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Friday, May 20, 2022


I would often stop to visit patients I knew - taking the 44 Muni - that stopped right in front of the gate - then taking the 44 Muni back at Forest Hill Station - to get back home. I have fond memories of Laguna Honda Hospital and Recreation Center.

Over a hundred and sixty-six years ago - San Franciscans - gathered donations to build the Poor and Alms House - now known better as Laguna Honda Hospital and Recreation Center.

Laguna Honda Hospital has had its trials and tribulation - those in charge - making stupid decisions.

The people united - took the matter before the ballot - protested - we even had a doctor and a nurse - the Doctor Derek Kerr, MD - take the authorities to task and expose the blatant corruption.

Millions of dollars were spent to build the new section of Laguna Honda Hospital - once completed, it received a Leed Standard.

So, what is it that made the Federal Authorities that monitor Seniors - and the service they receive - charge and write up so many Notices of Violations? 

San Franciscans passed a Ballot Measure to build the newer sections - there were several cases of misappropriation - linked to construction. We attended meetings - spoke up - protested - and found some solace - when we visited the patients at Laguna Honda Hospital and Recreation Center and found they loved the new home.

Even as the patients were enjoying their new surroundings - we noticed the SF Health Department - making blatant mistakes - and to this day - the errors continue.

Why would anyone choose with intent - mix addicts with vulnerable Seniors - many of whom are mentally challenged - many suffering from dementia and related issues.

Other paralyzed needing special assistance - from highly trained and specialized nurses. I have seen them at work - they do God's work.  

Imagine a family with great difficulty finding a bed for a loved family member. Visting the family members - only to be told - that some addict - was preying on them. 

Some staff steal drugs and sell the drugs for profit.

The staff stealing money from the Patients Fund - a fund set aside for celebrating birthdays, Christmas, Hanuka, and other celebratory events - only for the Staff at Laguna Honda - to be caught with their hands in the cookie jar. 

Dr. Michael Philips is the current CEO. Was this appointment made with ulterior motives? Some despicable entities - trying to move the patients out - to build market-rate housing? Can you imagine finding room to move 700 patients - most of them needing exceptional help - a gigantic task? What has the Mayor - London Breed- to say about this mess?   

Doctor Derek Kerr is much loved by the patients and is an honorable man, scholar, and excellent doctor - he had to take the Laguna Honda authorities to court and win his case. 

Check this report - linked to Laguna Honda Hospital and Recreation Center:

At the many SF Health Commission Meetings - I used to attend - I heard of all sorts of crimes committed by some staff.

It always takes a few bad apples - knuckleheads - to screw things for others. 

Crooked staff from Laguna Honda Hospital and Recreation Center - were moved from Laguna Honda to the SF General Hospital.

Some of us brought these issues before the SF Health Commission - to no avail.

Today nothing much has changed - SF General Hospital is a mess.

The SF Health Commission kicking the can down the street. 

Nancy Pelosi represents San Francisco - has not said a word about Laguna Honda Hospital and Recreation Center - nor has Gavin Newsom - both should step up and ratify the situation. Our Seniors, our Elders in their golden age, need our support. 

Nancy Pelosi has her man Dan Bernal on the SF Health Commission - not a whimper from him?

Scott Weiner should be ashamed of himself - he has not said a word about Laguna Honda Hospital and Recreational Center - fiasco. Scott is in bed with big developers - raking in millions - paying lip service to the needs of San Franciscans.

What do the Democrats have to say about this mess? More those who continue to bark up the tree every day - raking in millions, filling their campaign coffers, paying no attention - to Quality of Life issues in San Francisco.

Millions were spent to build the SF Juvenile Hall.

Millions were spent to build the SF Juvenile Hall. It had all sorts of problems. I remember Mr. William Sifferman and  Allen Nance came from Chicago to remedy the situation - nothing much happened.

Both Mr. William Sifferman and Allen Nance - were ganged upon - and sent packing. I watched this - with some politicians - talking about building market-price housing - after tearing down the present SF Juvenile - millions of dollars spent - to create the current SF Juvenile Hall by Laguna Honda Hospital and Recreation Center.

Why is San Francisco so primitive when caring for our children and youth?

Today's youth are astute and know what is right and wrong?

Today's counselors, psychologists, psychiatrists, teachers, and case managers - those working at the SF Juvenile Hall - know that incarceration is not what the taxpayers want.

We know what happens when prisoners spend time incarcerated - it all starts when the youth are treated with disdain.

The scars of incarceration are profound - and those of us - who try our best to help the youth - know the trials and tribulations -  we can help but not without spending thousands of hours of naturing, support, moral and spiritual - uplifting.

There were times we found baffling - over 60% of those incarcerated at SF Juvenile Hall - were Black and Polynesian.

Inside SF Juvenile Hall today - there are fewer incarcerated - than one has fingers on one hand. Community-Based organizations are vying to provide services - other Non-Profits too. Missing in the equation is the input of the Juvenile youth - who detest incarceration - where many youths - are treated with disdain - and that is putting it lightly.

Here in San Francisco, every ten years, we have the Housing Report - it kind of gives us an idea - how to tackle - the problem of Affordable Housing - of course, we want to know affordable to whom. 

Here is the latest Housing Report - the City and County are trying their best to address - affordable housing - it is making plodding progress:

Some politicians - more Black in San Francisco - are as corrupt as they come.

Again and again, they are in bed - with the Big Developers -  these crooks are looking at the bigger picture - take Laguna Honda Hospital and Recreation Center.

The adjacent where the SF Juvenile Hall - is also slated to be torn down.

We, the taxpayers, look at the politicians as clowns.

The hearings are hogwash. How many years have the taxpayers - fought for our Elders - the Poor House was built by San Franciscans one hundred and sixty years ago. Not the City and County of San Francisco.

As often happens, the City and County of San Francisco - will take things over -  brag it will do this and that - and fuck things up.

As I see it - if Laguna Honda Hospital and Recreation Center closes - the people will revolt.

Many- of the SF Supervisors and the Mayor - will bear the people's wrath. 

Make no bones about it.


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