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Friday, April 24, 2020


Many of us have just realized we are in a pandemic - some are pondering what is a pandemic - but by far measure - few understand who is really " asymptomatic " - and what is the pandemic doing what it does best - right here in our back yard.

As you hear more and more of sudden deaths - and now blood 
clots - the experts in the emergency room - are hard pressed for good answers - as this NOVEL COVID-19 virus - evolves.
More so when we hear so many have come so close to death.

Death hits us human beings much like lighting.

Just like that - tears, shock, anger, blames - then empathy, compassion sets in - while fills the air is full of this, that and the other - this pandemic - has allowed many to see small and big things in a different light - sometime - a light - at the end of the tunnel.

Those on the frontlines - have been for us all - working long hours - and doing what they do best - sacrifice.

It is not easy all suited up - with Personal Protective wear - for hours on end - from head to toe - we have some photographs - but listening and talking to the doctors, the nurses, other medical staff - wearing such gear for hours on end - in mind boggling.

Let us not take their sacrifice for granted - more, those who have gone to the East Coast to volunteer and lend a helping hand. God is good - and many friendship have been made on  the operating table.

Nurses day in and day out -  giving their best - they are saints - all we have to do is say " thank you " - " we love you " - " your work in appreciated ". 

I have tried my best to address this on my blog - while keeping the general situation at hand - real.

Where there is sacrifice there is love.

We really cannot thank the Doctors, the Nurses, the Janitors, the Medical Technicians - all those that support each other in all our hospitals - enough. 

Let us remember this long after this dark cloud has passed - and all of say - we weather phase one of NOVEL COVID-19 virus - and look forward to kick ass - and address phase two - hygiene is important, and with that comes nutrition, exercise, looking at thing positively, keeping contact with each other.

I even learned to use " ZOOM" - even though " MICROSOFT" has a better tool.

Soon some one will come out - with a better tool to communicate - in this " digital world " - which permits us to talk to our doctors, shop, consult, attend church virtually, and all that and more.

Many of these frontline workers who do God's work - are so tired - yet,  find within themselves daily putting and giving their best  to reach the peak of the tallest mountain - they say we are so close - and we must reach the summit - and they do. Kudos to all of them.

In recent days we all have fully realized some other frontline workers the field workers who gather the harvest in our large fields, the truckers who bring it from point A to point B - are hurting. 

The many warehouses that pack the vegetables, the meat packing places, the many factories that are connected with food products - we see them as our frontline workers.

Now we must look at the above mentioned workers - as good essential workers - who must be compensated.

 More - more taken care when they fall ill - and all this and more - because soon we will not have them working - if we do not continue to treat these essentials workers - with dignity.

I have fought for the UNION all my life - at this juncture - the UNIONS are doing their best - none were prepared for such an pandemic -  it has hit hard - those that work hard in our hospital janitors, those wheeling the victims of the pandemic in and out - suiting the dead bodies for storage -until their families are informed - and preparations made to lay these many bodies to rest.

For the first time we are looking at the Supermarket the shelves are empty - what we took for granted - is now a reality - empty shelves and there is NO choosing - take what is there - and what is more make do with it - and thank God you have something to survive. 

Now when  we reach that point at the check point - we naturally   empathize with the check out clerks - we are patient - we look at the  others - there is not too much to say - we are all in this together - no comparing what the Jones have bought and look at one's shopping cart - to ponder GREED or should I say - spewing on non-essentials.

As I said - for some time now - the Supermarkets are adapting and the many long lines - outside  at the Supermarkets - we will get used to that - reality will set in - what we took for granted - is no more - this dark cloud will pass away.

Here is San Francisco - yesterday and today was a Sunny Day - I looked outside and saw the bird chirping, I saw the cats having a sun bath, I saw some two legged animals - look happy - I saw this and more - and thank God for sending us some nice weather - April 23 and April 24 - here in San Francisco was sunny and nice - and God was good to all of us.

They say the sun and the warm weather - deals a blow to the NOVEl COVID-19 virus - it felt like that - when the cool breeze  - did its job - neutralizing the germs, the air is cleaner with less particulates - that harm our lungs.

Less  vehicles and less use of fossil fuel - the blue cloud were smiling at all of us - and even though I was cooped up at home - just peeking at nature for a few minutes at a time - made me feel I was in the Bahamas.

Closer to where I live San Francisco - we are still dealing with testing - there is some testing done - but less than two percent of the 840,000 which is the population of San Francisco has been tested.

We do have a Mayor - London Breed - she is known for barking up the wrong tree.

London Breed loves to order decent folks around - much like she will be - when she goes to jail. 

There is a very dark cloud hanging over her head - she knows it - and she needs that vacation - in jail badly. Once in jail - she will have all the time to reflect - and lose some much needed - weight.

San Francisco stinks with corruption - and the politicians we have can wag that tongue - for hours on end.

Most of them cannot get to the point - and less find sound - solutions - to the many problems. You folks can run but you cannot hide.

We have thousands in San Francisco - who are  "asymptomatic" 
there is ample proof - there has been " community spread" from early January, 2020 - knowing that many foreign visitors - and locals who have visited foreign land - spend time in San Francisco - from all over the world - including Italy and China. 

In today's one can travel from far off place and within 24 hours spread any disease - if all precautions are not taken.

The buffoon we have in the White House - as he normally does - decided not to do anything much from middle of January, 2020 to February 2020 -  " it is a hoax " he said - even went to India - and we know this - but we must vote and get the jackass out of the system - once and for all.

What our San Francisco Health Department - has fully realized  at this late date - the SF authorities - do not have the tools to deliver. 

In fact we do not have one single person who is well experienced to understand a pandemic.

Today we have Supervisors like Supervisor Preston and Matt asking for empirical data - what is really happening at the Navigation Centers - I have been saying they are " hot spots " - I have not been saying - how many are adversely impacted - I am waiting for the Truth - the Truth always prevails - always.

We have no Incident Management Commander - to handle this NOVEL COVID-19 virus.

The many  lackeys who head the Homeless Services, the SF Health Department, the SF Emergency Services - are hoodwink us in broad daylight.

The hot spots we have at our Navigation Centers - linked to the poor and the indigent - is just the tip of the iceberg. This information is kept secret - but NOT for long.

As usual there has been no investigative reporting from the Main Media - daily providing - drab news. The Fourth Estate is nonexistent - in San Francisco.

Add to that the hot spots at Laguna Honda - where Elder Congregate - community spread is on the increase.

We in San Francisco - we have a problem that we could have avoided - the situation at hand -  the leaders had no experience and by default - no vision and of course failed - miserably.

There has been lack of a forthcoming needs assessment - linked to the many serious situations - no one has the ability to prioritize - as most have NO experience, and what is important to not - not educated on issues.

In San Francisco - where the hot spots are showing its ugly head  - we have families living in conditions - that do not address - sound hygiene, lack of nutrition, living in the midst of  " Toxic Stress - in short Quality of Life issues - are compromised. 

There is NO way anyone can contain any virus - when ten and fifteen people - live in a one bed room unit.

Add to that no health insurance - and no jobs -  thousands in San Francisco - now suddenly have NO hope.

In areas like the South of Market Area in San Francisco - the Mission in San Francisco - in the Bayview Hunters Point - many are slowly dying - because of high density living.

Add to that the small businesses were  promised to get some relief - a month ago - nothing much is happening. 

Small businesses cannot trust the system - more the Mayor's Office of Economic Development and Workforce. 

Promises made and not kept.

 The website says a lot - but few can get a grant - the loans are as convoluted as they come. 

These folks who hoodwink the small businesses - must be sent to jail - working for the City and County of San Francisco - under the City Administrator - Naomi Kelly who makes $400,000 a year.

Shamann Walton can keep on smiling -
while hundreds slowly die -
and the man has no clue how to handle
a pandemic - more thousands of  " asymptomatic " -
community spread in the Bayview Hunters Point -
for months now since middle of January, 2020.

Politicians the like of the jail bird Shamann Walton - has been in favor of Navigation Centers - where many homeless live - in filthy conditions - and often with animals - unkempt - dogs and cats - sleeping with their owners. 

This pandemic loves such conditions - but Shamann Walton - has not got a grip on life -  has chosen to wag his tongue - that has NO bone -  barking up the wrong tree - and failed everyone.

In any civilized society - politicians like Shamann Walton would be charged and sent to jail - where the " jail bird " really - belongs.

Shamann Walton - has his paws - on any contaminated land - more prone to liquefaction and flooding - that can be developed - the Sunnydale Project that has growing troubles - developed by NIBBI and make take ten years to complete.

Pier 70 which is costing too much - and will cost more 200% more with the current pandemic looming over the head of crooks like Dwayne Jones and this lackeys - Dwayne Jones does not live in San Francisco.

The old Potrero Police Station - Shamann Walton has build something, there - but it will take a long time - and cost 400% more.

Shamann Walton knows nothing about development - less about Property Management - and even less about Incident Management.

All his moves - linked to development - were made when all sorts of problems were brewing - then all these issues - came together - Shamann Walton will not get it - he must step out of the way.

This perfect storm  - the pandemic, the loss of jobs, lack of quality workers - carpenters, journeymen workers,  others - afraid to work in the conditions - posed by this pandemic.

The small businesses not getting any help, Shamann Walton's lack of concern for those who are poor and indigent and need help, now - the man has no viable and sustainable Blue Plans - never had them before and will never have them in the future.

Shamann Walton - the stupid man cannot represent - he is confused and more inept. 

Always reads from prepared scripts - Shaman Walton is not intelligent - he has been propped up by thugs - and all these thugs will see their day in jail - sooner not later.

Shamann Walton thinks he can bark at the authorities and get some done - no one pays attention to the " jail bird " - who is not respected. He is NOT from the anywhere in District 10 - we never saw him fighting in the trenches - when we were fighting - the man was in jail - singing the blues.

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