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Friday, March 1, 2019


Visitation Valley Elementary School 

Visitation Valley Elementary school has served the community as best as it could - with minimum resources - for the last 15 years. 

I know this because I had to visit the school - when previous Principals asked for my help. 

Today, the situation has reached saturation point - parents fighting one another - over children who are not disciplined. The parents cannot discipline their children - and expect the teachers and the Principal to take charge - remedy the situation at hand.

Yesterday, February 28, 2019 there were a number of staff on hand two former Principals who I met for over 2 hours - to brief them - about the history of the school - but more the changing demographic and many other changes - that have created a vacuum - " adversely impacted " Visitation Valley Elementary School.

A local church and other concerned parents - decided to meet at the Visitation Valley Elementary - auditorium and I decided to attend this meeting - reminding those present about Hope, Unity and other principles linked to Black History Month - Ujima.

Blacks have been impacted the most in the Southeast Sector - and it does not help we have a " sellout in Shamann Walton" who is hoodwinking the public at large.

The District 10 Supervisor is not helping the Black and most Black who are decent - do not trust him. 

Some have gone to him and told him to his face - that he is a sellout and worse.

Shamann Walton is an outsider - and even though he is Black he is actively contributing to " gentrification ".

Working with Lennar Urban - aka 5 Points Holding LLC - working against the community that most need help.

It does not help that Malia Cohen the previous District 10 Supervisor who is Black and spoke Mandarin - could hoodwink the Chinese population - giving them bread crumbs - and in the process of exercising ploys, machinations, and shenanigans this politicians whore - created a cesspool - in which Shamann Walton is now drowning.

The Sewer System Improvement Project - has millions of dollars that can be used to help our Elementary Schools - Brete Elementary, E.R. Taylor, Visitation Valley Elementary - but also the Middle Schools too - these school more than the High Schools - need much need help.

Children from Visitation Valley Elementary School

Right at the on set - there has been no meaningful discussion about the formative years of our infants, children, youth and young adults.

Those who have spent decades understanding the formative years - agree from conception to 5 years - is key to the formation of any human being - our children are neglected in many cases - more those that live under conditions that are a disgrace to the human race.

In general the " disparity gap " in San Francisco has been compared to Rwanda - a third world nation in Central Africa.

Truly speaking in the Bayview Hunters Point and Visitation Valley, Portola District - all our Elementary Schools do not have the right resources - the turn over of teachers has been extraordinary - the the current Superintendent - has NOT addressed the situation - with a Blue Print that work for the affected community.

I set down with two former Principals - and after explaining them the baseline conditions - and giving them empirical data with solutions - I clearly could see - that they two did not have the expertise to make any meaningful - " needs assessment ".

True they admitted to me about the situation at hand - violence, truancy, disgruntled parents, and a host of other issues - that play out at each and every SF Unified School District Board meetings - that more and more - are know for a circus like atmosphere.

In the past those attending the meeting had to listen to the drab agenda - so now starting with the next SF Unified School District Board meetings - Public Comment will be held at the beginning - a wise decision - and perhaps the only one executed in decades.

Most people have NO clue that the SF Unified School District is funded any the State of California - but again and again local District - beg the local government - in our case the City and County of San Francisco - to help our Public Schools that come under the jurisdiction of State of California.

Here in San Francisco - we have the " Rainy Day Fund " initiated and created by Tom Amminao a teacher who worked hard for the SFUSD, was a SF District Supervisor, President of the SF Broad of Supervisors, an Assembly member - and has since retired.

Shamann Walton - do not let 
the fake cocky smile fool you -
no one can fool all the people all the time

The present District Supervisor Shamann Walton is an enabler - he is working to fill his campaign coffers - making hay while the sunshines - working with crooks like Dwayne Jones - and his entire mentality is warped - his pushed for life style - appointments and is a disgrace to the human race.

When approached to help the Visitation Valley Elementary School - he took NO position - even though one of his aides Percy Burch was in favor of doing something. Such actions are despicable  - Shamann Walton chose to meet with some parents - more to gang up and attack the Principal of the Visitation Valley Elementary School.

The above one action will come to haunt Shamann Walton - as is his connection with projects one agenda item notice for the SF Board of Supervisors meeting held February 26, 2019 - Agenda No. 18 - Multifamily Housing Revenue Bonds - Parcel E2 on Pier 70 - 185 Maryland Street - Not to Exceed $160,000,000.

The above are is contaminated - over one million tons of liquid tar that has to be abated. Two large ammonia spills - large hot-spots that have compromised the watershed. These issues and more at NOT know to the " sellout " Shamann Walton - who is out to make money - with his side kick partner - Dwayne Jones who should go to jail - doing the outreach - while serving on the Contract Monitoring Committee.

Dwayne Jones has a 15 year contract on the Emerson Contract - linked to the Sewer System Improvement Project  (SSIP) - Dwayne Jones was anointed to do the outreach - worth $150 million - while purporting to have written the document linked to Community Benefits and the SSIP.

Dwayne Jones is blacklisted while serving on the Commission linked the SF Housing Authority - and is know to use " the bypass illegal model " to get contracts. Right now we have a couple of Blacks from the Bay Area - charged Turner Brothers from Oakland, Derf Butler, Clifton Burch - who is fooling whom.

Dwayne Jones - a crook.

This one letter signed by Dwayne Jones -
is proof - how very corrupt this man is -
this letter is part of the SSIP project - 
he lies that he has to review the documents -
conduct meeting with SFPUC employees -
is is a crook and a consultant and must be sent to jail.

Recently I attended a meeting at the SF Public Utilities Commission Contract Center - Dwayne Jones who now goes at a Business man and Philanthropist  - who is reality is a CROOK - he not a developer.

Dwayne Jones has no clue about horizontal or vertical construction - now doing the outreach for a $160,000,000 contract - a project that is sponsored by our tax payers from San Francisco.

Dwayne Jones had managed to place himself  - using undue influence to do the outreach - outreach done by a crook who does not live in San Francisco.

Continues - to break the laws of the land. His name is Dwayne Jones.

Community Benefits money in the millions - should be used for the community - and the betterment of the community - but again and again - the money is wasting on entity who get over $300,000 to open restaurants that provide inferior services, a Cannabis Club, other business that have nothing to do with Community Benefits. 

Where is the SF Controller of this? Where is the Federal Bureau of Investigation on this nonsense? Where is the Mayor London Breed on this - well she is part of the scheme!

For all her talk - Mayor London Breed is a know crook - even the tapes played recently in our Courts say so - in the case where Clifton Burch was indicted. 

Let the Truth be Told  - Derf Butler volunteered to bring in London Breed and Malia Cohen - two political whores - and delivered on a platter. Time will tell.

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