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Sunday, August 14, 2022



I remember the Mujahideen - the CIA and others - arming them with shoulder missiles - and more. Then the United States - fighting the Soviet Union - forced them to leave on February 15, 1989.

My tryst with Afghanistan began long ago - much before the Soviet Union invaded Afghanistan on December 24, 1979.

Months later, I landed in Europe and read the many reports - about how the Soviet Union built a concrete road in the desert - a road I had seen and traveled for miles on end - and marveled why this was done. 

Now, I understand - how some nations - play their sordid game. 

I would never have thought Afghanistan would be beckoning me to help some decent, hardworking, honest Afghans who were promised help but then told to fend for themselves.

The Afghan Mujahideen - guerilla fighters from Afghanistan and all over the Middle-east - are reminiscent - of the Christian Crusaders - who went to the Holy Land - to fight for their cause.

Now living in San Francisco - I witnessed horrific scenes - Abbey Gate where the baby was handed over - the parents could not take it anymore - thousands lined to enter the gate -inching slowly - two or three inches at a time - thousands seeking freedom - getting nowhere.

I had been observing the mess in Afghanistan - we, the United States of America, had our chance to create something better for the Afghan people - but failed miserably.

The Soviet Union tried its hand at taming the Afghan and failed.

Earlier the British tried to do the same - an entire British brigade was killed - one soldier tied to a mule - blooded and sent to India across the Kyber Pass - a fact that the British recall to this date.

For reasons best known to the United States, we thought we could go to Afghanistan and tame the Afghan lion. High hopes!

In the early months of 2021, I received a telephone call - the call requested me to help an Afghan - who had served our nation, the United States - but now had to fend for himself. 

I agreed to the request, contacted some of my former Department of Defense friends and others, and found myself in a conundrum. 

The United States Department of State was in a mess. They had just inherited the lot from the previous administration, and the current Secretary of State - Antony J. Blinken - was confounded with a backlog and no clear direction.

The U.S. Secretary of State  - was confounded, and I decided not to go near the cesspool. 

The mission was to get this one Afghan out of Kabul Airport - surrounded by the Taliban.

The Kabul airport was a mess - and all sorts of issues had to be addressed as a priority.

We had to find a solution that worked and all this remote control.

Abbey Gate and the Marines putting their lives on the line. Thirteen soldiers died - let us not forget this fact.

Today thousands of Afghan infants, children, youth, Elders, and those with compromised health are dying. While some Non-governmental agencies are trying their best from Germany, Norway, and other daring NGOs - we, the United States, have chosen to not do much - and let the genocide go on.

As one who has followed the atrocities in Cambodia, Rwanda, Argentina, Yemen, Russia, Myanmar, China, Sudan, Ethiopia, Eretria, and a host of other nations - I see the role of the United States - lacking a sound international policy.  

This may be because the United States does not have a deep colonial past - much like the Belgians, the Dutch, the Portuguese, the Spanish, the English,  Germans, and others too many to name - you do the research. 

The United States failed miserably in Afghanistan -  President Joe Biden did not have to act in the manner he did - without a sound exit policy.

President Joe Biden - did not have to follow the agreement below - made by a Superpower and a terrorist organization:

Most Americans do not educate themselves on issues - even today, they have NO clue what really happened in Afghanistan.

They have NO clue what happened in Iraq and Libya.

Most American - more White  - think we are a Superpower and can do as we please.

We have not, until today - come to grips - with why we left a bloody mess in Afghanistan.

The United States - spent twenty-two years - and left Afghanistan worse than it has ever been in decades.

The United States is fully responsible for the current genocide happening in Afghanistan. Time will tell.

My early travels to Afghanistan and the neighboring nations in - the early 1970 have remained with me to this day.

I met the people, talked to them, and they shared with me their sentiments - and I used my innate talents and knowledge to understand more. 

There are many professionals - among them Army generals who are my good friends - we discuss today's happenings and the situation at hand.

The United States, somewhere along the line - lost its standards and values - all over the world.

The few professional citizens of the United States - stand tall and represent - and have created some semblance. This state of affairs is well known - more today than ever before.

The January 6, 2022 debacle - the invasion of Capitol Hill.

The lengthy but needed Commission - investigating the happenings of January 6, 2022 - the two failed impeachments led by Nancy Pelosi and Chuch Schumer  - says that divisiveness is increasing.

 One-third of our population are fanatics - and will listen to the fool that is Donald Trump.

Donald Trump - a traitor - stole classified documents -that he had no business - stole and took them to his private residence.

Donald Trump initiated the mess that today erodes Afghanistan - the United States has no business signing any agreement with the terrorist - Taliban. 

The people of Afghanistan are noble; their hospitality and generosity are second to none.

This ongoing genocide is unwarranted - and those of us who have tried to do our best - to bring succor to Afghanistan - will do all in our power - to hold that flame of peace and progress - and persevere. Aho.

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