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Saturday, March 16, 2019


Scott Wiener- center - always wanting to be 
and the center of any sordid story -
his SB 50 - must be shot down -
it fails to address Quality of Life Issues.

San Franciscans cannot be hoodwinked - by Scott Wiener and his ilk - they favor " Big Developers " .

No one gave him and those of his ilk  permission to vouch and more speak for the majority - not with Senate Bill 50 and more its nemesis that showed it dirty head and and was killed SB 827.

The man is a liar - and all the fabrication he brought to the fore - while contesting with Jane Kim - such crooks should be watched - and it is a pity - time and time again - we give charlatans like Scott Wiener a pass - and have to live with disgust.

For starters all those deciding to pack up their belongings and head for San Francisco and its surrounding areas - should think twice. Many come here and contribute to the congestion, water down Quality of Life issues - and quickly once they find that it costs $3500 to rent a one bed room apartment and $5800 for a two bed room apartment - if not more.

Renting couches is common - sleeping in Recreational Vehicle is now chronic - large Recreation Vehicle Hubs by Candlestick Point and other areas - have been bought for development - and you find RVs all over the place - and the SF Police Department and others - Not In My Back Yard - targeting those that for years - made it a living - living in their RVs but now are forced to move out of the City and County of San Francisco.

The techies now want to increase and divide by upping their prospects and going Public - stocks and shares, hedge funds, other ploys, machinations, and shenanigans - much like Twitter, Google, SalesForce - over night in recent months - we have seen an increase in  multi-millionaires - adversely impacting - thousands in San Francisco.

For those that are ignorant - and think and talk in circles - we know we have over 30,000 homes that are not rented in San Francisco. 

The owners of these homes to not want to take the risk to rent - renters the say  -   " cause too much damage "   they prefer to keep their valued homes - empty - use them sometimes - but for sure - renters in general are not invited.

We have over 60,000 Market Rate homes - that no one wants to buy - they are left vacant.

Sometimes - the Property Managers - offer incentives and no one takes them - 3 months free rent when one signs a lease - then you pay $8,000 a month if not $10,000 a month - for a two bedroom condominium.

In general when it comes to our housing and building new housing - no one in paying attention to the fundamentals - few know what that entails - and it is not required learning - but it is good to have some baseline knowledge.

One the front end our  " Infrastructure Stinks " - you have to pay upfront for this - and no one is telling us - where  one going to get the money. Developers want incentives and in today's economy - money is tight.

Except  " Dark Money " - where folks like London Breed and Shaman Walton - wheel and deal. 

Malia Cohen and other political pimps and whores - mostly Black -  the Federal Bureau in on their tail - and as with Clifton Burch and others - their fate will be determined sooner not latter.

No one is getting into the details - as to how much it is estimated to create and complete a project - and how time and again these projects - all over San Franisco - cost 400% and at time 500%.

We see the mess with the Central Subway - started with $600 million and now costs over $1.8 Billion.

Adversely  impacting thousands of businesses - and costing many sound businesses - billions of dollars - over a period of 8 years. 

Areas impacted Union Square, China Town, North Beach - and no one seems to care.

We pumped over $2 Billion on the TransBay Project - it has yet to be opened for the public. 

Endless problems - steel beams cracking and what is important to note - for all the talk the main area that should have accommodated 12 to 15 high speed trains.

It has now come to light  - its ugly head revealed - the truth be told cannot accommodate more than 8 trains. I followed the meetings for years - and saw what was coming - and the end will not be easy - the problem can be fixed - it will cost money.

The Van Ness corridor now cost over 300% and the Municipal Transportation Agency - does not know how to handle the situation at hand.

 Always making excuses - but if you look at SB 50 and all the talk - about building high density housing - within a quarter mile of this and day - linked to transportation - none of this has been vetted.

Mention has been made of the MTA - every aspect in recent months - the new buses with seats that have to be adjusted, the congestion on our roads - and buses not meeting their schedules.

The Third Street Light Rail is not working - buses now transport passengers and these buses too - cannot arrive on schedule. The tax payers pay huge taxes - the politicians the liked of Shamann Walton - now want to build a tunnel - to accommodate faster travel - and his talk is just that - hot air.

We do not have one single " Transportation Study " - where the tax payers are at the table.

The tax payers have not been accommodated - some meaningful dialogue held - it is aways the same type of crooks - who make promises and do not keep them at all.

Once it cost about $650 to build one square foot of sound housing - now it cost more than $2000 and that is cost prohibitive. 

All the talk of small spaces, using container boxes, other concepts - all do not favor address Quality of Life issues - and for sure keeps families out.

So who is this Scott Wiener - who has no clue about families - suffers from AIDS - always talking about entertainment and  late night  parties.

Restaurants staying open pass 2 pm - other nonsense - rowdy folks who have no manner - drinking and many loud noises - disturbing the neighbors  - things that are abhorrent to most  decent people - the man is sick in the head.

Those that follow him are too - we have many at SF City Hall - and will expose them.

Most of these jerks  have access to sordid " dark money "  - favor a life style - where perverts have a good time - fail to adhere to standards - followed by most decent San Franciscans.

For God's sake we in San Francisco - do not have a Registry - registering all the rental units.

Thousands of rental units were converted to dormitories by the Academy of Art University - with the blessing of the then Zoning Czar Larry Badner - exhibiting many of the rude and crude manners of Scott Wiener.

Read this article to find out more and for how long I have been fighting this fight - about housing and related issues :

When folks talk of developing 8 and 10 story building in the Avenues - without have any idea of liquefaction and other seismic adverse impacts to these buildings - they are just talking.

Not once have we made a realistic assessment of the vacant homes and more vacant Market Rate homes - that we did not want - but were built.

Let us go to the time  when the Muwekma Ohlone had this land that was stolen.  All that was there was pristine the water, the watershed, the land, the air, the lakes, the forest with the flora and fauna - you get the idea. All that and more was polluted and contaminated. 

Only Whites do this - they polluted and then they wanted abatement and mitigation.

Indigenous people love Mother Earth - you cannot convince most Whites that are Greedy - about taking care of Mother Earth. Only recently have they seen the light - but it seems it is too late.

The micro-climates we enjoyed - were unique - the recent Butte Fires and other natural tragedies - have revealed the amount of damages we have done to the Ozone Level - and the about of increase in the Carbon Footprint and more.

Now it is  all contaminated. 

We could not even garner our own resources - when it came to water and had to steal water from 160 miles away.

Dam  the most beautiful valley in the entire world - John Muir died of despondency - he fought to stop building the Hatch Hetchy Dam - to NO avail.

The Hetch Hetchy Valley brings clean waters - stored by walls of granite walls - using three huge pipes - once they used to be four - it comes to San Francisco - all the way from Yosemite - the Hetch Hetchy Dam -  we use this water to flush our toilets.

What does this one sordid, senseless, immoral act say - about the way we think - more Whites who are fucking - greedy?

Our SF Supervisors are NOT educated on issues - have no idea - about how we must use our resources - that Mother Earth gave us - to take less and keep more.

Greed knows no bounds - today our children - the children, youth, young adults - do not trust the adults - they want to take charge of their destiny - and will.

The Millennium Tower in the middle is sinking -
22 inches and slowly tilting 17 inches Northwest -
we have areas - where liquefaction and severe flooding
must be taken into consideration - any major Earth Quake.

Our SF Building Inspection is a JOKE.

Look  at the mess with the Millennium Building - in the middle of the Financial District - sinking 22 inches and tilting 17 inches Northwest.

Scot Wiener wants the lime light for all the wrong reasons - he is no savior.

Gavin Newsom  is no Savior - Gavin brags he wants to build thousands of units - he want to address the homeless situation - he wants to do this and he wants to do that - he will always be remember as - " Mr Dipstick ".

Any decent calculation done - by the experts - reveal the math does not add up. Too much talk and no walk.

We all remember his " Care not Cash " - where someone was given $58 a month and roof - and kind of enticed to eat at Saint Anthony's, Glide Memorial , St. Martin de Pores - other institutions who never say NO - and feed the poor.

The paradox the disparity in San Francisco has been compared to Rwanda - a third world nation in Central Africa.

We have middle class families who have fallen on bad times and living in tents.

Mayor London Breed - the heifer, the loud mouth - has NO clue what to do - and is surrounded by the Zionists - many of them will sell - their mothers for a nickel.

This is Muwekma Ohlone land - the damage you idiots have done is enough - STOP your nonsense - and wake up.

Even our children  in San Francisco have decided to March every Friday to bring to your attention - what really is happening to our planet.

Many of these decision made here in San Francisco.

We have too many billionaires and millionaires - they all could solve the homeless problem.

The Homeless Department spend over $450 million and is NOT working. We need permanent housing - and we need to send those that are mentally challenged, those hooked on opioids - for rehab - we can mandate McKesson that is part of the distribution of the Opioids - to pay the amount.

The McKesson building on Market and Montgomery - Senator Diane Feinstein has her office there - so do other prominent crooks.

These  vermin must pay their share of the pandemic linked with Opioids - most White folks - have fallen prey to these Opioids - they love getting high - and playing with fire.

Children all over the world are demanding we change our ways more when it comes to Mother Earth.

Here is San Francisco some are following the lead of Scott Wiener and other perverts like him - to build more smaller units - right off the back - these units are not for families.

STOP - STOP building - go elsewhere.

You idiot - Scot Wiener  cannot and should not  speak for the indigenous people.

Those that want to live in San Francisco do not respect Mother Earth - the majority they believe in getting rich and increase the Carbon Footprint.The children and younger generation are taking the lead - this is right and they will win:

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