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Sunday, May 1, 2022



Who will come to the rescue of the Uyghurs in China?

The recent history - of the United States - if we go back 400 years - is tainted with horrific incidents - we could name the Civil War, where millions were killed - history has made some vain attempt to paint that picture - one cannot - it was too much to stomach.  

Today most Americans are not fully aware of Mainland Communist China - corraling millions of Uyghurs - in camps - and committing the worse type of atrocities. 

Besides trying to brainwash millions of Uyghurs who are Muslims - depriving them of the faith. Daily the Uyghurs are forced to learn Mandarin, not their language.

The Uyghurs women and girls are raped, body parts harvested, the men tortured - and we, the United States, continue to do business with Mainland China.

Here in the United States, we fail to read and study our own sordid history - Turtle Island. President Andrew Jackson - forcibly removed indigenous tribes who had lived on their land for thousands of years. Stole millions of acres. Forced indigenous tribes to walk miles - infants, children, Elders, others weak - forced to march - many died - and we think nothing much of this sordid history.  

Chief Joseph from the Nez Perce - his proper name will be remembered for generations - Heinmot Tooyalakekt - 

(1841 - 1904)  

Chief Sitting Bull  (Tatanka-Iyotanka) - religious and political leader, Hunkpapa military, united the Lakota Nation.

(ca. 1831 - 1890 )

China, Russia, India, and other spineless nations - who do not want to stand up for what is right - have blood on their hands.

China continues to steal our information here in the United States - having no standards, ethics, morals, and for sure must NOT be trusted.

Why are we doing business with a nation - that sends thousands of tons of opioids, other illegal drugs daily - thousands of innocent Americans hooked on drugs - dying.

Why do we trust China to manufacture our medicines - manufactured in the many Pharmaceutical Factories - in China and India.  

China keeps bullying the Philippines - torturing the minorities in China - the Uyghurs come to mind - what we are not aware of is here in the United States, we have no clue what is happening.

We have 300,000 Chinese students in the United States - we teach them, and they do back and use the information to hoodwink us in broad daylight.

What are 30,000 Chinese spies doing all over the United States?

Chinese cyber thugs have no morals. They have no ethics. Truth be told, the Chinese thugs - have all our information.

The thug Chinese - even dared to hack the Office of Personnel Management - stealing information - from many Americans - who have top-secret clearance.

Why can't we reduce to dust - what we see above in Russia?

We have failed Ukraine - choosing to do something at the eleventh hour - thousands of civilians have died - over 20,000 - the military casualties are difficult to calculate - for every one Ukraine soldier - fifty Russian soldiers have been killed.

Finland now wants to join NATO and has decided to tackle Russian Jets in the air. This ongoing war - will get worse. We must continue supporting Ukraine. Even though we were too late - to support Ukraine - with the much-needed essential tools - it is never late in this situation to do the right thing.

Finland has thousands of miles of border with Russia.

Finland, Norway, and Sweden are ready to tackle the Big Ugly Bear - Vladimir Putin is a coward - and it is just a matter of time - we teach him a lesson. Son of a bitch.

We must remember - we, the United States and Britain - help negotiate a signed treaty. Made Ukraine handover 1900 nuclear missiles to Russia - after the downfall of the Soviet power.

Had the Ukrainians had the 1900 nuclear missiles today - Vladimir Putin and his henchmen - would have their tails between their legs.

Had the United States had a thorough needs assessment in place.  Within 48 hours after Russia invaded Ukraine - we could have sent a clear message to Russia - and there would be no more action - the mouse would be silenced forever.

On the contrary, we, the United States - were ready to make arrangements for President Zelenskyy to leave Ukraine - and who do you think - would be in charge?

A woman Ukrainian soldier - others like her - Ukrainian soldiers love their nation. The Russian has sent conscripts to Ukraine -  many do not know what they are doing. Hence, thousands have died - many Russian in Russia lied all the time - typical of Vladimir Putin, who has blood on his hands.

The Ukrainian soldiers are ready to lay down their lives. They are fighting for the Free World - as opposed to Vladimir Putin, Xi Jinping, and other autocrats - that we must be leery of. One Ukrainian soldier  - woman or man - equals over a hundred poorly trained, confused, inebriated,  drugged - Russian soldiers.

Stop this bastard - he needs to go.

Glory to Ukraine! Glory to Ukraine! Glory to Ukraine!

We love you, infants, children, youth, and the Elders of Ukraine.

The many Ukrainian mothers - so brave to take their children to safety - left their husbands to fight and save Ukraine - the Motherland. 

Many of us advocates who are not Ukrainians - can do one thing for sure - speak Truth to Power - we write, sing, paint, tell the world that we must stand united - against the evil and forces of evil.

Who will speak for the infants, the children, the youth, the beloved Elders, those with compromised health - more the physically and mentally challenged  - we the advocates.

One day we can show and display our efforts - this is the digital world.

Our hearts bleed, and we cry with those who have empathy. We do not stop revealing and exposing injustice. 

Portray the pictures and photographs - sound the sounds that matter, write and tell the truth - do other things - to hinder the evildoers. 

We have good hackers - teaching those that think they are better - revealing to them - we can take them down. Time will tell.

We hope the International Courts - will deal with Vladimir Putin and his henchmen - when that comes - much like the Nurenberg trials - we can say - there is a God - the innocent have not died in vain.

Justice and fair play - matter - we stand united with the thousands in Ukraine and those Ukrainians - worldwide. Aho.

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