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Monday, May 9, 2022



Vladimir Putin is losing it - he seems delusional and confused - he has blood on his hands - and this May 9, 2022 event - all the more - tells the Free World - this maniac must go.  

The monster - Vladimir Putin, did not have much to say - on May 9, 2022. His threats to use a Nuclear Weapon - some Tactical Weapon - typical of a coward - he targets infants, children, Elders, and those with compromised health.

On this very day - he knows Ukraine played a crucial role in defeating the Third Reich - yet, he chose to invade Ukraine. Ukraine is known for its freedom-fighting warriors - both women and men.

Vladimir Putin must be ashamed of himself - the many Russians - kept in the dark. Daily brainwashed that Russia is fighting the Nazis.

We in the free world know the truth - the devil Putin - keeps lying to the Russian people.

Bullying - the civilians in Ukraine - targeting residents, hospitals, schools, churches, and kindergarten locations - the man has lost his mind.

Putin has lost his mind - and it is just a matter of time - when he is taken down - the damage - he has brought to Russia - will take decades to put things on track. The people of Russia are suffering - food security, lack of health services, thousands have left Russia - Putin will soon be talking to himself.

It has not been easy in 2022 to see so many refugees leave Ukraine - over 6 million refugees. A city like Mariupol is totally destroyed - carpet-bombed - and daily, the images of the destruction - adversely impact us all - because we are human - and have empathy. 

Anyway, one looks at Ukraine - the people of Ukraine have contributed to Society - writers, poets, architects, singers, drama, opera, and painters - Russia for hundreds of years - has profited from the Civilization contributed to Russia - Catherine the Great comes to mind - and Odesa.  

Scientists second to none - factories producing superior weapons - Ukraine handed over 1900 nuclear weapons to Russia - the United States, and Britain - promising Ukraine to help - as and when Ukraine needed help - as part of the denuclearization of the satellite nations - once part of the Soviet Union.

Here in the United States, we have millions of Ukrainians -  the first wave came in in the 1930s - and more after World War II - today - Ukrainians who share our values of freedom, free speech, and detest autocrats and dictatorship - stand shoulder to shoulder - to defeat the evil ploys and machinations of Vladimir Putin. 

Russian troops in the thousands have died on the battlefield in Ukraine.  Vladimir Putin - has realized - soon, he will not be able to replace the thousands of Russian tanks destroyed.  Russian soldiers were killed - the Russian soldiers lied to - that they were participating in some type of battle exercises. Vladimir Putin - will look you in the eye and lie.

While in Russia, these landmark buildings stand tall for now - in Ukraine, the Russians have decided to target and destroy - over thousand five hundred landmark buildings. Much like paintings, music, and other creative work - landmark buildings speak to civilization; some of the landmark buildings in Ukraine - are over 700 years old.

War is not pretty. 

In this case, thousands of innocent infants, children, youth, Elders, and those with compromised health - all Ukrainians - have been murdered and killed.

Russia cannot escape the Crimes Against Humanity this time around.

The Nuremberg Trails set the tone - this time, we must with all the empirical data gathered - thousands of aerial photographs - massive graves dug by the Russians - and Ukrainian civilians buried - one body thrown over another.

This behavior is totally uncalled for - and points to an evil streak - that we have seen before - Stalin, Lenin, and now fucking Vladimir Putin.  Putin joins the murders committed in Cambodia, Uganda, Darfur, Rwanda, Syria, Sudan, Bosnia, and Mynamar, and we must not let this skunk - get away with abject - murder.  

The Russian soldiers who participated in this parade are clueless.  The Russians have no clue that this may be the last time - they participate in a May 9 parade. Vladimir Putin's health is spiraling down - his time to go and fade into oblivion is - now.

The Ukrainians soon will be able to target Russian assets. We have seen some of this in the vast Black sea. A little inside Russia, some fuel depots. It is not too difficult - to visit Vladimir Putin's - den. 

The millions of refugees from Ukraine, as it is with Afghanistan,  Sudan, Syria, Myanmar, Hong Kong -  the many under-developed nations - Guatemala, El Salvador, Venezuela, Peru, and Haiti.

The wars in Yemen, Ethiopia, and Eritrea - the fueling of wars - by those who care less about humanity - and foster greed - are growing worse. 

Food Security is now growing cancer - worldwide - and millions are starving.

Both Ukraine and Russia are nations that produce large quantities of wheat - now warring, and millions who once had ready access to wheat - now have nothing much.

The United Nations - when it comes to Food Security, Health, and War - the United Nations Security Council - has no clout.

We are witnessing - what is happening in Ukraine. Soon it will be Taiwan. Yemen is suffering - millions of infants, children, and Elders - slowly dying.

We are seeing the same today in Sudan and neighboring nations.

Millions slowly die in Guatemala, El Salvador, Peru, Venezuela, Haiti, etc.

Climate Change is worrisome - we do have a plan - the plan that has been thwarted - the ideals for solar, wind, and other clean fuel - are now put on the shelf.

Billions will be spent to build new pipelines to carry natural gas to Germany from other European nations. 

Ports will be constructed to store  Liquid Natural Gas - then covert the Liquid Natural Gas - to Natural Gas - all this and more -  increasing the Carbon Footprint.

More construction is slated for housing and other needed facilities - more Caron Dioxide will contribute to climate change.

The human being is the worse animal - who has destroyed all that was pristine for thousands of years.

Millions of species are extinct.

Of kind flora and fauna - no more.  

Human beings are greedy - more Whites.

The Whites started - two recent World Wars. 

While indigenous people - sang the Blues

Now because of the depletion of the Ozone level 

We all must suffer - Climate Change - floods, and fires. 

Pandemics and more to come - Virants that defy vaccines

So far, over six million have been displaced from Ukraine. Millions of Ukrainians still suffering in Ukraine. The Russians continue to carpet-bomb, and this ongoing horror - we see before our very eyes - numbs our senses - but there is more.  

We have deprived our infants, children, youth, and young adults of their right to live in an environment conducive to their well-being. 

We are watching the drama and tragedy in Ukraine - how can we measure the pain and suffering, the trauma and the madness of the situation? 

We do not have leaders who are educated on issues.

We do not have leaders that can make a sound needs assessment.

We have leaders who do not have a sound vision for the future.

If you live for the moment, instant gratification, materialism - in the long run - you will drown in the cesspool of your own creation.

Today we do not have one single world body - that can bring about peace - and assure the world of some semblance.

The wisdom of the indigenous people - has long been treasured by those that know better.

We chose to use atomic bombs - to make some nations surrender.

In the making, we created nuclear bombs - and now every country - is in peril - with no exit - except to succumb to a nuclear blast and death. 

This May 9 event - that the Russians celebrate - is one of pomp.

He that boasts about warring - is a fool - there is no victory in warring - except shedding blood and death.

Peace comes with an understanding of higher spiritual values.

As human beings, our leaders have failed miserably -  we understand some providing our bodies with good nutrition.

Our mind, with the knowledge that is filtered - enlightens our mind.

Few can discern well - sound discernment favors an enlightened mind.

We fail miserably to comprehend the soul - its place in all our doings and actions. It lives forever - and ever.

Our conscience must be fine-tuned.

Once you attain a state of mind that understands peace - control of your breath - empathy reigns supreme - almost everything falls in place.  Aho.

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