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Saturday, August 13, 2022



The Artic reveals to us more - let us learn - and act.

The experts studying the Arctic and Antarctic - are trying to explain to us - two-legged folks - the worst animals on this Earth - what is really happening.

The harm we humans are doing - emitting Cabon Dioxide and other pollutants into our environment- depleting the Ozone and letting in more sunshine - causing turbulence of the worst kind.

The Coriolis Effect - in combination with an area of high pressure - causes the prevailing winds - to move from east to west - on both sides of the Equator across this 60-degree belt.

The speed and direction of the wind are governed by three forces: the pressure gradient force - PGF, the Coriolis Force, and Friction.

PGF is the force produced by differences in aromatic pressure between two locations and is responsible for airflow from an area of high pressure to a place of low pressure. 

We need to take time to truly understand the plight of the Polar Bear, the Whales, and the Sea Lions - who will speak for them all?

In recent times France, Spain, Portugal, Germany - here in the United States, in many parts of Africa - fires and drought - and farmers say they have never endured such a state of affairs.

Lack of water - rivers dried up for the first time in hundreds of years - we humans must not just watch such events - and not take the time to study the empirical data.

Once, this mass of land - was thick ice - as wide as twenty feet - if not more. The Polar Bear - and her cubs could travel for miles on end - no more.

When the ice we see above covers miles of the ocean - the cold ice adversely impacts the ocean. The experts are still studying the situation - linked to winds, temperature, and algae, all sorts of experiments are being conducted to give us humans - some semblance of what is in store for us. 

Learn more:

Large chunks of the iceberg - bring down everything in its path - further adversely impacting the shoreline - the scientists are busy monitoring the situation - linked to sudden high-level sea rise, affecting plant life in general, the seals, the whales, the polar bear, the fish, all sorts of impacts on deep ocean life and life of plants that thrive a few feet below the ocean blue.

More and more the scientists tell us they see large areas in the oceans turn black - the cold ice on the surface - creating this phenomenon - for sure we know the high sea level factor - impact a more significant area bring about flooding, temperature change with high winds - and many other factors that the scientist are studying - from measurements, data collected and plain sound observation. 

Seeing is believing - time will tell - if the recent -
Climate Change will spur us - as the United States too is responsible for forty percent of the pollution - and now taken on the leadership to address Climate Change - after someone set us back some years back - these fanatics - and naysayers should fade into oblivion. The $430 billion linked to Climate Change - can make a difference - however, we must stay on track.

I live in San Francisco - a few hundred miles from where I live, raging fires - have burned millions of acres of land. Homes are lost. Many have lost their homes for the second time in a row. The tall Sequoia trees are thousands of years - some have burned down  - many others saved. As human beings - the indigenous people - remind us we must honor and respect Mother Earth.

The Emperor Penguin is still here. I am watching the Patagonia Series - bringing the world in Antarctica closer to us at home - via television. In Antarctica - in many areas, the Penguin population has increased. Thanks to the hard work of volunteers and environmentalists - who defied the odds. 

As humans, we must uplift each other. Good actions count. Change our habits - stop polluting and contaminating. Use less plastic - most land in our oceans. Eat right, and pray that all may be well. Challenge ourselves to learn more about Mother Earth, Respect the indigenous - apologize for the wrong done - stand tall, and represent. Take care of our infants, children, youth, young adults, and beloved Elders. We must help those that need help most - the mentally and physically - challenged. Aho. 

The penguins are counting on us - to help them survive.
Have you heard this refrain before - well, listen to it once more.

Salinity explained - check this out:

Check this pdf and retain it for your records:

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