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Friday, April 3, 2020


It is April the 3rd, 2020 - and we do not have swabs at the SF General Hospital in San Francisco - now, that is the tip of the iceberg.

It is April the 3rd and we still cannot test our decent, hard working, tax paying - San Franciscans.

We know now - that thousands are spreading the Novel COVID-19 - asymptomatic - and we cannot do nothing - about it.

Our San Francisco Health System - is an abject - failure.

At this late date - we do not know which businesses have received help - some $4 million already disbursed. 

Another notice has just been released for another $10 million to small businesses. These measures at this date - the eleventh hours - speaks volumes.

The City and County is not prepared - with a over $12 Billion budget - and NO one person qualified to lead - well versed in logistics, transportation, supplies, health, safety, public welfare, food distribution - ample well equipped hospital rooms in the thousands - 4000 minimum - here in San Francisco.

Mental and physical  wrap around services, emergency protocol with 24/7 measures in places - the ability to provide Personal Protective Equipment, ventilators, respirators, masks, swabs, sanitary products,  you get the picture - not one of the idiots - can do a through needs assessment.

Testing is vital to finding out - what exactly is happening.

If we cannot monitor the trend - then forget it.

We have a time bomb - waiting to explode. 

Mayor London Breed keeps barking up the wrong tree - she must get out of the way - and fade into oblivion.

The Mayor says she cannot accommodate the homeless in hotels. She cannot accommodate the homeless at the West Moscone Center - because the City and County of San Francisco has no one capable to take the resources - and organize - there is absolutely no one - qualified.

On the other hand the Governor of California - and former Mayor of San Francisco - says he has thousands of hotel rooms - and wants the homeless to move in - and has a long range plan.

We have no details of long range plans - who will pay of all this - and the qualified personnel - who can step in - and commit themselves - for at least 6 moths minimum and one year maximum. 

There are households where most were fine - but if one of the family members is " asymptomatic " - the entire family get the virus - and this is being repeated - all over California.

When we have thousands of families - where the Novel Cover-19 virus resides - and we have no clue - because thousands of homes - have not been tested - and approved as Novel Cover-19 virus - free - we are talking the talk but NOT walking the walk.

In San Francisco our leadership is ZERO - anyone can send notice - anyone can say what they please - enforcement matters - but it is too late - thousand are carrying virus - 10% at least asymptomatic - they look fine - but these folks needed to be segregated.

There will be thousands of smaller " hot spots " forcing the Health System - to run all over the place - and the system will be inundated - it situation in San Francisco and Los Angels will be worse than we hav in New York.

Anyone one looks at these scenario - trained human beings are needed - and we do not have them.

Here is San Francisco - the Doctors, the Nurses, the Janitors, the Medical Technicians, the Psychologists, the Psychiatrists, other all valuable - do not have the needed equipment - to save lives - and here we have Mayor London Breed - inept, weak in the knees - singing the blues.

More here in San Francisco - with our high density - living is known - and we still want to build " high density living ".

Added in San Francisco - those cooped up are experience all sorts of trauma - domestic violence is on the increase - the Chief of Police has not said a word about Domestic Violence and its increase.

San Francisco Chief of Police -
William Scott - has no clue -
about Domestic Violence cases -
the poor rounded up and jailed -
the increase in assault and robberies -
people now taking groceries and crooks waiting to rob them 
 decent citizens and others most vulnerable.

The increase in assaults on the streets, thieves trying to steal and rob in broad daylight - bodily harm and incidents linked to bodily harm and danger come first.

Dr Grant Colfax admits that under his rotten leadership - he is aware that San Francisco has failed to test most of the 840,000 population.

As it stand today - he cannot do much - the folks who he leads - are doing their best - he say - but all that is BS.

The leadership with Mayor London Breed as the head - has no sense of logistics, less of transportation, even less of distribution.

Has no clue about the State of California - which failed to have the necessary stockpile - linked to a pandemic.

Our  State of California Health Department - has always failed - to come to the rescue of the most vulnerable.

As we look forward to some succor - the State of California - will let us down - again. 

Lucky for us - good citizens step up and do more than they are supposed to do - they sacrifice.

There can be no sacrifice without love - God will bless those that have stepped up - do not trust the politicians - never mind what they say

At the last SF Board of Supervisors - speaker after speak at Public Comment gave Mayor London Breed a F -.

Mayor London Breed has not served her Nation - it terms of National Service - she hails from the hood and the hood has not left the - hoodlum.

London Breed is NOT educated on issues - and will fall fall on her face.

It  is just a matter of time.

Dr Tomas Aragon and Mary Ellen Carroll - who join Mayor London Breed have all been hoodwinking us - with generalities - now they are caught with their hand in the cookie jar.

One worse than the other - both have NO experience - when it comes to handling such a pandemic - both are weak in the knees, inept and have to get out of the way.

None of the idiots I have mentioned above have any concrete experience - managing  " a large emergency situation " - less a pandemic.

San Francisco by large measure are educated on issues.

San Franciscans have stayed at home - and while at home - have taken measures - to safeguard the health of all those loved ones - they care for. 

These San Franciscans have done their part - while Mayor London Breed and her lackeys - have failed to put in operation a testing model - that brings about results. 

Right now we have less than one percent tested - while the 99% are singing the blues. Who is fooling whom.

Mayor London Breed - for all her talk - has failed to test decent San Franciscans.

The  few that have been tested - have taken a test - that is not reliable. 

As one goes into the details - the issues becomes too convoluted.

It seems most of the actions - are a bluffing game - enough is enough.

In three weeks we will be dealing with the APEX.

The idiots - I have mentioned above - will be giving all sorts of excuses.

None of the idiots above - have the ability to do a sound needs assessment - instead to focusing on the testing  - where the empirical data lies - they are focusing on the " Stimulus Package".

In the interim the one time payment of $1200 per adult - is slow in coming - but this does not face - the crooks who are wheeling and dealing - as the pandemic - creates its raging - havoc.

Sound standard tests - reveal a lot - more, where we can find out - what is trending as far as the NOVEL COVID-19 virus is concerned.

The idiots in San Francisco - on many levels - have no leadership - they want the easy way out. 

 There is NO easy way out - we need to have leaders - who are educated on issues - not stupid people throwing arrows in the air.

We have in San Francisco  those who say they are in charge of Emergency Services.

Yet - they have NO experience handling a large Emergency Operation nor a situation that is on their resume -  NOT one of them - Dr Grant Colfax supposedly at AIDS experts, Mary Ellen Carroll - says she knows some - failed as the Security Expert  - at the SF Public Utilities Commission.

Mary Ellen Carroll the head of SF Emergency Services is a JOKE - and cannot speak clearly to any issues - linked to the current pandemic.

Mary Ellen Carroll  -  is not a Doctor, she has no military experience - her resume is worthless in this situation - she is worthless - and therein lies the crux of the problem.

The politicians have been saying things - has they always do and cannot be trusted not one of them in San Francisco. 

Not a word from former Mayor Willie L. Brown Jr - not a word from Senator Diane Feinstein.

Most - of these vermin are quiet because they were there and are there - to wheel and deal - but when it comes to life and death matters - NO one want to stand tall and represent.

The political crooks are now looking forward to Washington DC. Salivating and looking forward to the Stimulus Plan - billions coming our way - that the crooks - want to spend the tax payers on mundane stuff. It is always about Greed and money.

Two weeks ago I warned the SF Controller Office to have in place a protocol how the money will be spent - anything more than a million dollars - we the people want transparency and accountability.

I am monitoring most everything - and I sounded the clarion call - while many - had no vision - and could not do a needs assessment on the stop. These vermin are now exposed - they do the devil work and say they are representative - they represent themselves, have a hidden agenda and are not to be trusted.

Our homeless and our Elders are the most vulnerable.

Our hard working tax paying workers - many working two and three jobs - have not received any help. Except some vague promises of a one time $1200 for each adult - that is slow in coming. 

So far we have 11 million plus - trying to get some help from the State and Federal government - and that help is slow - they politicians are talking the talk but not walking the walking.

Yesterday was April the Third - today in April the 4th -  and guess what! Thousands of our Elders - are left to fend for themselves.

San Franciscans have always respected and honored our Elders - not so some scumbags - always finding excuses - time will tell.

It is a mess at SF General Hospital -
morale is  low - to add fuel to fire -
it is worse at Laguna Honda - 
where hundreds of Seniors are put in harms way.

To add fuel to fire - Laguna Honda Hospital - once known as Poor House and built by contribution from San Franciscans - to aid those Elderly and vulnerable - has a dark cloud cast over the hospital.

We San Franciscans - have a heart - not so those that have shown disdain at Laguna Honda - leading the charge Mayor London Breed and Dr Grant Colfax.

Today we have politicians - the scum of the Earth - they look at you in the eye and lie.

Well you scumbags will be held responsible - allowing and facilitating  our Elders who are homeless - to be rounded in the wee hours of the morning and jailed.

How does the 25 million dollar -
in the Stimulus Plan - 
relate to the Pandemic - Nancy Pelosi -
has lost her mind - and has failed us all.

God sees it all - so far nothing is being done for the homeless - all sorts of excuses are being made.

Some  Non-Profits who deal with the homeless and the needy - prey on them too - and all this and more will come to light - shortly.

Good leaders know the way - show the way and go the way.

We do not have single leader who has empathy and compassion.

Here is a map - a different map - giving one an idea - worldwide 
how many people are impacted :

The link below gives you 
better picture of what is happening worldwide :

Our  SF Board of Supervisors - love to talk - and if that tongue had a bone - their tongues would be broken - but that is not the case.  They wag that tongue - producing a lot of noise that make no sense.

Hundreds of our Elders have died - and right now - hundreds in San Francisco - are suffering - the sweeps take place - their medication, whatever little they have - thrown into the garbage - and all this and more is being noted.

This is Ohlone land - and those that live here - must have empathy and compassion. 

What we have are some people corrupt to the hilt - they look you in eye and lie. The heart is harder than stone.

We have politicians who want to build homes on contaminated ground.

They do not care for our infants

Our  children, our youth, our young adults.

Our Elders - those with compromised health - more our mentally and physically  - challenged.

The NOVEL COVID-19 virus has revealed the true color of the Mayor of San Francisco - London Breed and her lackeys.

In three weeks - you are will witness - how these scum bags - point fingers at others - taking NO responsibility for their nefarious activities. More those amoral to the core.

It is a shame we have such representatives - a disgrace to the human race.

At this late date -  our hospitals are inundated - we will have NO hospital beds, no masks, no respirators, no ventilators, NO Personal Protective Equipment (PPE).

I have said it before and I will say it - one more time.

We honor and respect our Doctors, our Nurses, our Medical Technicians, our Janitors, those many who do so much on the frontline.

We pray for you all - this dark cloud will pass.

Come - September - it will a long time, true - and the more we focus on empathy and compassion - God in His infinity Mercy - will bless those that need to be blessed.

Many will fall on their faces - those who created the "cesspool " and drown in the cesspool of their own making.

Some of us advocates - will have nothing to do with the Mayor's Office of Economic Development.

Naomi Kelly and the City Administrator.

London Breed and the Mayor Office more Room 200.

The Department of Public Works, the SF Treasurer, the SF Assessor - others too many to name - one worse than the other.

San Francisco is a Racists City - and we see the way - the poor and the indigent are treated.

More - God sees it all - and come August for sure - those that have cheated, treated so many with disdain will get their reward - should I say more.

Maintain your hygiene - wash your hands.

Pray - meditate, look after one another - send your good vibes and prayers - to those on the frontlines - our Doctors, our Nurses.

Our Janitors, our Medical Technicians - the many who do so much and sacrifice with love in their heart - they deserve our love and thanks. Aho.

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