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Sunday, August 28, 2022




Mayor London Breed has no clue what is happening.
Thousands have left San Francisco - there are 45,000
 vacant homes and millions of square feet of Commerical 
space empty - the Mayor using Twitter to paint a rosy picture - 
the streets dirty, homeless tents, middle-class eroding- compromising, Quality of Life issues.

The City and County of San Francisco have a budget of over $14 Billion - 2022-2023 and 2023-2024.

The current pandemic has hit the City hard - many city employees do not want to return to work.

The constituents of San Francisco - have seen our City - at its lowest - pathetic state of affairs.

Millions of dollars - Stimulus money meant to uplift those in need were squandered - an ongoing audit will reveal the truth.

 SFGOVTV touting workshops, LGBT parades, and all sorts of mundane events - nothing to do with quality services and the upkeep of our City and County of San Francisco.

Thousands of families leaving San Francisco - the impending Recession - lack of quality jobs - the SF City and County in pandemonium - those in charge - astounded, confused - and in utter disarray. 

The many SF City and County Departments and heads of Departments are in disarray - and the city work suffers from severe backlogs. 

Mayor London has partnered with losers like Scott Wiener to create " drug hubs" - where folks can do their drugs - and are provided with paraphernalia to execute the drug habits. 

The Governor of California, Gavin Newsome, shot the plan down.

Down went another stupid idea to keep bars open until 4 am in the morning. This, too, was shot down - we have Seniors and others during this pandemic - who need more peace of mind - and not noise and pandemonium.

Scott Wiener - do not let that smile - fool you.

Scott Wiener is one of those who likes to make headlines while he sidelines those who need help - most. 

Scott Wiener's prominent supporters - " Big Developers " - now have all their projects stalled. Takes four years to get permits to build and one more year for entitlements.

The SF Planning has lost its leadership - kicking the can down the street. 

The SF Department of Building Inspection - still trying to figure out - why the Millenium Building - is sinking and tilting - unstable - with huge cracks all over the building.

The pandemic did not allow one to access the SF City Departments for over two years. Now when you visit the SF City Departments - you hear all sorts of excuses - and most people who want permits - are fed up.

Millions of dollars - flooded San Francisco. Those who made hay while the sun was shining - the inner circle beholden to Mayor London Breed - she is being investigated by know - whom.

Carmen Chu, the former  SFAssessor, took over Naomi Kelly's job - as SF City Administrator. How about creating a Commission linked to the Contract Monitoring Division? How about checkmate Dwayne Jones, who is bidding his time - the FBI - still wheeling and dealing - has made his nest with the SF Port Authority.

Juliet Ellis - Wow!

Juliet Ellis fooled many - pulled the wool over the eyes in broad daylight. - now, missing in action. Poor Harlan Kelly is singing the blues. His successor General Manager of the SF Public Utilities Commission - Dennis Herrera - laughed all the way to the bank - his annual salary of $450,000. His sidekick Ron Flin - $250,000- has failed to investigate the millions wasted SSIP - project - which started with a budget of $6 Billion - is now $12 Billion and will soon be $20 Billion. 

Justice for All.

We have the Sunshine Task Force that is impotent. The SF Ethics Commission is dysfunctional. 

The SF BOS is now messing with" behested payments" the language is evident when you read Proposition E.

Let - that language stated in Proposition E be in place. 

We do not want anyone to muddy the waters - and that is what is happening - with behested payment - at the ongoing SF Ethics commission. 

San Franciscans are astute and know how to uplift one another.

We did this during the pandemic - stepping up and ensuring our elders and those who most needed help were helped.

We saw others take Stimulus money and pocket the money - all while doing nothing - looking the other way - while thousands were suffering.

The sellouts, primarily Black, must be ashamed of themselves - when they do wrong, they must be punished. Now we have the SF City Attorney - backing " Jailbirds," which is wrong.

San Franciscans have the patience - but, like we have seen in the SF Castro - the businesses have decided not to pay taxes unless the daily nuisances they endure - are addressed.

The shooting and killings have increased - and while promises are made, none are kept.

More and more Seniors and that challenged stay at home.

If this vulnerable population - dare to go out - they are assaulted. 

It is like a war zone in many places - pathetic.

All the while, the politicians have a good time - having disdain for those that bring to their attention what to do to improve - more, Quality of Life issues.

If it is too hot in the kitchen, stay out.


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