - amoral - hoodwinking us in broad daylight - wasting millions - while the decent work two and three jobs - to make ends meet. There is a God and God sees it all.

Some say - the imprint I am talking about - calling it a  " legacy " - never mind what it is - it must do good and the more the good embraces the better.

It - it must be right, it must feel right - much like our conscience tells us - every time we rise to the occasion and do good.

In San Francisco we cannot follow the data, the facts, we do not have the empirical data. Over 40% have been contaminated by the Novel COVID-19 virus - we too many " asymptomatic  " individuals  - we poor testing - and less testing - each and every day - too many innocent people are put in harms way.

Add to that Laguna Honda and numerous " hot spots " this is not a time for bluffing - we must address the situation on a War Footing. Stop pussyfooting around Mayor London Breed and you cronies - one worse than the other.

Today those inflicted with the Novel Cover-19 virus - are going to hospitals - and most are getting the bare minimum treatment - a pandemic - is something different - most call is scary.

It is simply not possible to handle overload - the Doctors, Nurses work fast and then move to another and another - until they STOP because they cannot do more. Then another team and pick from where they left - and this work is not something - anyone can do. 

So there is only so much one can do in a pandemic - and that is what is happening - seeing is believing.

As the hospitals are inundated - those caring for the victims - and now thinking about themselves.

As I have stated - the doctors and others on the frontline  - many having been working without - the proper clothing, masks, personal protective equipment - against the governing - " best practices ".

All this is happening in the United States - a world Super Power.

We need respirators, we need ventilators, we need masks, we need swabs, we need Personal Protective Equipment.

Most of all we need Doctors, Janitors, Medical Technicians, Nurses - frontline workers - who have dedicated - their whole lives to helping others. God bless them all.

We are called to washing our hands - with soap - and more often we wash our hands - and maintain a higher standard of hygiene - we keep the Novel Cover-19 virus - at Bay. God Bless us all.

Our politicians love to talk - when one witnesses death - and many are dying that says more - than barking up the wrong tree - each and every time - giving no information - and has NOT apologized - not an iota - for doing a lousy job - when it comes to testing .

We know more and see the horrors - this pandemic has caused  in New York and New Jersey.

The  many dying in Iran, in Italy, in other places that have poor resources.

We pray for those who have overcome - and wish the best to the survivors - may they heal and be thankful to God Almighty.

May those who have left us - join the ancestors - they are in a better - place. Aho.

The many who have died in South Korea and China  - and have control of the situation at hand. We are in this together - China is helping even though they are not responsible for this pandemic - time will tell.

We know that we human being can use our ingenuity - come out with stellar solutions - one of a kind - and make good things happen. God bless us all.

All over the world this pandemic is causing trauma and stress - and with people told to stay at home.

This order is not easy but the only way to fight the virus - is to STOP it in in its track.

The virus needs human beings - to feed on the protein - and cause the havoc - it has already caused.

Here in California we need the testing to be done. We need to know all those who are positive - and as it stands 25% of those carrying the virus - have not been tested - and there lies the crux of the problem.

Mayor London Breed is all over the place - a known liar she can look you in the eye and lie - a hoodlum.

The Mayor of San Francisco - London Breed - has no clue about empirical data, trending - and how we can track the virus - testing is key -  not the other things - that are NOT important - and not critical.

The Mayor London Breed must be an Incident Commander - some one who knows what is happening - at ground zero.

London Breed  cannot go there - so she has lackeys like Harlan Kelly and others that I can name - who know some - but most of them - have NOT served in the Military.

These lackeys are corrupt - steep in political ploys and machinations - when it comes to acting on any issue - they cannot do a needs assessment.

Given the podium to speak they think they are address the tax payers of San Francisco - as if we do not know anything much.

This  " stupidity " has been revealed - had it not been - for this pandemic - Novel COVID-19 virus - the true colors of these vermin - has been laid bare.

Governor Newsom apologized -
he said he could do better - with the testing -
the Jesuit education brought that better aspect
to the fore - and he said he will stand tall and represent -
not so London Breed - she keep barking up the wrong tree.

The Governor Gavin Newsom has taken some responsibility for the lack of better testing - that is a good sign. 

Governor Gavin Newsom - is now realizing that New York and New Jersey had to deal with the worst APEX - and there may be more - coming their way - a second round.

Here is San Francisco and California the APEX has been moved up middle of April.

It  will happen - and has given us some time to prepare ourselves - for any eventuality.

Anyway  way one looks at it - the unknowns are many -  the risks the frontline workers are taking - astound those who are brave - and dare take on the most difficult tasks. God bless them all.

When human beings dares to put their life on the line - to die and give up all for others.

Many a time strangers - that gift of giving and sacrifice is precious -  those in the medical field - have made us all look good. God bless them all.

Mayor London Breed who has no clue what is happening - head strong - wants to ride the storm - but there is a tsunami coming her way - her deeds speak about the person she is - amoral and inept - always barking up the wrong tree.

We cannot circumvent the testing - because the testing - gives us the empirical data.

There are thousands who  are" asymptomatic " and so they move around - never mind - where they are - they need to be found out and tested.

Told how to remain aloof - even in a family situation - difficult but much needed.

The virus must be stopped and more " community spread " - even though they have the anti-bodies to ward off the evil - virus - themselves. Convoluted but true. God help us all.

Thousands are suffering and what is not revealed by the SF Police Department the assaults, home and car break-ins - people are suffering - more those who worked two and three jobs - and now nothing to fall back on. 

Mayor London Breed talks a good talk - those suffering - have not been helped - many are threaten with eviction - more those who do not have documents - and many of them with children.

The City and County of San Francisco must be prepared for a $2 Billion plus deficit - and the Stimulus Money is there - but will it be spent in the proper manner - not with crooked people like London Breed around - pathetic and not to be trusted.

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