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Sunday, May 22, 2022



We must not take our clean drinking water for granted. We do so millions of gallons of clean drinking water used for flushing our toilets. All this in the year 2022.

The politicians in San Francisco are corrupt - attend any meeting in person or virtual - you will notice - these jerks speak in circles.

Corruption in San Francisco has reached saturation point.

Never mind, the Federal Bureau of Investigation had to step in and indict someone like Harlan Kelly and warn his wife, Naomi Kelly.

 One is the former General Manager of the San Francisco Public Utilities Commission, and the other is the SF City Administrator.

Read the Raker Act of 1913 to be educated on issues:

Our SF Board of Supervisors is arrogant and mostly ignorant.

None of them have read the Raker Act of 1913 - none of them understand about our Watershed, less the contamination of our Bay - we are surrounded on three sides by water - the Bay waters are contaminated.

The present SF Board of Supervisors mostly talk in circles - on their agenda, they have mundane subjects - they do not comprehend the meaning of Quality of Life issues - hence the drugs sold on our streets of San Francisco.

San Francisco leads the nation - in the number of addicts who die from Opioids - thousands die - the opioids are manufactured mainly in China - brought in by Mexican cartels - the SF Board of Supervisors - is fast asleep in the cockpit.

The homeless situation is getting worse - tent cities all over.

Urban Alchemy milking the SF taxpayers - wasting millions - and kicking the can down the street.

The Mayor of San Francisco will use any opportunity to speak - talking from both sides of her dirty mouth - barking up the wrong tree.

I have been monitoring the situation for over 40 years - and today, the problem is the worst ever.

The San Francisco Health Department has a budget of over $3 billion  - has failed our infants, children, youth, young adults, and Elders. Those with compromised health - more, the mentally and physically - challenged.

The City and County of San Francisco have a budget of over $14 billion - and cannot provide baseline services - when it comes to clean streets and meaningful response when the SF Police Department is called; our hospitals do not have the required beds to provide services to our mentally challenged.

Thousands of our children are suffering - the doctors and those in the know who comprehend the situation - say they will do something - but do not. Who is responsible for pandemonium?

The politicians talk about affordable housing - recently listening to the Mayor's Office of Economic Development - pointing the finger at the Housing Element - the experts say only if they have 3 billion dollars - can they solve the problem.

We have over 1500 toxic hotspots in San Francisco.

There has been no plan to abate or mitigate these toxic hotspots.

Former SF City Attorney - current General Manager of the SF Public Utilities Commission - making over $450,000 - the fox guarding the chicken coop - only in San Francisco.

The SF Public Utilities Commission - continues to mix groundwater with the Hetchy Hetch water - often, the water coming out of our faucets - stinks - you complain - and there is no - response.

The Ocean Sewage Treatment Plan - spews raw sewage - into the Pacific Ocean.

Amazingly, this issue has not come before the SF Public Utilities Commission - for the public - know what exactly is happening?

How many Notice of Violations does it take - both at the Phelps Raw Sewage Treat Plant and the Ocean Treatment Plant by the SF Zoo - to fix the problem - attain and maintain Quality of Life issues?

Both the Legislative Branch- the SF Board of Supervisors and the Executive Branch - have failed San Franciscans.

Dwayne Rudolf Jones - philanthropist and gatekeeper of the Bayview - who hails from Los Angles - lives in the East Bay - uses taxpayers' money - wheeling and dealing - still around - bragging he can do what he pleases. How many does he have on his payroll?

Thugs use SF taxpayers' money - and call themselves philanthropists? One of them, Dwayne Jones - for all the talk - he is still busy - maintaining foundations - wheeling and dealing!

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