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Thursday, April 16, 2020


San Francisco once had some semblance of astute and stellar leadership - today - the leadership is " pathetic " - these idiots who have their press conferences - talk the talk - but cannot walk the walk.

In San Francisco we have a population of 840,000 and we also have over 300,000 " asymptomatic " walking around and spreading the NOVEL CORONA virus.

In San Francisco we have not done sufficient testing.

Less than .15 of 1 percent - which is nothing - nothing to show - and therefore nothing to go with - we are stumped.

Here in San Francisco - those trying to convince us - look horrible - stand by the podium - trying to lie to us all.

Just  their demeanor - is suspect - sordid. 

You cannot have folks - who are amoral - pretending to tell us something - when we in San Francisco - want to hear the Truth.

Our Mayor London Breed is suspect - she put hundreds of innocent people be they " homeless " - poor and indigent in harms way. Then tries to tell us a fairy tale about the Spanish Flu when she know little if nothing about the NOVEL COVID-19 virus.

The Director of Health Dr Grant Colfax - beats around the bush - it is not that we do not have " swaps " - an important part of one test. 

It is about leadership - the American Chines in San Francisco - can have our Sister Cities in China - get us the " swaps " and the same with medication from China and India and elsewhere - we must do the heavy lifting and show leadership

Mary Ellen Carroll -
inept, weak in the knees - 
has failed San Franciscans - 
laughing all the way to the bank - we tax payers
waste millions of such inept folks.

Who are these vermin - who come from other places  - are hired here in San Francisco - have NO experience - and hoodwinking in broad daylight - is what they are best - one of them Mary Ellen Carroll - supposedly the head of Emergency Services, Resiliency and other titles - which she adds - none of which she is proficient in.

On another level - there are an entire - slew of tests - and we must figure out - what helps us - and to what extent - as the NOVEL COVID-19 virus - mutates - and confuse us all.

We have idiots who cannot do a " needs assessment " - they always want some one - and pay consultants - thousands of dollars to tell the " idiots " - what to say and what to do. 

These consultants are just that - leeches - who rake in million - doing what they do most - prey on fools - who pay them millions - our tax payers money.

At the National Level - the directives coming - cannot be backed by facts or empirical data. The very first kits the CDC released - were defective.

So we turned to the private entities Abbot Laboratories, Genentech, Roche Laboratories and others - to first study and then come of with tests - more to create at least " one active treatment " - to date - we do not have any test - that encompasses a success - leading to a treatment that brings holistic - results.

The many tests - are taking us on a journey - and the further we go - we are finding out - so many new things - it is mind boggling.

South Korea just came out with phase one - it did more than the necessary testing.  Halted the pandemic - for some time.

Now we are finding out - in the second phase - those who where tested positive - then negative - are now rebounding - and testing positive - all over South Korea.

We are talking about a Nation - South Korea - that we acknowledge did what they were supposed to do.

Yet - we find - this NOVEL CORONA virus - is not easy to defeat.

The virus lingers - even after a test proves negative - and baffles those testing - today the leading epidemiologists all agree -  that the only solution is a vaccine.

That may be true - a sound vaccine will take two years - and at best  a minimum 18 months. 

In San Francisco - a small group are attempting to conduct tracing individuals - this is not possible because in San Francisco we have not done - sufficient testing.

The thousands that are " asymptomatic " -  those who are tested negative and then after some time positive - making all  tests - dubious in nature.

The more we study the NOVEL COVID-19 virus - man made -  we are still finding out - how this virus got into the public.

It  is too late to spending too much time - figuring out facts - that escaped us - the damage - has been done.

We  must now use on tenacity, fortitude, and American ingenuity - to find a vaccine.

The United States - was supposed to be vigilant - we failed - the Republicans failed - the man in the White House failed - he may say what he wants - he failed and must be held accountable.

Crimes against humanity - a case that can be held by the International Courts. 

We must create a new way of addressing future pandemics - and once we do this - we deal - with our institutions. Too much emphasis has been put into the CDC - that has long lived its use - it failed to catch up with reality - and was stuck with Smithsonian modes and models.

Once we do this - our Centers for Disease Control and Protection - other Health Institution must be totally revamped.

We have over 20,000 Career Federal Health workers - who with the Federal Emergency Management Agency - and the Corps of Engineers - can and must be our frontline force to be reckoned with.

These Critical and Prepared frontline forces - worked miracles - building hospitals - distributing stockpiles of needed supplies - but most importantly - conducting the necessary logistics for quick distribution - conducting - needs assessment - with little or no time - using the latest - technology.

We must cooperate with like minded nations - Germany, France, Italy, England, the United States - others -  work with the World Health Organization - the United Nations - to bring about some understanding and relevant and pertinent - solution.

When any nation dares to mess with a new virus -  put  humanity in harms way - there must be a body or institution - to adjudicate the situation at hand.

The United States thinks it can control and order Nations around. This will not happen - as we have seen - recently. It is true we have been funding NATO, The Who, the United Nations - other leading organizations and institutions - what is lacking is evolving protocols - with check and balances.

We cannot permit any rogue nation to put humanity at risks - without very serious consequences.

We need General Mattis and others like him -
to take control of the mess we have 
created right now - our Nation is jeopardy -
 an egoistical maniac - in the White House 
an Anathema to the Untied States.

The current White House has been divisive - some one like General James Mattis can attest to this fact. Other stellar and astute leaders - who I know and have spoken to.

Our allies once respected the United States - not anymore.

The divisiveness and bad blood created - by an egoistical maniac in the White House - may lead to the downfall of this person - it will take years - to undo the damage - on many levels - there is an active virus - that has to be rid off - now.

Within the United States CDC - we did have high profile  team or group - that had most things in place -Standard Operating Procedures - to address any pandemic.

This process came about after having curbed an Ebola pandemic in Central and West Africa - lead by the United States.

The  present administration dismantled the team - part of the CDC - and are now pointing fingers at others.

This White House must be charged - crime against humanity.

A case made that can be taken to the International Courts - The Hague.

Nations that believe in " humanity dignity " - must stand united against forces - who are playing with fire - in this case an egoistical maniac - who is now defying the Governors of the United States - who will have nothing to do - with some one who does not comprehend the Constitution of the United States.

The Congress and the Executive Branch are co-equal - what gives the President to think in can do as he pleases - he does not have a total say on matter that are in order - work for the majority - which does not need - unnecessary - and more uncouth policies - with NO blue print.

Governor Gavin Newsom

Novices like Governor Gavin Newsom and others can talk the talk - I have been following Gavin Newsom for a long time - nuances that can be uttered - are easy to utter - but very difficult to implement.

Right now all the money that former Governor Jerry Brown accumulated for the rainy day fund - is being spent - left, right, and center. Time will tell.

Here in California our Public Educational System ranks 38th in the Nation - and we purport to be the 5th largest economy in the world - why is our educational system - not living up to standards. 

This pandemic has open a can of worms - the many adverse impacts in our own San Francisco Unified School District.

So called Charter Schools opening in areas and on land prone to liquefaction, flood and what is important to note contamination. Charter Schools hoodwinked Sacramento - and have their own standard - rules and regulations - Why?

We fail to comprehend how could we possibly have put the man you see above - an egoistical maniac - in the White House?

I ask myself - how did we in San Francisco - put an unfit, inept, uneducated on issues - and vote in a Mayor - London Breed?

The Spanish Flu is something - London Breed is just reading about. That is what happens to folks who are NOT educated on issues.

 So when they hear something new for the first time - they think - the can speak about the Spanish Flu compare is to the Novel Covid-19 virus - much like ignorant, uneducated people on issues - do - that is Mayor London Breed. Pathetic

San Franciscans have passed the phase of maintaining a higher standard of hygiene. 

We now have to deal with inept folks like Mayor London Breed, Dr Grant Colfax, Abigail Stewart Kahn, Trent Rhorer - you listen to all these folks - and they devoid of family values.

We keep blaming the Republicans - we have the most corrupt Democrats in San Francisco. 

The City and County of San Francisco - will be hit with a over $2 Billion deficit.

All those making over $250,000 with benefits - work for the City and County of San Francisco  - must now take a 50% salary cut - all paid by tax payers. 

What do we the SF tax payers - get in return - nothing.

The City and County of San Francisco has a population of 840,000 and an annual budget of $12.8 Billion - yes Billion - what do we have to show - nothing.

There is talking about tracking all those infected.

Can the City and County of San Francisco tells us why are only so few being tested - less than quarter of a percent of our population  840,000. 

So how are you going to make sense when over 300,000 in San Francisco are " asymptomatic " and contract tracking - cannot be done unless - the public at large trust those that want to mess with our private lives.

The biggest virus we have in San Francisco - is corruption of the highest order - and amoral persons - who have NO family values.

Assessor Carmen Chu

Our Assessor Carmen Chu is from Southern California - the Compton Area - that was plagued with riots.

She  moved to San Francisco - and was anointed by Edwin May Lee a former Mayor - to be the Assessor.

Most of these appointees - who are now in position of power - are abusing their power - trying to squeeze a lot of money from us tax payers - in return we get nothing at all.

The homeless situation could have been stalled a long time ago.

There are non-profits and others working with the Mayor's Office and the SF Health Department - minting millions - they think we do not know about them - but the millions spent on the homeless - are ridiculous.

Now the City and County of San Francisco is forced to - much like a mandate - to put the homeless in hotels.

Mayor London Breed -
amoral and pathetic -
she is corrupt - looks one in the eye and lies.

Some fear - if hundreds of homeless die - a class action - would bankrupt the City and Mayor London Breed - will be toast.

Well time will tell - our small business have NOT got any help.

Joaquim Torres -
Director of the Mayor's Office of Economic Development
and Workforce - all talk and no walk.

The Mayor's Office of Economic Development cannot help - it director Joaquin Torres - has failed San Franciscans.

What is really happening in San Francisco? Why are so many suffering?

Who  will come to the rescue of San Franciscans ?

Where is the SF Controller, the District Attorney, the City Attorney on this abject corruption - that has reach saturation point?

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