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Tuesday, August 30, 2022



Too many skyscrapers - contributing to the depletion of the Ozone layer - the SF Board of Supervisors and the Mayor London Breed would not know that. Tall, dense buildings emit more contamination and pollution than any other category.

For decades, the City and County of San Francisco have had loopholes in contracts, operations, and commissions to make policies and enforce them.

It all started in 1996, and you know who was the Mayor - then. He is still dipping like a dipstick - screwing innocent people's life.

The SF Planning Department failed to address affordable housing to those making eighty thousand and below - focused on market price housing and gave expeditors like Walter Wong to have a field day. 

Imagine it takes five years to get entitlements, and only the filthy BIG wealthy developers who have access to dark money - can fork up the money - and leach on those who have money to own market price homes and condominiums.

The SF Board of Supervisors rubber-stamped projects needing in-depth assessment, accountability, and transparency.

The ordinance mandates any amount over ten million comes to the SF Board of Supervisors for approval.

Again and again, we saw - SF City Departments spending over ten million - and the Supervisors looked the other way - approving the projects, and now the SF Board of Supervisors wants to establish a Commission such as the Department of Public Works Commission.

Another Commission - on Streets and Sanitation - those on the Commission smell foul - inept and talk in circles.

Dense housing on land that is prone to severe flooding and liquefaction. More contamination from the Hunters Point Naval Shipyard. Depleted uranium was tested - recently elevated levels of plutonium in the urine and blood of those tested - living near the Hunters Point Naval Shipyard. 

Dwayne Jones put up these banners - all over the hill at Hunters Point - the wind tore them asunder - today, Dwayne Jones is still doing what he does best - using taxpayers' money - to wheel and deal.

Each of these folks - Nancy Pelosi, Diane Feinstein, Mayor Willie L. Brown Jr., Secretary of the U.S. Navy Gordon R. England - with intent signed an agreement - to build housing on very contaminated ground. Missing former Supervisor Sophie Maxwell, who agreed to the sordid - agreement.

Check this document by the SF Grand Jury :

It is a crying shame how the San Francisco Public Utilities Commission, in the year 2022 - thinks nothing much about flushing thousands of toilets flushed every day - with clean drinking water. 

To date - we have not received data - on how many miles remain of the 1200 miles of clean drinking water pipes that have been replaced.

Millions - of clean drinking water leach into the ground - from old pipes, many ninety-five years old.

Fifteen years ago - the SF Planning Department - should have mandated grey water pipes incorporated on all new construction - more skyscrapers.

One building that has done this is the Salesforce building.

In the SF Mission - filthy streets - drug paraphernalia, and used drug needles were everywhere. 

Hillary Ronnen loves to talk but has no clue about the quality of Life issues. 

Hillary Ronnen - has failed miserly to improve - San Francisco -San Bruno Avenue, which has generated millions in taxes - the SF City and County has turned a blind eye - is quick to receive the taxes.

The crosswalk by San Bruno and Felton has faded for three years now. Call the authorities, and no one pays any attention.

Plans are afoot to remove parking - create all sorts of obstacles to our community - all Hillary Ronnen does is smile like a jackass. Jump the gun and speaks from both sides of her mouth.

Now she wants to push for a Cannabis Club right by Walgreens, San Francisco - San Bruno Avenue, and Felton.

Most - folks living in the area - have not been notified - this Cannabis should not be - given a permit to operate by the popular Walgreens - adversely impacting children, youth, and our Seniors.

Stop importing riff-raff on San Bruno and Felton- an area where we have some semblance - now.

As it is - thieves come and steal stuff from Walgreens.

 This same riff-raff will then go and stale Cannabis - they will wait for those buying Cannabis and then steal from them. They will create more nuisance - and no one will address the pandemonium.

More and more, we see those mentally challenged - sleep on our streets on San Bruno Avenue. Some of these folks have not had a bath in months - they stink to high heaven - all in the middle of the pandemic.

Chief Scott Williams 

We monitor our streets - and stop many Elderly Chinese Americans from getting hurt.

We need those who have received millions of dollars to patrol the streets of San Bruno - which has turned into a second China Town.

We had a shooting at the Round Table Pizza - blood splashed everywhere not long ago.

Daily we hear gunfire - more by San Bruno and Paul Street.

We have all sorts of crime by San Bruno and Silver Avenue.

From Silver Avenue - all the way to Wayland - eighty percent of the stores - have been broken into - money and goods stolen.

I am sure the District Nine Supervisor does not know this - and if she knows - she has not lifted her finger. She is busy - addressing mundane issues - failed to address the severe problems for San Bruno Avenue.

It has been a month now - all our English newspaper vending boxes have been removed from SF San Bruno Avenue.

Recently I saw some of the locations where the English newspaper vending boxes were - and now replaced by Chinese newspapers. 

I think some notice goes out to us decent constituents who pay our taxes - to inform us what the hell is happening.

Also, garbage bins were removed - and only a few were replaced. 

More and more, the City and County of San Francisco - are neglecting Quality of Life issues in our neighborhoods.

The SF Board of Supervisors pussyfooting with our rights.

Enough is enough.

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