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Tuesday, August 16, 2022



Women gathered before the pandemic - but cannot do so now. If they venture out - some man must accompany them - and if they go out, they must cover their face. Over half the population of Afghanistan are women - the most illiterate are the Taliban. 

It has been over one year since the United States left Afghanistan in a mess - President Joe Biden had no viable and sustainable - exit policy. 

President Joe Biden decided to withdraw from Afghanistan - and the result was a mess. To this day, NO sound needs assessment has been done - why has Afghanistan turned into shambles?  

The United States invaded Afghanistan - and after twenty years - had nothing much to show - regarding sound security - compromising Quality of Life issues.

Afghan women and girls are suffering the most. Today many Afghans are selling their daughter to survive - these deep actions - call for justice and fair play.

In the meantime, President Joe Biden has frozen seven billion dollars - and should use the money - to save lives - using the United Nations and Non-Governmental agencies from Germany and other primarily European nations - doing God's work.

Women are dying in the hospitals - many cannot deliver children - suffering from acute malnutrition. Afghan infants and children - dying again from acute - malnutrition and diseases diarrhea, malaria, asthma, pneumonia - other chronic diseases too many to mention. 

The Taliban thugs are all over the place - doing what they do best, bullying young girls, women, and those who speak truth to power. Paradoxically most Taliban are not from Afghanistan -  they cannot even communicate with the local Afghans - thugs from all over Pakistan, Qatar, Saudi Arabia - elsewhere. 

Wallet Harrat Nazmi, a TV Journalist - professional women like her cannot work in Afghanistan - the autocratic and despotic Taliban control the lives of all girls and women.

Sodaba Haidare works for BBC - but no more in Afghanistan. The shameless Taliban - are abusing young girls and women - and they do this with impunity - such is the devious way of these good-for-nothing " thugs " - We, the United States, are responsible for signing an agreement with the demonic - Taliban.

No decent nation -  no Superpower would sign an agreement with the Taliban - the same thugs that we, the United States - drove out of Afghanistan.

The former President of the United States - took it upon himself - to invite the Taliban to take over Afghanistan - using an American Afghan diplomat - who represented Europe and the Afghan government - without informing - the interested parties - what exactly he was doing. 

The result is a hotchpotch agreement that makes no sense.

No clear exit plan - and billions of our military equipment fell into the hands of the Taliban.

The American Embassy was overrun by the Taliban - who took sensitive information.

The information aided by Pakistani intelligence - could detect and track -  every Afghan and every American input into the system.

Others, too, could be stopped - and with face recognition technology.

Many lost their lives - and even today - no one knows the damage done.

Taliban used the data to murder, kill, and torture thousands - the United States failed to safeguard life and property - promises made but never kept. 

As far as I know, we stand for our values, respect life, and all life.

In the case of Afghanistan - more infants, children, women, elders, and those with compromised health - more of the mentally and physically challenged - were killed and died -  we have blood on our hands.

Here is the stupid, totally illogical, and meaningless treaty - read it yourself. We must never again - mess with another nation - by abusing our power - to create meaningless - agreements:

I have been to Afghanistan and know many Afghans. To the Afghan women, I say - especially those who have fled to other nations and are educated - write to President Joe Biden - and ask him to right the wrong.

The best is to send him an email - flood the White House - and let the man understand - that no one will tolerate the blatant genocide happening in Afghanistan - today.

It is not impossible for our retired Special Forces - to clear the Taliban - however, the Special Forces and their associates need resources.

Over two trillion dollars were wasted in Syria, Iraq, Libya, Afghanistan, and other areas - private contractors making huge profits.

All - with the Department of Defense fully cognizant of the fact - and sharing in the nefarious activities - profit-making by those in the inner circle.

Lawyer Fareshta Abbasi and others like her - may have fled Afghanistan - the Taliban think nothing of educated women - it has taken them over one and half years - to permit young women to attend high school - as for higher education - no plans are afoot to accommodate the Afghan women, and this is a crying - shame.

I was a young man in the early 1970s - when I went to Afghanistan - and I have fond memories of the hospitality showered on me and others in my company. Today, I am saddened but do all in my power to inform and more to bring about progress. To the young girls, women, and elders, I say - do not give up - we have your back.

The mess at Abbey Gate.

General Milley, you can right the wrong in Afghanistan. The ongoing GENOCIDE must STOP.

These thugs are not educated on issues. Bloodthirsty killers have no manners whatsoever; they love to bully young girls, women, and those who cannot defend themselves. These thugs must step down and fade into oblivion.

Long live the tenacious Afghan Woman.

The Afghan Woman is a warrior.

Tenacity and fortitude are part of her makeup

Never to be underestimated - she is a homemaker.

Her love for her children knows no bounds. 

Today she cannot feed her children - why should they die

why this GENOCIDE - why or why? 

The Taliban are thugs - bloodthirsty and evil 

They have no plan - as they are not educated 

All they do - day in and day out - is harass and bully

young girls, women, and those who cannot defend themselves

We, the United States, can do something about this - now.

Stop the GENOCIDE.

President Joe Biden, you have the responsibility. 

You know it but do not have the guts to address the situation

Release the seven billion dollars - as an emergency  - in dire straits

send it to those who can save lives, the NGOs

Stop this GENOCIDE - one of a kind

To the women of Afghanistan, I say 

Pray to God and believe in your being 

Time is of the essence - those that dying can be saved 

the world must awake - unite in this mission

The people of Afghanistan, more the young girls, and women

must be protected - STOP the genocide. Now.

Francisco Da Costa
Environmental Justice Advocacy

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