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Thursday, September 22, 2022


We must monitor these two autocrats - they will do anything in their power to neutralize " freedom" - all over the world.

Our world is in deep turmoil - even within Russia - the Generals are divided. Some want Putin - put out.

Putin is a rogue - he has singled handily chosen to defy the world.

The United States of America - has been too good to China.

Today - China sends us many products that are vital to our well-being - this one factor has not been brought to the attention of the layperson. We cannot and should not rely on China - for anything essential to our well-being.

It has long passed since we can produce - all that is essential - to rely on China - we may repent - if China default and holds us - hostage.

Lucky for us, China is in dire straits today - its economy is in shambles.

Apple and other major German and American corporations - are busy trying to move out of China - and establish themselves elsewhere to keep production moving.

Real Estate moguls in China are in dire straits too. Millions of Chinese who have invested in Real Estate - want out, and if they get out - they lose too much.

No one can own land in China - it all belongs to the Chinese Communist Party. Here in America, we take it for granted - that we can own anything.

The pandemic adversely impacted almost everything in China.

Production of vital goods, labor issues where large cities - millions of people - locked down.

Everyone - staying put in their homes - the autocratic Chinese military monitors every move and all this and more - is stressing the Chinese people.  

Face recognition technology has captured so much information - that sophisticated algorithms - can compute and zero in on anyone in their database - and reveal - anything the Communist Chinese want to know.

In 2013 the Communist Chinese hacked the Office of Personnel Management - millions of Federal workers. Today, the Chinese have this information - even those who had clearance.

Why would America trust the Chinese with medical and other goods - when China sends dangerous drugs to America every day to destroy our youth and young adults - creating millions of addicts - hooked on Fentanyl and other dangerous synthetic opioids.

China uses Mexico as the staging ground - tunnels dug from Mexico to places like San Diego - bring in the dangerous drugs - every day to America.

 It is a pity we citizens have no clue about the empirical data - and our Law Enforcement fast asleep at the cockpit - in some cases complicit. 

Here is San Francisco; one has just to spend some time in and around the United Nations Plaza - Seventh and Market Street. 

All sorts of wheeling and dealing - drug deals - go the Mission in and around 24th Street - you will witness the same.

China has thousands of spies - propped in the right places - in our neighborhoods - they laugh at us - while our corrupt politicians - fall for their ploys.

One has to go to the SF Assessor's Office and find out the thousands of homes - bought - using " dark money " from China.

Climate Change is here - knocking at our door.

Over sixty percent of our commercial space is vacant - here in San Francisco. The recession - is knocking at our door. Our SF Board of Supervisors still dealing with mundane issues. California is the fifth largest economy in the world - all that will soon be naught.

We have over forty thousand homes vacant in San Francisco.

Homeowners prefer to keep many of these second homes vacant - then rent them out.

Many renters fail to maintain the homes - others will stay for some time and skip paying the rent.

Thousand of decent San Franciscans - families - have left San Francisco.

There has been an influx of Chinese immigrants - and most take some time to speak English. Two or three years.

Now, it has become the "in" thing to allow many Chinese immigrants to participate in Public Comment at our meetings held at City Hall. Never mind, they have not read our Constitution - less have no clue about Democracy.

These Chinese immigrants do not speak their own thoughts - repeat some diatribe that someone else has written - or coach them to speak.

Our Democracy is being compromised - even if the comments are being translated - the main point being - the comments are the same.

Time and time again - no variation in the comments. 

All this and more - compromises our Democracy - we value our freedom and prefer each one to express themselves - freely. We do not favor parroting.

Andrew Jackson - a despicable person - his image appears on the twenty-dollar bill. He removed millions of Native Americans - our indigenous people of this land - forced them to walk thousands of miles from their ancestral homes. Stole their land - millions of acres. 

Turtle Island

Unity and Humankind

The only segment of the population that must be addressed first when it comes to restitution and restoring their ancestral lands - back to them are the indigenous tribes of Turtle Island.

For the ignorant - Turtle Island - was the name given to what is now the United States of America.

Here is San Francisco - if you go to our SF General Management Plan, you can read and find out that the Muwekma Ohlone - is acknowledged by the City and County of San Francisco.

The City and County of San Francisco - can access their own Commendations given by the Human Rights Commission, the SF Board of Supervisors - to the Chair of the Muwekma Ohlone Tribe, and the Muwekma Ohlone Tribal Council.

Recent DNA studies done by experts - and endorsed by Stanford University, other Universities, and experts - such as the University of Chicago - clearly stated chronologically and backed by an ethnohistorian - that the Muwekma Ohlone is a Tribe - and has jurisdiction over San Francisco and beyond. 

For the City and County of San Francisco - to acknowledge the Ramaytush Association Association - as if it is the rightful tribe of San Francisco - in some sort of fake acknowledgment over San Francisco - is totally uncalled for.

Acknowledgment is an essential element - it leads to Federal Recognition. The Muwekma Ohlone Tribe was on the Federal Register until 1927.

Once a tribe is acknowledged - it cannot be unacknowledged.

Once a tribe is on the Federal Register - no one can remove the tribe - without the consent of the acknowledged tribe.

Please follow up -  by visiting the Muwekma Ohlone website:

San Francisco is a racist city and has been known for many atrocities committed against the Chinese; long segregated and abused - Chinatown was once seen with disdain - it took a lot of work - to bring Chinatown to light and shine in San Francisco.

Blacks in San Francisco could not own homes - Blacks were given menial jobs, and even today at SF City Hall - discrimination shows its ugly head. 

During World War II - Japanese American citizens were ordered out of their community - and taken to camps - where they were treated as second-class citizens - even though they were Americans.

As always, we know history repeats itself - we must be leery of those who speak with a forked tongue.

To begin, no one signed over one single square inch here in San Francisco or California.

Each tribe or clan knows its history. The California tribes must unite, and any tribe that lived here for thousands of years - must be acknowledged. 

We know the Whites were not here in California five hundred years ago. The Russians and others came as fur traders - they traded and left.

If one is Native American - we must acknowledge this fact.

Those who have their heart in the right place - and have an affinity to stand tall and represent all Native American tribes must do so - more so, indigenous people all over the world need our help.

A Muwekma Ohlone Warrior

I am in contact with Chairperson Charlene Nijmeh and explained the many so-called Land Acknowledgement statements - now being made before the various City Commission - without knowing what they are saying. 

The Ramaytush Association is not a Tribe - it is simply wrong for an Association to bring this concept before the City and County of San Francisco without vetting - any Land Acknowledgement language - before the Muwekma Ohlone and other Tribes that the Muwekma Ohlone have embraced for decades.

The United States has signed over a hundred treaties and broken each so-called treaty.

Today we see the confusion of the many Ballot Measures - those sponsoring the ballet, be it 27 or 26 or some other - creating confusion in the voters' minds.

When indigenous people have something sustainable, someone will come to muddy the waters.

Whites know well - how to divide and rule. Much as sellouts do.

I am concerned about disinformation, misinformation, and some associations trying to bring confusion where there must be clarity based on empirical data - after all, it is essential to value indigenous - human values going back twenty-three thousand years.

We know indigenous people speak truth to power - so for some to hoodwink us in broad daylight is not a paradox - speaks to the evolution of our sordid times.

DNA, ethnohistory, proven continuity living as a tribe, culture, language, dance, ritual, tribal leadership, proven ability to take on the United States government - stole the land and now wants to make its own rules and regulations. 

Who do you think is behind these ploys, machinations, and shenanigans?

The Main Media is afraid to speak the truth to power.

Politicians worried if the Muwekma were given control - they would be playing second fiddle. 

Thieves are always afraid that someone will come and claim what is rightfully not theirs.

Our politicians, like Nancy Pelosi and Diane Feinstein - have for the longest time sitting on the fence - are slow to react to reality.

Diane Feinstein will step down - her memory has been failing her - Nancy Pelosi will have to step down - her know tactics are proving shallow - and the young Turks in Congress - are about to show her the door.

Meanwhile, here in San Francisco - most are not educated on issues - many do not know about the Shellmounds.

The unique micro-climate that the Bay Area enjoyed for thousands of years. Classified by the powers that be - monitoring Climate Change.

We have found skeletons - in the Bay Area - and resurrected birds of a kind from the past - going back thousands of years.

Left to Right - Eric Mar, past Chairperson of the Muwekma Ohlone Tribe Rosemary Cambra, David Campos, Francisco Da Costa. and Charlene Nijmeh - current Chairperson of the Muwekma Ohlone Tribe. We all were present when Rosemary Cambra was given a Commendation initiated by Eric Mar and David Campos - signed by all the SF Board of Supervisors.

The City and County of San Francisco are playing with fire - regarding the Native American Graves Protection and Rehabilitation Act (NAGPRA).

There are Shellmounds all over San Francisco - containing human remains that are Sacred to all Tribes - the Muwekma Ohlone takes this duty seriously.

I have not seen nor heard the Ramaytush Association ever being interested with NAGPRA - they are only interested in speaking in general terms - having no clue about the process and, of course, an entitlement duly earned - demands proven action that benefits the indigenous people on many levels.

There were two hills at Hunters Point Naval Shipyard - that were demolished to create the Naval Shipyard.

The Serpertine Rock crushed at the two hills - released asbestos fibers - together with the dirt and the remains buried on the hills - the United States Navy - used it all as a fill-in to create the artificial land.

There has been no archaeological survey done by the United States Navy - no characteristic detail sampling done to this date.

In fact, the United States has been in denial - while the Developers are salivating to build homes on the very contaminated ground - that is Hunters Point Naval Shipyard - where Depleted Uranium was tested.

The Precaution Principle, which is the law in San Francisco - embraced by the City and County of San Francisco - has not to be exercised - by warning the U.S. Navy not to maintain standards. Time will tell.

As we all know, the U.S. Navy must clean up what is contaminated - preferably to residential standards - rather than capping - place a few inches of clay and call it a day.

The United States Navy chose not to attend the recently held SF Government Audit and Oversight meeting on September 15, 2022, at 10 am in Room 250 at SF City Hall.

To make matters worse, the Chair of the Government and Oversight Committee - chose to take two agenda items before listening to agenda items three, # 220720, and four, # 220721 - that many came from far away - to testify.

Item three  - Buried Problems and a Buried Process -" The Hunters Point Naval Shipyard in a Time of Climate Change " and item four # - The Hunters Point Naval Shipyard in a Time of Climate Change" - I am spelling out the titles for all to see and reflect.

The Grand Jury - given the circumstances - where the United States Navy hindered any deep investigation - and had to depend on experts and archives with information - but these take tons of time and labor. 

In the end, the report speaks to contamination, Climate Change, and many adverse impacts - and asks the SF City Department heads - to help solve the mess.

The SF City Departments lack standards and have NO clout to enforce anything.

Besides Parcel A - the rest of the contaminated parcels belongs to United States Navy - which does not want anything to do with sound transparency and accountability  - linked to Hunters Point Naval Shipyard.  

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