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Saturday, May 14, 2022


We are a nation of laws, rules, and regulations.

San Franciscans early on - decided and fought to have a Sunshine Task Force, an Ethics Commission, a decent Controller who would do right, and an SF City Attorney who would abide by standards, morals, and ethics.

In San Francisco, we embrace all. That is why so many come to San Francisco - to experience a unique experience - all have a right to their freedom - the many privileges that the Constitution, our City Charter, and the Civil Rights Act of 1965.

Tools and workshops such as Cultural Competency, Implicit Bias, and Leadership courses - citizens participating with fairness on SF City Commissions.

Other SF boards, task forces, and astute entities that work towards addressing Quality of Life issues - bring progress to all in San Francisco.

Juliet Ellis - the Assistant General Manager for External Affairs - was charged with sending $200,000 to her former - Non-Profit - Green For All - by the Fair Political Practices Commission. The same complaint was sent to the SF Ethics Commission - they chose to sit on the case - woke up - only after the adjudication by the Fair Political Practices Commission.

As I mentioned before, we San Franciscans fought to create a Sunshine Task Force - that worked for a long time - attaining many goals that we fought for.

Dough Comstock, Majorie Ann Williams, Bruce Brugmann other high-caliber citizens of San Francisco - worked hard and fought hard - to shed light where there was abject darkness. 

I worked for the Sixth U.S. Army and Presidio of San Francisco and their Congressional Liaison in those days.

I would participate in the Sunshine Task Force on cases that I was a party to from time to time.

Since I was present, I often attended cases at the SF Sunshine Task Force to watch other issues. There was some stellar semblance that today does not exist at all. 

The SF Sunshine Task Force has been targeted by corrupt forces - one of them the Executive Branch - Room 200 at SF City Hall.

There was a period for over a year - one seat - held by a Challenged Person - was kept vacant - behind this ploy Scott Weiner - in recent times - Room 200 that smells of Sulphur.

The SARS-CoV-2 virus has stalled things for over two years. The Ethics Commission failed San Francisco during this time, even though it received more funding. It has been unable to produce results. Adding fuel to the fire - some worthy Ethics Commissioners - jumped ship - the corruption was too much endure. 

Corrupt to the core - Malia Cohen - we brought a case - linked to $3.5 million misappropriated - from the Bayview Opera House. The District 10 Supervisor was Malia Cohen, and the Director Barbara Ockel - Ockel has recently been fired - we have yet to find out about the missing $3.5 million.

We brought the case against the Bayview Opera House - the then Director Barbara Ockel at the SF Sunshine Task Force - and the SF Arts Commission - the plaintiff Kevin Williams - the Bayview Opera House is named after his mother, Ruth Williams. We won the case 9-0, and the SF Sunshine sent the matter to the SF Board of Supervisors - where it fizzled out.

At a recent Ethics Commission held - Friday, May 13, 2022, in the morning. The Ethics Commission started the meeting and then went into close session - keeping those wanting to make public comments - for over two hours.   

I stayed online and made my comments. I spoke on the key topics - and shed light. Many of the current SF Ethics Commissioner - have no clue about the past history - of the Sunshine Task Force and less of the SF Ethics Commission. 

What is important to note is that SF City Hall is corrupt and saturated with corruption - leading the charge Room 200 at City Hall.

Our SF Controller Ben Rosenfield - he knew for the longest time the abject corruption - kicked the can down the street.

The current process is first to go to the Sunshine Task Force with our complaint. If the case meets the standards - it goes to the SF Ethics Commission.

We have seen cases, and we were involved with one - we won 9-0, and the case was sent to the SF Board of Supervisors. We never heard back and are still waiting - it has been over two and half years.

The Juliet Ellis case went to the Ethics Commission and the Fair Political Practices Commission. 

The Fair Political Practices Commission - adjudicated the claim - fined Juliet Ellis - the $200,000 was returned to the SF Public Utilities Commission. 

When the same case came before the SF Ethics Commission - a mention was made about the Fair Political Practices Commission - adjudication.

The SF Ethics Commission - did not fire Juliet Ellis - she returned to her job as the Assistant General Manager and added another title to her career - Chief Strategist. Wow!

Juliet Ellis disgraced our City and Couty of San Francisco - over forty SF City employees - are under investigation - and many will go to jail. 

This of a kind investigation took place because the Federal Burea of Investigation - came into the picture.

Harlan Kelly did not have to take this route to disaster. Naomi Kelly, the SF City Administrator - had to step down - she has not been indicted - but is under investigation. The paradox the FBI - had Mayor London Breed in mind - and that dark cloud is still looming over her head. On one matter, Mayor London Breed was fined $23,000 - by the SF Ethics Commission- and she paid the fine.

As stated earlier - the FBI indicted General Manager Harlan Kelley.

His wife, Naomi Kelly, the then City Administrative, resigned. 

Naomi Kelly's position was filled by Carmen Chu - who was the former Assessor - they just keep rotating the crooks - it is written all over their faces.

Many SF Public Utilities Commission employees and other SF City Departments employees left  - many leaving their jobs - taking early retirement - and there is more to come.  

Dwayne Jones - the owner of Rudolf Dwayne Jones (RDJ) Enterprise - is having a field day - has raked in millions of dollars - all SF taxpayers' money.

Years ago, when Dwayne Jones was on the SF Housing Commission, another dubious person deprived a contractor of his contract and took it away from him.

The contractor took Dwayne Jones and his other person, a woman - to court and won the case. 

Dwayne Jones and this other woman were debarred from bidding any contracts - and other restrictions put on them.

Dwayne Jones continues to act as a middle man - promising Prime Contractors and sub-contractor - he can deliver anything on a platter. 

Endorsed by Rudolf Dwayne Jones - Gatekeeper of Bayview and SF Philanthropist - who uses SF taxpayers' money. Only in San Francisco - can such scumbags - move around unscathed. Wake up, San Francisco - the most corrupt city in the United States. 
Also, when will this nonsense STOP in the city of San Francisco - with the most deaths - Fentanyl, Heroin, Meth, and Opioids - in the nation.

Carmen Chu has No clue what is happening to our City and County of San Francisco. Now known as the most corrupt city in the nation.

The City Attorney is aware of this fact. So is the Controller's Office.
The Sunshine Taskforce knows about Dwayne Jones - so does the Contract Monitoring Department. Carmen Chu is the current SF City Administrator and course Mayor London Breed. 

Juliet Ellis got away with her pension intact - early retirement and more.

When will the SF Sunshine Taskforce and the SF Ethics Commission be totally reformed - both are a far cry from the early days - when justice and fair play - mattered and were delivered. 

Where is the needed Accountability and Transparency?

San Franciso - crooks everywhere - reminiscent of Sodom and Gomorrah.

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