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Tuesday, April 7, 2020


Nancy Pelosi and her lackeys -
will never get it - pathetic -
no wonder the Democrats are so screwed up -
these telephone conferences are a dog and pony show -
trying to lead us tax payers like sheep - stop the nonsense -
good leaders know the way, show the way and go the way.

Today April 6, 2020 - I was at home -  listening to " Democracy Now " when I was interrupted - by a call - on my Lan Phone.

On the telephone a lackey of Speaker Nancy Pelosi  - and the man - asks me to join Nancy Pelosi - on some telephone conference.

My initial reaction - this is something else  - I paused - when the man asked me - if I had a question for the Speaker of the House - she was on this Conference Call - some Town Hall meeting?

I said yes  for only one reason - I wanted to witness and learn how these wicked politicians - market their concepts.

 If they would dare to hoodwink us - hardworking tax payers - in broad daylight. They did.

When I got on - I was asked if I wanted to ask a question - and I had to press a number.

This is a ploy to keep you listening on your telephone - listening to others - while they test your patience - keeping you waiting - listening to utter nonsense.

I heard a woman - who was speaking on the Stimulus Plan - which we know is not a stimulus plan - it is more like a Bridge Plan - everyone is trying to figure out - what.

The woman had started her presentation - and when it was over - a man took over - the telephone conference of sorts.

This man would state an issue - take a poll on small business loans, child care while so many at home - blue colored workers and their compromised pension - Obama Care and how the Trump Administration is bring obstacles -  issues like that.

Frederick Douglass

I was on the telephone for over 45 minutes - and listened to the Bull Shit.

There was something odd - nothing seemed from the heart - a true dog and pony show.

Those that asked questions - were all White - not a single person of color - asked a question. When such folks gather - even using remote tools - they still stick - to their sordid mentality - lack of diversity - lack of cultural competency - openly expressing their inherent - bias.

This lack of diversity, what they call diversity - more cultural competency - their inherent implicit bias - shines through everything they say.

They pretend to say and vouch - their concepts, presentation, thoughts are  tied to equality, fairness, empathy, compassion - all that was missing. 

I wanted to put the telephone down - but decided to weather this nonsense.

In this participation of sorts - not  a single statement about the Elders and the homeless in San Francisco.

Not a whimper about the failed - testing in San Francisco and elsewhere - all over this City and County of ours.

We have some astute scientists and laboratories - in San Francisco.

More and in and around the Bay Area - we could have taken the initiative - we did not. 

We chose to blame the Trump Administration - we chose to put thousands of innocent people in harms way.

The Stimulus Plan - passed over $25 million for the Kennedy Center. I was listening - Speaker Nancy Pelosi declare the sordid
$350 Billion - for Small Businesses - it is first come first get.

Large sum will be given to Boeing - that made a lot of profit - the motor car industry - everyone who is someone and tied to corruption - using lobbyists to do their bidding.

We all forget with the spiraling of 2008 and 2009 economy - the government dipped into our savings - tax payers savings - and bailed the nefarious actors - without our permission.

The entire package linked to helping Small Businesses and the so called Stimulus Plan - is not working.

Further  putting tremendous pressure of thousands of small businesses.

Small business applied - and are being told by the Banks and  Financial Institutions - their application lacks this and that - their applications are stalled - the can kicked down the street.

Chinese small businesses are hardest hit in San Francisco - so are Latino - in short people of color - there are NO instructions - that clearly spelled out what is needed to apply and more help given to those who cannot understand the convoluted - ploys and machinations.

Our SF Assessor, our SF Treasurer, our SF Mayor's Office of Economic Development  - cannot do anything much - except speak from both sides of their mouth.

Again thousands of small business were told to shut down - and the adverse impacts must be mitigated and addressed - and the businesses compensated - fairly. 

In fact one day ago the Federal Reserve Bank - declared some new policies - to tweak the system - linked to the billions of dollars - so called Stimulus Money - and all this and more - is a disgrace to the human race.

The Speaker of the House - went on to say - you know those that have Checking Accounts - they really do not do business with the high echelons -  at the Banks.

You know those who are given $5 and $10 million loans.

That segment of our population - vultures - who get most everything on the platter - just because of undue - influence. Pathetic.

Ever since the White Man set foot on this land - the American Indian - I love to call them indigenous - have been taken for a ride. It is time to respect and honor the First People - our indigenous sisters and brothers - that this Nation treats like second class citizens in their own land.

The indigenous people have a saying - do not trust the White Man and those that speak with a  forked tongue.

 Much like a poisonous snake has a forked tongue - they are Greedy bastards - were born greedy and will die - greedy.

Their  entire world is centered - around abject materialism - abject disdain for people of color - their god is mammon.

This is the land of the American Indian - I prefer to call them indigenous - as I stated earlier.

All indigenous people - will always honor the host Nation - the host tribe - not so the Whites - they will rob your land, they will abuse the people whose land they robbed - and then when they act and speak -with arrogance - they will mock those they must honor and respect.

A Muwekma Ohlone Warrior 

Chief Joseph - a great leader -
his land was taken and his people adversely impacted -
he was great - but those with a forked tongue -
brought about his demise -
much like the NOVEL COVID-19 virus does -
and this is one sign - to change the ways of being evil -
harming people with intent - as most Democrats do.

I represent the First People of San Francisco the Muwekma Ohlone - here in San Francisco - more on matters linked Land Use, Planning, Transportation, Safety, Education.

Health , Policy Making, Incident Management - in short Quality of Life issues.

I  attend many meeting at SF City Hall - and watch the circus - the SF Board of Supervisors and those in Room 200 - Mayor London Breed and her very corrupt inner circle - talking the talk but not walking the walk.

Time will tell.

Not  a word about the indigenous people during the entire  teleconference - some 45 minutes - that I paid attention to. So I put the handle down - and went about my work.

Not a word about Blacks - dying in huge numbers - more on the East Coast.

Soon to be West Coast -  until the Blacks die in San Francisco - in disproportionate numbers - brought about by this NOVEL COVID-19 virus - some will wake up - and all they will do - is make excuses.

Never mind we have a Black Mayor London Breed - that barks up the wrong tree - every single opportunity she gets.

Mayor London Breed  is inept, weak in the knees - and will have to answer to God - she has treated the homeless and indigent - with disdain. She panders to the evil politicians - she has no back bone the heifer needs to step down and fade into oblivion.

She is from the hood - and acts like a hoodlum.

The nonsense Joaquin Torres was talking - pandering to Nancy Pelosi - and even suggesting to help a woman - over a State of California issue.

We here in San Francisco -  pay our taxes and get nothing in return.

Earlier the Mayor's Office of Economy Development was doling out $300,000 to run restaurants on Third Street in San Francisco - most of them closed - they could not cover their operating costs - many took the money and split.

We are heading for some rough times - we do have a Budget of over $12.7 billion - right now.

All  the same - we are heading for a deep recession - with a deficit of over $2 Billion.

Right now poor people are hurting - homeless on the streets - living in tents - under the bridge - by many door steps - already inflicted with the NOVEL COVID-19 virus - daily facing the inclement - weather. 

They all bid their time - and will slowly die - this time they will still be in the Bayview - but lie in the brand new Morgue - by Hunters Point. There they will lie - and if no one comes to claim their bodies - cremated.

You can ask for information about this situation - the authorities will tell you - they cannot divulge - they say State Laws prohibit them from releasing the information. 

Such are the works and deeds and thoughts - of Lucifer.

There is a God - and there are the hypocrites - who let us down. 

The many Independents we have in San Francisco - cannot unite to bring about change - we tolerate the vermin - and the time has come to - wake up and do something - on a War Footing.

Mayor London Breed - pathetic -
lacks experience - and with a lack of testing in San Francisco -
30% of the San Francisco population -
are  " asymptomatic " and there lies the 
 "crux of the problem" - many cooped up at homes -
while one " asymptomatic " individual can plays havoc -
creating thousands of small - " hot spots ".

We have 12,000 homeless in San Francisco  - and another 150,000 who will be drastically impacted - there are businesses that put all their money in a business - the majority - just making it for years - and now they have lost everything.

San Franciscans cannot wait for months -  they will have to wait and wait  - just because they are poor.

Just because they do not have connections - we have wannabes like Joaquin Torres - pandering to these corrupt White folks - the worse of them all Speaker Nancy Pelosi. 

Promising us the world and delivering nothing at all.

Another $200 Billion is being planned - to add to the Billions already in the pipeline - more to help Small Businesses. 

I know Nancy Pelosi - from the days when Phillip Burton and Sala Burton - truly represented - when the Burtons' said something they meant it.

Nancy Pelosi and her husband Paul Pelosi - have made tons of money - live in Napa while pretending to care about San Francisco.

It is the same with Diane Feinstein and her husband Richard Blum - they are millionaires.

They - have access to inside information - and take advantage of insider information - have amassed a lot of wealth - and care little for the common San Franciscan - who is left to fend for herself or himself.

Do not trust these scoundrels -
we protested, we fought hard in the trenches -
never saw the panderers - those who listen to the corrupt 
politicians - who are hoodwinking us in broad daylight -
 now these folks - heads of Departments -
Naomi Kelly the City Administrator - others one worse
 than the others 
are worse than the Novel COVID-19 virus.

Some of us know some about Gentrification - wait for another one month.

Just like all over the Nation - where Blacks are dying of the Novel COVID-19 - disproportionally - on the East Coast - we will witness the horror - and many will have nothing to say.

These Blacks have been dying - but not a whimper from the Main Media - and less from the House Negroes - that work with the wicked Whites - who control the situation - here in San Francisco.

More the Poverty Pimp Pastors - who say one thing and do another.

They same applies to the Latinos - more the poor who do not have sound health services - and are adversely impacted.

People who are poor - right now cannot pay their rent -  with all the talk - there is no help for those evicted - more, in areas where there is NO - rent control.

The Chinese who contributed so much to California - are talked about - as if they have something directly to do with the misery.

We must stand untied behind all human beings - we all share many things in common - the Chinese have contributed a lot - one has to read history - the true history - that reveals and speaks the Truth.

This City of San Francisco is Racists - and the sooner we learn to educate ourselves on issues - learn etiquette - the better.

China Town is hurting and so are thousands of small businesses that the Chinese run - many family members.

Everyone - pitching in - now, all has come to a stand still.

Some  Chinese advocates are fighting hard - to quell the discrimination - bring succor to the Chinese community - it is a up hill fight - it has to be done. We support all - more those who stand up who cannot defend themselves.

They say jump and we jump -
the say wash your hands and and we do that -
they get the money and they keep it -
remember the mule and the forty acres -
remember the many false promises - who truly 
do they have the right to hoodwink us in broad daylight -
those that speak - with a forked tongue.

All over the world - the NOVEL COVID-19 virus is spreading - and only a Vaccine can STOP the spread. 

Much like the polio vaccine discovered by Dr Francis Salk - this is a pandemic not something to take lightly.

This pandemic will last for years - some progress will be made - then after some months - it will show its ugly head - again and again. 

Even those who have " anti bodies " - are " asymptomatic " will be hit hard - one never knows when.

We see this in South Korea, Singapore,  China - those who were inflicted and healed - are now getting a relapse -  dealing with the NOVEL COVID-19 virus.

No one is thinking about the human beings - and the environment that has been contaminated.

No good business can prosper in an environment that is polluted and contaminated. 

What guarantee is there to give opportunities to any small or big business - when all around them - the environment beckons the NOVEL COVID-19 virus?

How can we tolerate thousands carrying virus - those not tested - many are " asymptomatic " and spread the virus - without knowing it.

The White men is wicked - she and he salivates when it comes to money.

Most d o not know - the Federal Reserve Bank  is a Private Bank - created over the Christmas Holidays in 1913 - can print as much money - as it can.

Money is a tool - but it is not everything - thousands will die - that is what happens in a " pandemic " - we cannot let our guard down.

More when the devil himself - wants to let people go to work - and bring back a tsunami of NOVEL COVID-19 virus - sordid - " Community Spread ".

These politicians and those having these telephone conferences - should not contact me - remove me from your lists - I have NO time for vermin.

Once Blacks constituted 25% of the population of San Francisco - Black are nearing 2% - and after this dark cloud passes - many will leave - never to be seen.

It is the same with people of color - we are never at the table where the deliberations are made.

Those  who pander to the evil Whites - pity one Black against the other - fostering the " crab mentality " - should be ashamed of themselves.

The indigenous people of California come first.

Up until 1927 - the Whites could kill an indigenous person and fetch a measly $5 for a scalp.

Up until 1927 edicts went out from the California Governors - to kill the indigenous - take their land , rape their women - and indigenous children were take away and brain washed at the many nefarious - boarding schools - here in California.

This photograph the KKK under the rotunda
at SF City Hall - circa 1938 -
nothing much has changed - 
the poor still suffer and the crooks 
now wheel and deal - in broad daylight -
Racists of the worst order.

This is an opportune to review the history of  the White Man and his folks - San Francisco is a racists city - make no bones about that.

Even now when we are on our knees - there is NO spirituality - most want free money - from the Government - to survive? 

How can you in a polluted and contaminated environment ?

How can you when most are spiritually - bankrupt?

How can you when you say one thing and do another?

How can you when you cannot be trusted?

How can you when you have BLOOD on your hands?

How can you when the land you live in - was stolen - each and every square inch? What do you have to say about that ?

There is not a single legal document - where the land was handed over, sold, agreed to be given to those that stole the land  - think about that......

San Francisco General Hospital -
the Doctors, Janitors, Nurses, Medical Technicians,
others overworked - lacking Personal Protective Equipment -
well, we can do better - if we talk less and act better -
we do not have swabs to do the testing.

We do not have " swabs " - yes swabs to do testing. Why?

We have a serious problem at Laguna Honda - where many Elders reside - Novel Covid-19 virus spreading at the facility - Why?

We have no testing in the inner city locations - Why?

Many decision are made by folks who have no Incident Management training - the Mayor London Breed is ignorant and arrogant.

That inner circle Dr Grant Colfax and his lackeys - all arrogant and ignorant - they never utter the word God - why ? They are spiritually bankrupt and will fall flat on their face.

This Novel Covid-19 virus should challenge us to think outside the box.

There  are folks - preying on the poor and the indigent - and we do not have a clue.

The poor and those indigent have been left to fend for themselves - for over one and half month for sure - others for two months - some are " symptomatic " - others have fallen prey to the NOVEL COVID-19 virus. More will die - and no one will do a needs assessment - not now - and for sure not after the situation.

The Navigation Centers - where most lie - side by side - in close proximity - should have been closed down months ago - that was not done by Mayor London Breed, Shamann Walton - others who talk from both sides of their mouth - they have BLOOD on their hands.

Today Trent Rohrer declared he has control of 6605 hotel rooms - but he does not have the logistics - worked out in detail.

The  model with " wrap around services " - other newer technology - not given due, consideration - why?

Who is in charge of the Incident Management - these idiots talk a lot - anyone can talk the talk - but not walk the walk.

Other Nations have done better - and many have the situation under control - we have a wide area - and a population of 320 million in the United States - on  the East Coast - thousands have died.

San Francisco has a population of 850,000 and a land mass - 46.9 square miles - 19,000 people living per mile - very dense - next to New York.

The United States has a population of 320 million and a population that lives with an area 3, 717, 812. 8  square miles.

I will repeat for the final time - this land once better known as Turtle Island - has stolen - and what once was pristine - completely destroyed - the Hetch Hetchy Valley, the pristine Redwood Forests, the once treasure micro-climate the best in th world - the natural air-conditioning - the well know fog rolling in - and making a big difference.

Here in San Francisco - we have not reached the peak - linked to the NOVEL COVID-19 virus.

We will in a month -  4 weeks -  the most vulnerable will - be more affected and die - and we will wonder why?

As usual happens - when we are not humble  - even though we do not have the know how - we flatter - pride and arrogance brings about our down fall.

Watch the clown speak - who makes his abode in the White House.

There are more astute and stellar  trained personnel dwelling and contributing the best they have to offer in Norway, Germany, Singapore, South Korea, and even China.

Some one has BLOOD on their hands - for not taking this pandemic seriously - and even at this late hour - defying - nature.

Where are the Poverty Pimp Pastors - when will they come to anyone rescue? 

Former Mayor of San Francisco -
Willie L. Brown Jr -
has his dirty finger - in every pie -
he makes the deals - keeps what he wants -
distributes the rest - but not for long - his time is coming.

Where is Willie L.Brown Jr - the  former Black Mayor of San Francisco - who has his dirty finger in every pie?

Not a sound from the scoundrel!

This is Ohlone Land - respect the indigenous people - the land on which you all stand, the air your breathe, all within - it was here much before some strangers came and screwed with everything. Aho.

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