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Tuesday, May 3, 2022



China's Xi Jinping is a master manipulator.

The world looks at the United States to stand up and stand steadfast for values that matter.

The United States made many mistakes - in Iraq, Libya, Afghanistan, and even in Europe when Donald Trump tried his best to destroy the North Atlantic Treaty Organization.

Donald Trump - his failed stance with Iran - his denial of Climate change and the Paris agreement.

Signing an agreement with the Taliban -  leaving a mess in Afghanistan.

Finally - culminating with January 6, 2021, attack on Capitol Hill - creating divisiveness all over the United States.

Even as the United States was getting weak - Xi Jinping was creating grandiose plans - building a railway from Beijing, China, to Istanbul, Turkey.

Following the old Silk Route - that many of us may know little about - trade and power made the many Chinese rulers - dynasties such as the Ming Dynasty acknowledged worldwide - even on the East Coast of Africa.  

Together, Vladimir Putin and Xi Jinping want to teach us the Free World - more the United States - a lesson. These two autocrats wish to us the United States to play second fiddle.

We know now the SARS-CoV-2 virus evolved in recent years - in China. The SARS-CoV-2 is capable of billions of changes - baffling scientists - keeping our hospitals guessing.

China is fully responsible for playing a role in helping poor nations - more in Africa, South America, the Middle East, and other places.

While China will go to a nation - build a stadium, lay some rails to operate a railway line - the one from Dar -es - salam, East Africa, to Cape Town,  South Africa comes to mind.

China has thousands of projects all over Africa and South America - mining projects, media projects, agricultural projects - hoodwinking the poor with cheap trinkets - while the United States has absolutely no International sound policy.

While Donald Trump was in office - over ninety percent of the post linked to various ambassadors worldwide were vacant.

What does this one singular fact reveal to the world - and more to the educated in the United States? We have some talk but no walk.

While China could have done something to elevate poor nations - when it came to health and related issues. China has failed miserably on this front.

 China does some more contributing to the World Health Organization and uses this contribution to position itself.

As soon as the Centers for Diseases Control in the United States - found out about the origin of the COVID-19 virus - the United States requested access to the source - and was denied.

China did publish the DNA of the COVID-19 virus - for all the world to see - which helped the United States some.

Early on, the United States had great success with the Ebola virus - we stopped it in the tracks in Central Africa.

Ten years before 2019 - here in the United States, we already had significant success with the rRNA model - using proteins - that could latch on to the virus - and kill it - then creating anti-bodies that could make the body - ward off the targeted virus.

Russia had grand plans to use the Nord Stream 2 natural gas and petroleum pipeline from Russia to Germany - to use the natural gas pipeline  - to hold Europe hostage.  

Today, the world's economy has turned upside down - turpsy turvy as they say - the Middle East is hurting - food security.

It is the same with Africa - depending on wheat from Ukraine - the price for bread, cooking oil, and other essential commodities - is slowly killing thousands of African infants, babies, youth, elders, and those with compromised health.

Let us look at today's events - from a different vantage point. 

If our heart is in the right place - reflecting on past history and learning some - if our heart is in the right place?

If we have empathy - if we think indeed - the present history of warring for no actual cause - as in Ukraine - should be tolerated?

Chief Joseph of the Nez Perce (1841-1904)

Fredrick Douglass (1817-1895)

Chief Sitting Bull (1831-1890)

Here in the United States, the indigenous people's land - the Great Spirit- has blessed us with - abundance.

Once known as Turtle Island, this land is now known as the United States of America.

The world must know that the Iroquois Nation practiced Democracy for thousands of years on Turtle Island.

The Founding Fathers often invited the Elders of the Iroquois Nation - sharing views - many of the concepts incorporated in the United States Constitution - have their origins in the governing of the Six Nations - the Iriquois Tribe.

President Andrew Jackson ( 1767 -1845 )

President Andrew Jackson has tarnished our United States Constitution - a rogue United States President who stole millions of acres from the indigenous tribes.

President Andrew Jackson murdered infants, children, Elders, and the most vulnerable -  his atrocities can be compared to the debacle we are seeing in Ukraine today.

His face is on the twenty-dollar bill  - and must be replaced by a decent person.

Andrew Jackson - was a despicable person - a disgrace to the human race.

Millions of acres belong to the Cherokee and Seminole indigenous people - from Georgia, Tennessee, Alabama, North Carolina, and Florida. 

Forcing indigenous tribes -  from their land of origin - and moving them to - other states - far away from the homeland. 

Thousands died on this trail - walking thousands of miles away - across the Mississippi River, where most indigenous tribes were forced to live - under horrendous conditions.

Americans seem not to care about this sordid history - and in doing so - they reveal their ignorance and arrogance. 

December 2009 - President Barack Hussin Obama - passed a bill offering an apology to the indigenous tribes - no reparations whatsoever - the bill was a farce. A slap on the face of decency. 

Thousands died - millions of acres stolen, a dark cloud hovering over our sordid history - and no one cared. Karma.

Shame on the United States government.

Muwekma Ohlone Warrior

Here in San Francisco, the only tribe that has exercised its Right of First Refusal - is the Muwekma Ohlone Tribe - this was done in 1991.

This land is called San Francisco, and all the adjacent land was stolen. There is not one single square inch that was sold - no document that someone or entity sold the ground - it was all stolen.

Until 1927 the Muwekma Ohlone were on the Federal Register - and then illegally removed by a Bureau of Indian Affairs Agent - L.A. Dorrington.

The Muwekma Ohlone Tribe used DNA to prove it right as a tribe with continuity. It also proved to birth certificates and other legal means - that they are a tribe.

The Department of Interior went out of its way - to bring about hurdles. Even though documents were found within the archives of the Department of Interior - that the Muwekma Ohlone Tribe has legal rights to land and benefits - as the First People of San Francisco.

The Muwekma Ohlone Tribes embrace and encourages all indigenous people to respect one another - follow the traditions of all indigenous people - when it comes to respecting the host tribe - of any land.

In unity is strength. Our hearts must be in the right place. We cannot take anyone to a better place - if we who purport to be leaders - lie, cheat, and are convoluted in our talk and deeds.

The San Francisco Board of Supervisors - has no clue about the Muwekma Ohlone.

If you play with fire - you will hurt yourselves - do not play one entity against another - never mind if you are using tainted blood money - to wheel and deal.

Please visit the Muwekma Ohlone Tribes website:

San Francisco is a racist city - known for playing one group against the other. Platitudes and wheeling and dealing - will not hinder the Muwekma Ohlone from attaining their right to be respected - and have control over land taken from them. 

Up until 1927 - if you killed an indigenous person - one could fetch $5 for the scalp. Edict sent to all of California - encouraging those who had no respect for the indigenous people - to kill, murder, rape, and commit other atrocities. The Great Spirit sees it all.

Frederick Douglass (1817 -1895 )

If Frederick Douglass was alive today - what would he have said about Ukraine and the role of world leaders?

Slow to react - and now pussyfooting at the last moment - to come to the rescue of Ukraine.

What would Chief Sitting Bull and Chief Joseph have said of the White men and his endless greed and lack of spiritual values?

Even as Vladimir Putin wants to take over Ukraine, Russia loses with no purpose in mind.

Russia's economy spiraling, Russians leaving in droves - and Vladimir Putin - will soon hang for his misdeeds.

Alaska was bought for $7. 2 million dollars.

Alaska was bought by then-President Andrew Johnson in 1867 for $7. 2 million - about 0.39 cents an acre.

Some 586,412 square miles.

Russia was paid in gold - the transaction done by some brokers - most thought - then the land barren.

That was until gold was found in the Klondike - now oil in vast quantities by Juno - forcing us to think about climate change and pollution from oil spills.

These scenes from Mariopul force us to think about the future of the Ukrainians - is there a solution - by maybe allowing Ukrainians to settle down in Alaska.

As fellow human beings - we could allow the Ukrainians to settle in Alaska - build their churches, schools, farm, and prove to the world that they can adapt as most human beings do.

All the talk will take the Ukrainian trillions of dollars to build Ukraine.

Russia cannot be trusted - been after Vladimir Putin goes away - others will come - it is inherent that Russian leaders - have a streak for blood - Stalin and others come to mind - these leaders thrive on blood, watch innocent people starve.

The incarceration of thousands - much like China - the Galog starring at us. 

The thug and liar must be put away - now.

It makes things all the more difficult - allowing Donald Trump to move about and say and do things that are not warranted.

The Constitution points out and says that Donald Trump is a thug, liar, and traitor that must be hung.

Much like we cannot trust Vladimir Putin and Xi Jinping - Donald Trump is worse - the man does not believe in due process, lies, cheats - he is a LOSER.


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