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Monday, August 8, 2022



Climate Change is here to stay.

The most significant $430 Billion - Climate Change has passed, and it is time now to have a short-term plan - linked to a long-term project - with goals and enforcement - accountable to the taxpayers who are footing the bill. 

For all the talk, Climate Change has not been addressed - as it had to be addressed. The United States, with Barrack Obama, took the lead - only for the demonic Donald Trump to go backward.

It did not help that what took place in Scotland - was hogwash - advocates of climate change were kept out. 

Advocates had to pay for their own airfare and pay for their own accommodation.

Large corporations - with millions of dollars to spend - had access to everything - the advocates kept out - such are the ways of the wicked - who use Climate Change - as a dubious ploy.

 The United States further - met with resistance here at home - the Republic and the Democrats at logger's head. 

The Environmental Protection Agency - failing to take a solid stand to reduce the Carbon Footprint - reduction of the Ozone zone - adversely impacting billions of people worldwide.

The Oak Fire and other fires have caused havoc - millions of acres incinerated with homes and other facilities - turned to ash.

If you look at the current situation, Climate Change is here to stay.

Mainly because China and India come to mind, the nations that pollute the most - will carry on using coal. 

India is playing it both ways, trying to pussyfoot with the United States - while tied to the hip of the Russians. 

India buys war amenities from the United States - MIGS from Russia - this sitting on the fence and seeing which side is green - will end - and India will suffer the consequences.

India is brokering petrol and related products  - as a proxy for Russia. India claims it is a democracy. Not, so its present Prime Minister is an autocrat.

Targeting Muslims - the Adivasi Tribes, refugees from Bangla Desh - no one can always fool all the people. 

India importing coal from Russia.

China, because of the current situation in Taiwan -  has threatened the United States - by canceling important agreements - including Climate Change. I have said for the longest time - no one should have anything much with the Chinese Communist Party - scumbags.

China uses Uyghurs as slaves to produce solar panels - other products with little or no payment - modern-day slavery -
 while bullying Taiwan and thinking it will get away with murder in broad daylight. On human rights - China is at the bottom of the list - more harvesting organs - and committing other untold atrocities. 

Mainland China - the Chinese Communist Party, is NOT to be trusted. The communist Chinese keep murdering the Uyghurs and other minorities. 

We are watching you like a hawk.

More, to be on the lookout - 35,000 Chinese students in our colleges and universities in the United States.

Over 3500 Chinese spies have a field day. More here in San Francisco.

Here in California, the 5th largest economy in the world - we are facing water shortage, drought, and related factors - affecting our trillion-dollar agriculture and food export businesses.

Food security is affecting millions - we have a population of 40 million in the United States - and should be able to cater to this population, but that is not the case.

Most affected our Elders and children - reminiscent of when this nation was in a Recession -  and millions went to bed hungry.

We will not get the average rain - all over the world.

We must conserve water - every single drop - drip watering, greenhouses with the latest technology, and other innovative methods  - growing vegetables and fruits indoors - are working - and should be encouraged.

These innovative ways of addressing food security - have been in place and working - and the time has come to organize and cater to each community or region - using logistics - smaller quadrants that can deliver. 

Our greenhouses must be subsidized. Giving taxpayers' a say in what they want to eat and keeping everything - free from pesticides - which today contaminated ninety-eight percent of our vegetables and fruits - " organic " is a joke.

The United States enforcement agencies that must monitor what we eat and digest - have let us down.

Much like the Internal Revenue Service - we need several enforcement agencies to strictly monitor standards - the FDA comes to mind.

More, those corporations raking in trillions - must be monitored - after one Notice of Violation warning - the second Notice Violation a heavy fine - the Third Notice of Violation - and you are out of business.

The time has come for more small Farmers' Markets that are given grants. Experts in the agriculture field help the small farmers - with the latest technology and empirical data.

The farmers are honest and can be trusted - not the large corporations.

The large corporations  - have milked the system, and what is important to note - is poisoning millions.

Using - dangerous pesticides and other chemicals - leads to tumors, cancer, and what have you.

The baby food products have lead, mercury, and other carcinogens, and we think nothing of this - our Food and Drug enforcement is pathetic. Do you think if these jerks - do not care about our infants and children - they will care about others? 

For the last 50 years, I have monitored these enforcement agencies - they have failed us all.

More and more, our colleges and universities must be provided high-tech laboratories - so that at the local level, testing is done.

Much like we can test the water we drink, soil that we work with, and, for that matter, our blood and get a complete physical test.

We can easily take steps to help the American citizens - who once had control over what they consumed - no more.

Large corporations continue to harm us - when caught, they make excuses - millions have slowly died - from sulfates, nitrates,  lead, and mercury - carcinogens.

Time to zero in on the corrupt corporations - that do not care about our health - but focus more on greed and dark money.

Greedy politicians all over the nation have teamed with large corporations - that provide us all with our food, milk, fruits, water, medicines - anything that we put into our bodies - and failed to assure that that is quality control.

This Climate Change bill can and must incorporate what I have stated above. Allow high schools, colleges, and universities to take control of our bodies - by providing testing and empirical data. 

Much like in the old days - education was provided - today, we seem to go easy on the curricula - and it does not matter that the professors and teachers - are not well educated and cannot discern.

The United States should be ashamed of itself - for allowing India and China to provide us with medicines we can manufacture here in the United States.

China has sent us cat and dog food - laced with lead, mercury, and other dangerous chemicals - adversely impacting our pets.

China and the Communist Party of China - does this with the intent - to test our ability to monitor - and we have failed our taxpayers and decent, hard-working citizens.

Climate Change is not only about the weather - but thousands of other salient and pertinent factors that contribute to Climate Change.

The skyscrapers we build contribute to the increase of the Carbon Footprint.

Our transportation system, vehicles, ships, boats, and planes contribute to the increase of the Carbon Footprint.

We have millions of acres of land prone to liquefaction and more spewing methane gas - one ton of Methane gas - equals twenty-two tons of Carbon Dioxide.

We have large companies - using poor infill - and contributing to contamination - and there is no law looking into this situation - more in Mission Bay in San Francisco.

We look at Climate Change is a rather matter-of-fact way - failing to do a needs assessment. We cannot discern because we are not educated on issues.

Here in San Francisco - the Hunters Point Naval Shipyard and surrounding area are prone to liquefaction. Depleted Uranium was tested at Hunters Point Naval Shipyard - yet over 30,000 homes are slated to be built on land prone to liquefaction and flooding.

Developers without qualms of conscience - are salivating - building skyscrapers at Mission Bay, Pier 70, Hunters Point Naval Shipyard, and other locations prone to liquefaction -  time will tell.

The Millenium Building next to the Salesforce Building - is sinking, and San Francisco is at its wit's end. Ten more such buildings will come toppling down when the Big One strikes.

Our Hetch Hetchy system - we get our clean drinking water from 1600 miles away - stores the water at Calaveras Dam, Crystal Spring, University Mound, and other reservoirs. In 2022, we still continue - to flush our toilets with clean drinking water.

San Francisco authorities give a damn that they robbed the land - every square inch. 

We have SF Board of Supervisors - lackeys who talk too much - all that will end. Mostly talking about mundane subjects.

We have a Department of Environment - its past Director Debbie Raphael fired - the present Department of Environment - does not have money to address Climate Change.

In San Francisco, we have the Goldman Environmental Fund - but it does not address what is happening in its backyard.

It honors environment advocates from all over the world.

In San Francisco, we have the Department of Racial Equity.

We have a Mayor, London Breed, who will take any opportunity to bark up the wrong tree. She was fined over $23,000 by the SF Ethics Commission - she is currently being investigated.

We have a President of the SF Board of Supervisors - who recently called the cadet working for the Sheriff's Office the " N " word. Added, he would whoop his arse! Wow!

San Francisco does not have a working plan to increase the forest canopy that has been doing well for many decades. 

Hundreds of trees have been felled at the Golden Gate Park and McClaren Park - and elsewhere. There has been no plan to replace the trees.

A needs assessment was done - and we still are working on increasing the forest canopy in San Francisco - for all the talk, there has been no walk. Any takers.

San Francisco has areas - that come under the United Nations - preserving our unique micro-climate. Today all this and more is in peril - our streets in San Francisco are filthy.

Hundreds living in tents - in filthy conditions - Urban Alchemy is raking in millions - its CEO making over 220,000 annually -poverty pimps and whores.

San Francisco pretends to address Climate Change. 

Can we start by taking care of all trees with our $17 Billion budget and increase the forest canopy within three years?

This City and County of San Francisco - wicked to the core - the SF Board of Supervisors - all of them - will fall on their face - flat:


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