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Wednesday, April 22, 2020


We the people pay the salaries of the very corrupt politicians - more the politicians who pretend to represent us in San Francisco. These politicians in large measure - not all - but those that are corrupt - are a disgrace to the human race - more those that try to build homes on very contaminated ground.

As citizens of the United States our Constitution gives us the right to exercise our rights - there is Freedom and there is License - simply put - abuse of Freedom is License.

Here in San Francisco most politicians practice - license - many are not educated on issues for sure NOT - Shamann Walton - a jail bird who has not reformed - himself.

This pandemic has NOT stopped the SF politicians and the heads of SF City Department - from telling us lies - less transparency and no accountability at all.

They look at you in the eye and lie - leading the pack the amoral - Mayor London Breed. 

She is being investigated and soon she will have to sing the Blues.

Check this article when you get the time :

Controller Ben Rosenfield  -
millions wasted and right now 
right under nose of a department  -
that the City Administrator Naomi Kelly 
has jurisdiction - she is paid $400,000  - yearly - why?

These Gargoyles watch  all at SF City Hall -
most do not pay attention - why?
When one is ignorant - not educated on issues -
have NO idea about the past - they cannot comprehend
the present - and have NO vision - about the future -
add to that lack of empathy and compassion -
Most SF politicians have NO conscience.

Senator Diane Feinstein 
she has amassed a great fortune -
corrupt as they come.

It is a JOKE watching our San Francisco Board of Supervisor - have their meetings - failing to abide by the Brown Act.

Talking from both sides of their mouth - even as we all are experiencing this sordid NOVEL COVID-19 virus.

Our businesses are suffering - they have received No money.

The small businesses - all applied in good faith and months later - are still waiting.

Many have closed their stores - accrued debts - and have decided to walk away from their businesses.

As it is San Francisco taxes too much - and staying and drowning - is too much for many small businesses.

Small business employ thousands - and as things stand - it may take three to four years - to get back on track. 

Small businesses count - but not so - the Mayor's Office of Economic Development that has failed us all - also some of the SF Board of Supervisors - who were fast asleep at the cockpit and are still snoring.

Neiman Marcus is closing, so is Best Buy and more.

So is Bed and Bath - Macy's will consolidate -  before it too fades away.

The many restaurants are adversely impacted even when they attempted " take out " for their customers - they are cheated by the delivery vans and entities - taking their cut - and leaving little to the restaurants - themselves - who prepare the food.

No one seems to care - no one has empathy and less compassion.

These steps lead to the dens -
of the many SF Supervisors most of them 
have yet to feel the deep pain of the citizens -
decent San Franciscans - who are fed up with politics -
worse here at home than in Washington D.C.

The City and County of San Francisco - more the Mayor's Office of Economic Development and Workforce - Director Joaquin   Torres has failed us.

It is the same with the SF Department of Building Inspection - impotent - nothing is happening.

The same with the SF Planning Department.

Worse of them all - the Municipal Transportation Agency.

They are getting pay back - the way they treated the the Taxi drivers and refuse to pay back for the medallions - that the Taxi Drivers purchased - for as high as $250,000 and are not worth - nothing. Karma.

It is just a matter of time before the Municipal Transportation Department - fades into oblivion.

Non-Profits are hurting we pay or taxes and get nothing in return. Time will tell.

Our SF City Offices are closed - and workers who must be at the desk seeing to the essential needs of the tax payers - are working else where - and treated like slaves. 

Many SF City employees providing - hazmat services - not trained to do such work and put in harms way. These are employees who should stay at home.

The City Managers - should be the ones providing services to the homeless - more wrap around services.

Lackeys like Sheryl Evans Davis, Naomi Kelly, Mary Ellen Carroll - the other ones - who brag about Equity and Resiliency - and have nothing to offer but hot air.

Mayor London Breed  continues to have the many Press Conferences - nothing new is revealed - except the same mundane stuff.

Mayor London Breed could learn some - from Governor Cuomo from the State of New York.

We  do not have the empirical data -  real time data - on testing.

The  data given - is old - convoluted -  does not do justice to anyone.

We know now that the every first case linked to NOVEL COVID-19 virus - was first detected of February 7, 2020 - right here in the Bay Area. This says a lot - about " community spread " and there is more.

As for a sound vaccine - that will most probably come around March of 2021. 

If we need  testing - those that meet the requirement - have no recourse to get one. We have a budget of $12.8 Billion and nothing much to show for that budget - when it comes to Quality of Life issues.

We cannot get one  sound information and how testing can be achieved - at these sordid Press Conferences.

We the citizens who pay the taxes and the huge salaries that  these " morons " receive  - the morons order who us around - do this and do that. 

This nonsense must STOP.

Not once has the many types of testing explained - when will this be done - and where do we get the test - and how much will they cost?

The thugs all over the City and County are creating problems - not a word from the Mayor London Breed - who has an affinity to these thugs.

More any more in open defiance - thugs from those areas that have nothing " open " - and coming into area in broad daylight and stealing things.

If these " thugs " keep on doing what is now becoming natural to them - entities like " Walgreens " will close - or open for a short period of time.

Then - all hell will break loose - the Seniors and others having problems to get their medications and necessary things.

San Francisco's Chief of Police -
Scott Williams

Not a word about these incident reports from the SF Police Chief and our Mayor London Breed - barking up the wrong - tree.

The Mayor of any city - addresses the pandemic but also Quality of Life issues - not so Mayor London Breed - she needs talking points on all she does and says. 

Sean Elsbernd  -
Chief of Staff -
SF Mayor's Office - City Hall - Room 200 -
it stinks to high heaven of Sulphur.

Never mind she has a Jesuit educated so called Chief of Staff -  Sean Elsbernd - who use to work for Senator Diane Feinstein - and before that was a SF District Supervisor.

I never imagined - I would have to write something about Sean Elsbernd.

Even-  as I did not imagine I would about Mark Farrell  - this sordid world - brings in characters - that could stand tall and represent - but they fail to do so.

Some of us know - what is going on behind the scenes. 

The Machine is at work for all the wrong reasons - trying to take advantage of those most vulnerable.

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